Ms. Samira Ahmed Saad Al-Raimi Awarded PhD in Islamic Studies from Sana’a University

Ms. Samira Ahmed Saad Al-Raimi Awarded PhD in Islamic Studies from Sana’a University
The researcher, Ms. Samira Ahmed Saad Al-Raimi has successfully awarded her PhD from the Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Sana’a University, majoring in the Interpretation and Sciences of the Holy Qur’an. Her dissertation, entitled “Agreements and Uniquities between the Two Imamin Abil-Fath Al-Dailami and Al- Mawrdi through Their Two Books “Al-Borhan fi Tafseer AlQur’an”, and “An-nokat wal ‘eoon ” from Surat “Al-Fatiha” to the End of Surat “Al-Baqara”: A Comparative Study,” took place on Sunday, 21 Safar 1446 Hijri, corresponding to August 25, 2024.
The Vice-Voce Committee comprised Professor Dr. Abdu Mohammad Yusuf as the Main Supervisor and Committee Member; Professor Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Mohammad Qaid Al-Sabry as the External Examiner and Chair; and Associate Professor Bushra Ali Al-Imad as the Internal Examiner and Committee Member.
The primary objective of the thesis was to elucidate the contributions of Imams Al-Daylami and Al-Mawardi, highlighting their scholarly significance and the scientific value of their interpretations. The study conducted a comparative analysis of their interpretative methodologies. Key findings indicated that while the two Imams were contemporaneous, they differed geographically; both held substantial scholarly stature and produced interpretations that exhibited notable similarities.
In her dissertation, the researcher proposed several recommendations aimed at encouraging students and scholars to engage with these interpretations further. She advocated for the continuation of research into the agreements and differences between the two Imams’ interpretations through comprehensive comparative analysis.
The Viva was attended by a diverse audience, including academics, researchers, students, interested individuals, as well as colleagues and family members of the researcher. فيديو / جانب من المناقشة