Dr. Ahmed Mohammad Mojahid Al-Qadasi
- D. in Cognitive Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, 2005/2006, with a very high distinction and recommendation for printing. The thesis topic was “Mathematics Learning Difficulties among Eighth-Grade Students in Basic Education.”
- MA Degree in Cognitive Psychology, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University – Fes, Kingdom of Morocco, 2000/2001.
- Bachelor of Education in Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Sana’a University, 1984/1985.
- General Secondary Education (Scientific Section), 1978/1979.
Professional Experience: |
– Worked as a teacher and as a senior teacher for mathematics in Secondary School, (1991-1995).
– Served as a mathematics supervisor, (1992-1997).
– Acted as a training advisor in the Training and Rehabilitation Sector at Ministry of Education, (2007-2012).
– Participated in preparing and designing training manuals for mathematics teachers in both primary and secondary education stages.
– Contributed to the preparation and authorship of training kits for mathematics for grade 1-3 and 4-9 teachers in basic education stage.
– Participated in preparing training manuals for international TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) exams to improve educational performance of mathematics teachers in the third and fourth grades in basic education stage.
– Participated in preparation and design of books aimed at developing thinking skills among students in the third and fourth years of basic education.
– Engaged in field training for teachers, supervisors, and trainers of trainers across various Yemeni governorates.
– Took part in training trainers across Yemeni governorates on training guides for rural female teachers in assessment and evaluation, educational research, basic concepts in mathematics, and training material for combined classes.
– Participated in training mathematics teachers in the third and fourth grades of the basic education stage on applying thinking skills in mathematics based on the experience of the international TIMSS exams.
– Supervised the implementation of more than (16) training programs for teachers in various Yemeni governorates funded by Basic Education Development Project (BEDP), Yemeni-German Program for General Education Improvement sponsored by (GIZ), and Yemeni-American Program for Education Improvement sponsord by (USAID).
– Supervised the execution of a field study on evaluating the impact of training in targeted schools across various governorates.
– Participated in an evaluative workshop for a training program of social specialist trainers.
– Engaged in a workshop for preparation of Educational Guidance Diploma courses and diploma for social specialists.
– Reviewed some training manuals in collaboration with a group of trainers and training consultants in Training and Rehabilitation sector (manuals related to mathematics curriculum and concepts, assessment and evaluation, educational research, and combined classes).
– Participated in a scientific review of mathematical training program texts for television produced in cooperation with the Educational Channel.
– Involved in preparation of a project to restructure Training and Rehabilitation sector and its regulations at Ministry of Education.
– Contracted as a teacher at Faculty of Education-Arhabb, Sana’a University for Measurement and Evaluation course, 2007/2008 -2012/2013.
– Working as a research assistant professor at Academic Development and Quality Assurance Center at Sana’a University since 2013.
– Coordinated as part of teams tasked with implementing self-assessment in Colleges of Medicine and Engineering at Sana’a University, commissioned by Academic Development and Quality Assurance Center.
– Contributed to a workshop for the strategic plan of the Academic Development and Quality Assurance Center at Sana’a University.
– Participated in a training workshop on self-assessment for colleges at Sana’a University, conducted by Center for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance.
– Participated in multiple training courses pertaining to professional development of faculty members and researchers at colleges and centers of Sana’a University.
– Took part in a training workshop on reforming higher education policy in Yemen.
– Served as a trainer with Academic Development and Quality Assurance Center team at Sana’a University, in professional development programs for university faculty members.
– Supervised and trained on curriculum development and review in the university colleges (undergraduate level) for 2019/2020.
– Supervised and trained on curriculum development and review in the university colleges (graduate level) for 2019/2020.
– Participated in training faculty members and university staff on self-assessment process.
– Served as the deputy head of the preparatory committee for the first scientific conference on Academic Development and Quality Assurance at Sana’a University held on November 28-29 2018, collaborated with the scientific committee, and participated in the preparation and planning for the conference.
– Worked as a member of the higher committee for self-assessment at Sana’a University, chaired by the university president, for academic year 2021.
-Joined the Quality Team in reviewing the National Strategic Planning Guide for the state for academic year 2020.
Scholarly Achievements:
- Developing Thinking Skills in Mathematics for Fourth Grade Teachers of Basic Education (joint authorship).
- Developing Thinking Skills for Third Grade Elementary Teachers in Mathematics (joint authorship).
- Basic Principles and Techniques in Educational Measurement and Evaluation.
- Fundamentals of Scientific Research (in print).
- Learning Difficulties in Mathematics (a book project derived from the thesis).
Research Works:
- Identifying Professional Training Needs of Faculty Members at Sana’a University in line with total quality management and academic accreditation (Co-authored research).
- Academic Department Chairs’ Performance in Colleges of Education at Sana’a University: A Total Quality Perspective.
- Commitment of faculty members at Sana’a University to the Ethics of Teaching Profession: A Student’s Perspective.
- Sana’a University’s Role in Building a Knowledge Society: A Field Study from Faculty Members’ Perspectives.
- Obstacles to Building a Knowledge Society in Yemeni Universities: Sana’a University as a Model.
- Impediments to Implementing Total Quality Management at Sana’a University from Faculty Members’ Perspectives (Forthcoming).
- Mechanisms for Improving Yemeni Universities’ Performance in Global University Rankings.
- The Role of Social Networking Platforms in Promoting Citizenship Values among Yemeni Youth: A Field Study on a Sample of Sana’a University Students.
Quality Standards and Guidelines:
- Guidelines:
- A faculty member guide to building achievement tests based on specification tables.
- A faculty member’s guide to university teaching strategies.
- A faculty member’s guide to ethics in the university teaching profession.
- A learning outcomes guide.
- A strategic planning guide.
- A guide for describing academic programs and courses.
- A guide for conducting self- assessment at university faculties and centers.
- A guide for improving university’s ranking in global university rankings.
- A guide for developing Sana’a University’s website.
- Knowledge management guide for higher education institutions.
- Standards:
- An evaluation scale for faculty members’ training needs.
- An evaluation scale for heads of academic departments in university faculties.
- An evaluation scale for procedures related to assessment and examination development.
- A Scale for university teaching profession ethics.
- A scale for quality standards of scientific research.
- A scale for student satisfaction with the quality of the educational process.
- An evaluation scale of faculty members and their assistants at the university by students.
- An evaluation scale for tests.
- A course evaluation scale by students.
- An evaluation scale for faculty members by students.
- An evaluation scale for faculty members by department heads.
- An evaluation scale for faculty members by college deans.
- An evaluation scale for employers’ satisfaction (beneficiaries and stakeholders) with university graduates.
Courses: |
- Four courses in English language.
- A training course in educational guidance.
- Two training courses in internet and fundamentals of computer science.
- A training course in communication and linguistic interaction.
- A training course in workshop leadership.
- A training course in writing educational texts and transforming them into TV scenarios.
- Two training courses in professional development for faculty members at Sana’a University.
- A training course in statistical analysis skills using SPSS software.
- A training course on training methods and art of workshop management.
- A training course specialized in Google Scholar and Google Drive programs.
- A training course on self-assessment for colleges of Sana’a University, conducted by Council for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance for faculty members at Sana’a University.
Languages: |
- Arabic (Mother tongue)
- English (Intermediate)
Previous Jobs:
- Mathematics teacher in secondary school.
- Mathematics coordinator in both primary and secondary education stages.
- Training advisor in Training and Rehabilitation sector at the Ministry of Education.
- Researcher at Academic Development and Quality Assurance Center, Sana’a University.
- Head of Assessment and Evaluation Unit at Academic Development and Quality Assurance Center.
Current Position:
- Vice-Dean of Academic Development and Quality Assurance Center, Sana’a University, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Studies in University Education and Quality Assurance.
- Head of Quality Assurance Unit at Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University.