مركز التحول الرقمي


مركز التحول الرقمي - جامعة صنعاء


Word of the director

A word from the Director of the Center for Academic Development and Quality Assurance

Based on Sana’a University’s endeavor for quality and excellence in education, the Academic Development and Quality Assurance Center at the university took upon itself the tasks of spreading and ensuring quality culture in the colleges and university centers, in addition to trying to facilitate and clarify the procedures and steps of the process of building and ensuring the quality system in the university. Accordingly, the center prepared a guide for implementing quality in colleges and centers, which is sure that quality and guaranteeing it is the best way to face weaknesses, in addition to the current and future challenges facing all university education. This guide has been prepared to assist the university’s colleges and centers in introducing and developing
Quality assurance processes in it, and to prepare for the tasks that the Academic Accreditation Board and Quality Assurance of Higher Education will undertake during the external review, to ensure that high levels of performance are achieved. Therefore, this guide prepares the guide for the colleges and centers at the university towards implementing and ensuring quality systems, as it includes procedures, instructions, and notes that help quality officials and performance evaluation in building and ensuring quality rules within the colleges and centers, and it will also guide them to the foundations for building those rules, in a manner that takes into account the conditions of the university. Yemen, with the assurance that this guide represents the minimum required procedures, steps and guidelines to achieve quality and accreditation.

M.D. Hoda Ali Al-Imad.

Director of the development center.