علي عبد الرسول هاشم
علي عبد الرسول هاشم – مواليد 6-2-1959 –الحالة الاجتماعية متزوج – بقسم الرياضيات –كلية العلوم –جامعة صنعاء
بكالوريوس رياضيات –فيزياء 1985
ماجستير بحوث عمليات عام 1992
دكتوراه معادلات تفاضلية عاديه 2001
درجة أستاذ من 2015 – إلى ألان في القسم
درجة استاذمشارك من 2006-2015 في القسم
درجة أستاذ مساعد من 2001-2006 في القسم
معيد ومدرس مساعد من 1985-1992 في القسم
المؤتمرات والورش:
10-9-1990 تطبيقات على المعادلات غير الخطية في تريستا-ايطاليا
ابريل 1995 كيفيه تدريس الرياضيات باستخدام الكمبيوتر القاهرة –مصر
البحوث والأوراق العلمية:
10 Sep.- 5 Oct. 1990 The applications of non-linear evolution
equations, Trieste – Ital.
April1995Modernizing of programs for teaching the fundamental
sciences using Computers & Information technology, Cairo – Egyp.
Research and scientific papers:
1- Basic Calculus, part 1, Mathematics Consultants Group, Dept. of Math., Faculty of
Science Sana’a University 2005 (2nd edition).
2- Basic Calculus, part 2, Mathematics Consultants Group, Dept. of Math., Faculty
of Science Sana’a University 2005.
3- Advanced Calculus Mathematics Consultants Group, Dept. of Math., Faculty
of Science Sana’a University 2008.
After Assistant professor:
1- Ragab, A. A., and Hashem, Ali A.: On persistence and stability of a ratio-
dependent predator-prey system. Al-Azhar Bull. Sci. Vol. 11, No. 1, (2000), 79-92.
2- Hashem, Ali A.: On the stability of a wet–land model. Korean J. Comput. And
Appl. Math. Vol. 8, No. 3 (2001), 617-629.
3- Hashem, Ali A.: The gradostat: a model of competition with two limiting
complementary substrates. Yemeni J. of Sci. Vol. 4, No. 1, (2002), 47-59.
4- Hashem, Ali A., and Al-Hoor, Amatalelah, A and M. A. Basudan: On some
fundamental partial integral inequalities in two independent variables. Ain Shams
Univ. Press J. of the Faculty of Education 27, (2002), 453-462.
5- Bachir, Ahmed, and Hashem, Ali A.: Square normal operators and orthogonality.
Sana’a University. J. Faculty of Science Bulletin Vol. 16, (2003), 35-40.
6- Hashem, Ali A., and Al-Hoor, Amatalelah, A., Hassan, Mohammad A.: Persistence
in models of four interacting predator-prey populations. Sana’a University. J. Faculty
of Science Bulletin Vol. 16, (2003), 19-34.
7- Hassan, Mohammad A, and Hashem, Ali A.: Admission planning using linear goal
programming. Ain Shams Univ. Press J. of the Faculty of Education No.28, (2003),
8- Bachir, Ahmed, and Hashem, Ali A.: Commutation Relations for Operators.
Kyungpook Math. J. 44 (2004), 63-67.
After Associated professor:
1- Basudan M. A., Al-Hoor Amatalelah, A., Hashem Ali A.: On some partial ineqalities.
Sana’a University. J. Faculty of Science Bulletin Vol. 19,Oct. (2006), 69-82.
2- Hashem Ali A.: Global stability for three-species Lotka-Volterra systems with delay.AJMMS.
Vol.1, No.2, (2007), (accepted).
3- Hashem Ali A., Al-Hoor Amatalelah A.: On oscillation of second order differential equations. . Ain Shams Univ. Press J. of the Faculty of Education Science Section no.34,(2010),139-149 .
4- Hashem Ali A., Al-Hossain Abdullah Y.: On the effect of dispersal on the stability of predator-
prey model. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Qassim Univ. J. of Natural Science and Math. (JNM)
Vol.4, No. 2 (2010), 119-132.
5- Hashem Ali A., Abo-el-nour N. Abd-alla.: A mathematical model of stability and persistence in
an interacting mutualism. IJMA-3(1),(2012),183-192.
6- Hashem Ali A., Slim Ben Rejeb: On stability of three interacting species Int. J. of Math. Analysis, Vol. 7, 2013, No. 10, 471-484
7- Hashem Ali A., I. Siddique: On prey-predator with group defense. Int. J. of Nonlinear Science
Vol.15 (2013), No. 4, 291-295.
8- Hashem Ali A., I. Siddique: Two Habitats and a predator switching model with group defense.
Int. J. of development research Vol.4 Issue,2 (2014), pp.266-272.