Master’s degree in History and International Relations
Faculty of Arts & Human Sciences – Sana’a University
يختص البرنامج بتنمية المعارف الدولية والتاريخية لدى الدارسين, وإعداد جيل من المتخصصين في هذا المجال, وتأهيل الدراسين بما يجعلهم قادرين على الإجتهاد التاريخي, وتحليل الواقع وفهمه بناءً على رؤية تاريخية عميقة ومنهجية علمية سليمة تحلل الوقائع والأحداث المعاصرة مستلهمة الخبرات والتجارب التاريخية لفهم الإشكالات الحالية وحل المشكلات الدولية المعاصرة.
Qualifying an elite group of researchers and academics in the field of history and international relations who are deeply involved in issues of the local and international communities, and providing them with historical knowledge, skills, and professional experience that enable them to meet the aspirations of the community at the national and international levels.
The Department of History and International Relations seeks to foster historical awareness, identity, and knowledge.
Program Aims
The program aims to:
- Preparing specialized cadres in the field of historical studies to keep pace with any developments.
- Raising the cognitive level of students and developing their intellectual and historical skills in order to understand historical issues and international relations.
- Developing the academic and professional aspects in the field of history and international relations, starting with the teaching staff and then transferring their professional and academic expertise and experiences to the students, who in turn pass them on to others.
- Mastering the skill of creative critical thinking, and the ability to dialogue, debate, influence and interact positively with issues of the local and external community.
- Enabling students to understand the process of digital research and the technical handling of search engines in an integrated manner with library research to develop their historical knowledge.
- Qualifying students to work in public and private educational institutions, local, regional and international diplomatic organizations and bodies.
- Providing a diverse knowledge service that is useful in raising the level of public awareness of society regarding aspects of cultural and political life.
Study plan of the program :
| الفصل الأول | First Semester | |||||||
اسم المقرر Course Title | رمز المقرر Code / No | الساعات المعتمدةCredit Hours | المتطلبات القبلية Pre- Requested | ||||||
التسمية العريبة | English Naming
| نظري Th. | عملي Pr. | تمارين/ سمنار Tut. | Total C.H. | ||||
1 | قاعة بحث | Seminar |
| 2 | 1 |
| 3 |
| |
2 | دراسات من التاريخ القديم | Topic from ancient history |
| 2 |
| 2 |
| |
3 | دراسات من التاريخ الوسيط | A topic from medieval history |
| 2 |
| 2 |
| |
4 | مصطلحات تاريخية باللغة الإنجليزية | Historical terms in English |
| 2 | 1 |
| 3 |
| |
5 | دراسات من التاريخ الحديث والمعاصر | Topic from modern and contemporary history |
| 2 |
| 2 |
| |
6 | تاريخ العلاقات الدولية المعاصرة | History of Contemporary International Relations |
| 3 |
| 3 |
| |
| اجمالي الساعات المعتمدةTotal Credit Hours | 13 | 2 |
| 15 |
| الفصل الثاني | Second Semester | |||||||
اسم المقرر Course Title | رمز المقرر Code / No | الساعات المعتمدةCredit Hours | المتطلبات القبلية Pre- Requested | ||||||
التسمية العريبة | English Naming
| نظري Th. | عملي Pr. | تمارين/ سمنار Tut. | Total C.H. | ||||
1 | نظريات العلاقات الدولية | International relations theories |
| 2 |
| 2 |
| |
2 | دراسات من التاريخ الاسلامي | Topic from Islamic history |
| 2 |
| 2 |
| |
3 | لغة يمنية قديمة | An ancient Yemeni language |
| 2 | 1 |
| 3 |
| |
4 | لغة عثمانية | Ottoman language |
| 2 | 1 |
| 3 |
| |
5 | تحقيق مخطوطات | Manuscripts investigation |
| 2 | 1 |
| 3 |
| |
6 | جغرافيا تاريخية | Historical geography |
| 2 |
| 2 |
| |
| اجمالي الساعات المعتمدةTotal Credit Hours | 12 | 3 |
| 15 |