Human Rights and Polling Center (HRPC)

Sana'a University

Establishment of the Center:

The center was established by the university president’s decision No. (565) for the year 2007.

Location of the Center:

Second floor of the centers building, northwest of the university presidency.

Tasks of the Center:

Educational – Research – Training


Leadership in the field of human rights academically, locally and regionally.


The Center is dedicated to advancing human rights, promoting human rights concepts and culture, assessing the status of human rights, and providing legal advice and assistance to various segments of society and institutions concerned with human rights. The Center also seeks to measure public opinion by providing information and preparing specialized studies.


The Center for Human Rights and Polling intends to achieve the following aims:

  • Building a community human rights culture based on respect for human rights.

  • Studying human rights issues in the community in coordination with relevant institutions and organizations.

  • Conducting accurate scientific measurement of public opinion trends on various issues of concern to society, foremost of which are human rights issues.

  • Strengthening the Center’s institutional capacity, exchanging expertise, and building partnerships between the Center and other governmental and private institutions and organizations, as well as with academic research centers, and civil society organizations at the local, regional, and international levels.

  • Producing scientific knowledge in the field of human rights and public opinion measurement.

  • Providing specialized scientific consultations on various issues related to human rights and public opinion measurement.

Program Title and Final Award
MA in Human Rights – Master’s Degree
Awarding Body/ Institution
Sana’a University, Center for Human Rights and Polling
Teaching Institution/ Responsible Department
Center for Human Rights and Polling
Program Start Year (for Newly Specified Programs)
Total Duration of the Program
Two years for Master’s Degree (Preparatory + Thesis)
Place of Study
Center for Human Rights and Polling, Sana’a University Main Campus
System of Study
Possible Future Career Options for Graduates
 Human Rights Researcher, activist, lecturer, human rights observer
Levels of Award/ Final Award
Master’s Degree
Admission Requirements:
Bachelor’s Degree
All Social Sciences specializations
Required Average Grade for Admission
Medium of Instruction
Program Coordinator
Dr. Zaid Ali Al-Warith 
Other Departments involved in Teaching the program
Department of Human Rights, Department of Public Opinion, Department of Training
Date of Program Specification/
Latest Accreditation

The main scientific Department of the center are:


Department of Human Rights:

It is responsible for the following tasks and responsibilities:

  • Monitoring local and international reports addressing human rights issues in Yemen, analyzing them, and conducting objective implementation based on scientific principles.

  • Conducting research and scientific studies related to human rights in Yemen.

  • Providing scientific support to researchers in the field of human rights from within and outside the university.

  • Offering scientific consultations to government institutions and civil society organizations specialized in and concerned with human rights.

  • Setting agendas and proposing papers for conferences, seminars, and discussions organized by the center in the field of human rights.

  • Developing training program plans conducted by the center in the area of human rights.

  • Overseeing the peer review process for research and studies related to human rights that will be published in the center’s scientific journal and ensuring they meet scientific standards.


Department of Training and Information:

It is responsible for the following tasks and responsibilities:

  • Organizing training courses in the fields of human rights and public opinion.

  • Providing the scientific requirements and educational resources that contribute to the success of the courses and rehabilitation programs in human rights and public opinion.

  • Offering available information to trainees and researchers through the center’s specialized libraries or accessible online resources.

  • Coordinating course schedules and venues, and preparing certificates to be awarded by the center to trainees after each course.

  • Facilitating technical discussions in the event that a government or private institution requests training for its staff from the center.

  • Documenting all available data through relevant electronic media related to the center’s activities.


Department of Public Opinion:

It is responsible for the following tasks and responsibilities:

  • Conducting periodic and ongoing research and studies on public opinion trends regarding topics and issues with economic, political, social, religious, and media dimensions, in order to meet national needs and provide decision-makers—both in government and in the private sector—with continuously updated information. This aims to contribute to the formation of an accurate and objective database that aids in rational decision-making.

  • Carrying out public opinion surveys and measuring its trends regarding various issues of mutual interest to the state and society.

  • Preparing and translating research and studies related to the center’s goals and various activities.

  • Overseeing the peer review process for research and studies related to public opinion that will be published in the center’s scientific journal, ensuring compliance with scientific standards.

  • Developing training program plans that the center will conduct in the field of human rights research and public opinion measurement.


Department of Public Relations:

It is responsible for the following tasks and responsibilities:

  • Preparing the scientific journal after the peer review process for the research and studies to be published in it, and obtaining approval from the center’s director.

  • Organizing conferences, seminars, and discussions arranged by the center and equipping them with all essential and supportive means to ensure the success of these events.

  • Implementing the media plans approved by the center’s Board of Directors and submitting periodic reports to the center’s director on the level of their implementation.

  • Communicating with field researchers for the studies conducted by the center, monitoring their progress in completing their assigned research tasks, and facilitating any challenges they encounter.

  • Coordinating with entities designated by the center’s director for communication, especially those with ongoing relationships with the center to achieve its objectives.

  • Preparing and publishing books, publications, and press releases related to the center’s activities.


Contributions of the Human Rights Center to community issues:

  1. Holding training and qualification courses for some community associations.

  2. Holding courses and workshops in university buildings.

  3. Possibility of teaching human rights as a university requirement.

  4. Activating the role of the center in the media and on the level of websites.

  5. onducting various studies on the current human rights situation in Yemen.

  6. Preparing an information base on agreements related to human rights at the level of Yemen, or the world.

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