نجاة احمد مصلح العديني
البيانات الشخصية:
الاسم: نجاة احمد مصلح العديني
الدرجه العلميه: استاذ مشارك في الكيمياء التحليليه و البيئيه
حصلت على بكالوريوس الكيمياء من جامعه صنعاء ثم درجتي الماجستير والدكتوراه من جامعه بوترا الماليزيه. حاليا اشغل منصب استاذ مشارك في قسم الكيمياء_ كليه العلوم. و ادرس مقررات الكيمياء التحليليه و اقوم بالاشراف على طلاب الدراسات العليا. لديا 9 ابحاث منشوره في مجالات علميه ذات impact factor عاليه و شاركت في كتابه 4 كتب علميه والعديد من اوراق العمل في العشرات من المؤتمرات العلميه الدوليه في الشرق الاوسط و اروبا والشرق القصى. كما شاركت في اكثر من 15 دوره تدريبيه و كورس في مجالات متعدده مثل تلوث البيئه و التعليم الرقمي و تطوير مهارات النساء العاملات في مجال العلوم والتكنلوجيا. تلقيت العديد من الجوائز اهمها جائز لوريال يونسكو للمراه في العلم عام 2014.
- درجه الدكتوراه (كيمياء تحليليه بيئيه), جامعه بوترا الماليزيه, ماليزيا, 2011
- درجه الماجستير (علوم البيئه) , جامعه بوترا الماليزيه, ماليزيا, 2005.
- تمهيدي ماجستر ,كليه العلوم, جامعه صنعاء, اليمن, 2002
- بكالوريوس كيمياء-(مرتبه الشرف الاولى) كليه العلوم, جامعه صنعاء, اليمن, 1999
- 1999-2004: معيده بقسم الكيمياء –كليه العلوم- جامعه صنعاء
- 2004-2011: باحثه بجامعه بوترا الماليزيه
- 2012 حتى الان محاضره بقسم الكيمياء –كليه العلوم- جامعه صنعاء
المؤتمرات والورش:
- Al-Odaini NA. “Emerging pollutants: a human and environment risk and a challenge for chemical analysts”. Arab-American Frontiers of Science, Engineering and Medicine, 2nd Symposium, Muscat, Oman, 13 -16th December, 2014.
- Hong SH., Shim WJ., Rani M., Jang M., Al-Odaini NA., Han GM and Song YK. “Chemicals of concern in plastic marine debris: Hexabromocyclododecanes in expanded polystyrene products”. North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) 2014 Annual Meeting, 16-26th October 2014, Yeosu, South Korea.
- Hong SH., Al-Odaini NA., Mi Jang., Rani M and Shim WJ. “Aquaculture area using expanded polystyrene buoys can be an area of concern for HBCD contamination in the marine environment”. SETAC Europe 24rd Annual Meeting, 11-15 May 2014, Basel, Switzerland.
- Tan SSE and Al-Odaini NA. “Acute and Chronic Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) for Pharmaceuticals in South East Asia”. International Conference on Environmental Forensics 2013 (iENFORCE 2013), 11–14th November 2013, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
- Hong SH., Al-Odaini NA., Yim UH., Kim NS and Shim WJ. “Expanded polystyrene (EPS) debris as a source of hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in the marine environment of South Korea”. SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, 12-16th May 2013, Glasgow, UK.
- Hong SH., Shim WJ., Al-Odaini NA., Yim UH and Kim NS. “Plastic marine debris and their associated toxic chemicals”. 2013 Korea POPs Forum, 21-24th February 2013, South Korea.
- Al-Odaini NA., Hong SH., Un Hyuk Yim and Shim WJ. “Development of multiresidual HPLC-MS/MS method for determination of emerging flame retardants”. 2012 Korea POPs Forum, 2-5 February 2012, South Korea.
- Al-Odaini NA., Zakaria MP., Yaziz MI and Surif S. “Determination of Human Pharmaceuticals and Synthetic Hormones by HPLC/MS/MS in aquatic environment”. 2nd Asian Oceanic Mass Spectrometry conference (AOMSC)/ the 8th Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Mass Spectrometry (KSMS), 17-19th August 2011, Busan, Korea.
- Al-Odaini NA., Zakaria MP., Yaziz MI and Surif S. “HPLC/MS/MS Multiresidual Analytical Method for Simultaneous Detection and Quantification of Human Pharmaceuticals and Synthetic Hormones for Environmental Application”. The Pittcon conference and Expo 2010. February 28- March 5, 2010. Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Al-Odaini NA., Zakaria MP., Yaziz MI and Surif S. “Determination of Human Pharmaceuticals and Synthetic Hormones in Malaysian Aquatic Environment”. The first International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration and Management (SETAC Asia/Pacific Joint Conference). 1-5th March 2010. HO Chi Minh, Vietnam.
- Al-Odaini NA., Zakaria MP., Yaziz MI and Surif S. “Trace analysis of human pharmaceutical pollutants in Malaysian tropical aquatic environment using liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry”. Environmental, Science and Technology Conference 2009, 7-8th December 2009. Terengganu, Malaysia.
- Zainuddin K., Zakaria MP and Al-Odaini NA. “Perflurooctanoic acid (PFOA) and Perflurooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) in surface water of Langat River, Malaysia.” The national seminar on current issues and challenges in environmental quality management in Malaysia. 2-3rd December 2009. Putrajaya, Malaysia.
- Al-Odaini NA., Zakaria MP., Yaziz MI and Surif S. “Detecting Human Pharmaceutical Pollutants in Malaysian Aquatic Environment. A new challenge for water quality management”. The national seminar on current issue and challenges in environmental quality management in Malaysia. 2-3rd December 2009. Putrajaya, Malaysia.
- Al-Odaini NA., Zakaria MP., Yaziz MI and Surif S. “Development of multi-residual LC-MS-MS analytical method to study the occurrence of human pharmaceutical pollutants in Malaysian tropical aquatic environment”. Proceeding of the 42nd IUPAC Congress: Chemistry Solutions. 2-7th August 2009. Glasgow, United Kingdom.
- Al-Odaini NA and Zakaria MP. “Pharmaceutical Compounds in Environment: Occurrence, Sources, Impacts and Control”. The International Conference on Environment, 13-15th November 2006. Penang, Malaysia.
- Al-Odaini NA and Zakaria MP. “Management of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Environment: Occurrence, Sources, Impacts and Control”. 9th PRSCO summer Institute (2006) Regions on Global Platform, 18-20th July 2006. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Al-Odaini NA and Zakaria MP. “Impact of Livestock Industry of Pharmaceuticals Residues on Environment”. The International Conference on Agriculture Wastes” Turning Waste to Wealth”, 21-23th March 2006. Putrajaya, Malaysia.
- Developing Talents of Women in Science, Technology and Innovation, 3-6 August 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Career Development Course for Academic Staff, organized by Centre of Academic Development, Sana’a University, 13-29 December 2014, Sana’a, Yemen.
- 10th Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Management Training Course for Researchers in OIC Countries, 14- 23 September 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- The technical workshop on Sana’a City Water Crisis and Immediate Interventions, Organized by Ministry of Water and Environment, 10-11 March 2014, Al-Bustan Hotel, Sana’a,
- Training of Trainer (TOT) Course, Yemeni National Commission for UNESCO, 1st- 8th February 2014, Sana’a, Yemen.
- Academic quality and Accreditation, Organized by Centre of Academic Development Sana’a University, 22-27 February 2014, Sana’a University, Sana’a,
- Visions and Innovative Leadership Workshop, Organized by Institute of International Education, 2nd November 2013, Palmor Hotel, Washington DC, USA.
- E-learning Course, School of Engineering, Santa Clara University, 1-30 October 2013, California, USA.
- Workshop on Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship, Stanford University, October 29th 2013, CA, USA.
- Mentoring Girls Workshop, Walmart E-commerce, 25th October 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- Workshops on teaching and technology led by Bill Rankin, Apple Inc. Santa Clara University, 14th October 2013, San Jose, CA, USA.
- Workshop on Preparing Academic Curricula, Organized by Centre of Academic Development Sana’a University, 25 May 2013, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen.
- Water Treatment Process and Plants Course, Institute for Water Education (UNESCO-IHE), Delft, The Netherlands, 2010.
- Environmental Toxicology Course, Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute, Geoje, South Korea, 2008.
البحوث والأوراق العلمية:
- Masood N., Zakaria MP., Halimoon N., Aris AZ., Magam SM., Kannan N., Mustafa S., Ali MM., Keshavarzifard M., Vaezzadeh V., Abdo Alkhadher SA., Al-Odaini NA. (2015). “Anthropogenic Waste Indicators (AWI) Particularly PAHs and LABs in Malaysia Sediments: Application of Aquatic Environment for Identifying Anthropogenic Pollution”. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 102(1):160-75.
- Rani M., Shim WJ., Han GM., Jang M., Al-Odaini NA., Song YK and Hong SH. (2015). “Qualitative Analysis of Additives in Plastic Marine Debris and Its New Products”. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, DOI: 10.1007/s00244-015-0219-7.
- Al-Odaini NA., Shim WJ., Han GM., Jang M and Hong SH. (2014). “Enrichment of Hexabromocyclododecanes in coastal sediments near aquaculture areas and a wastewater treatment plant in a semi-enclosed bay in South Korea”. Science of the Total Environment, 505: 290-298.
- Al-Odaini NA., Yim UH., Shim WJ., Kim NS and Hong SH. (2013). “Isotopic dilution determination of emerging flame retardant marine sediments by HPLC–APCI–MS/MS”. Analytical Methods, 5 (7): 1771-1778.
- Al-Odaini NA., Zakaria MP., Yaziz MI., Surif S and Abdulghani M. (2013) “The occurrence of human pharmaceuticals in sewage effluents and receiving water of Langat River and its tributaries, Malaysia”. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 93 (3): 245-264.
- Al-Odaini NA., Zakaria MP., Yaziz MI., Surif S., Kannan N. (2013). “Occurrence of synthetic hormones in sewage effluents and receiving water of Langat River and its tributaries, Malaysia” International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 93 (14), 1457-1469.
- Zainuddin K., Zakaria MP., Al-Odaini NA., AR Bakhtiari and PA Latif. (2012). “Perflurooctanoic acid (PFOA) and Perflurooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) in surface water from Langat River, Peninsular Malaysia” Journal of Environmental Forensics. 13: 82-92.
- Al-Odaini NA., Zakaria MP., Abdul Zali M., Juahir H., Yaziz MI and Surif S. (2012). “Application of chemometrics in understanding the spatial distribution of human pharmaceuticals in surface water”. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184: 6735-6743.
- Al-Odaini NA., Zakaria MP., Yaziz MI and Surif S. (2010). “Multi-residue analytical method for human pharmaceuticals and synthetic hormones in river water and sewage effluents by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry”. Journal of Chromatography A, 1217(44): 6791–6806.