Public PhD Viva-Voce Examination of Ms. Areej Mohammad Mubarak, Faculty of Arts & Humanities – Sana’a University

Public PhD Viva-Voce Examination of Ms. Areej Mohammad Mubarak, Faculty of Arts & Humanities – Sana’a University
Ms. Areej Mohammad Mubarak has been awarded her PhD degree on Thursday, Sha’ban 19, 1445 Hijri, corresponding to April 29, 2024, from the Department of English Language & Literature at the Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Sana’a University. Her dissertation is titled “The Concept of ‘Supernaturalism’ in British and American Fiction: A Comparative Study.”
The Viva-Voce Committee, formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following members:
Professor Mohammad Ahmad Sharafuddin, Main Supervisor, Member.
Professor Rawya Al-Kumaim, Internal Examiner, Chair.
Professor Munir Al-Aghbari, External Examiner, Member
The objective of the dissertation was to analyze the representation of the supernatural in both English and American literature and to draw comparative insights between the two. The findings indicated that supernatural literature in both traditions serves as a vehicle for critiquing various social and religious issues prevalent during the nineteenth century.
The Viva-Voce was attended by several academics, researchers, students, and many colleagues and family members of the researcher
A recorded part of the Viv-Voce session