Public MA Viva-Voce Examination of Ms. Taisir Hamoud Ahmed Bazra, from the Faculty of Arts & Humanities – Sana’a University
The Department of Islamic Studies at the Faculty of Arts & Humanities – Sana’a University, is pleased the announce the public examination of the MA thesis submitted by Ms. Taisir Hamoud Ahmed Bazra entitled “Agreements and Discrepancies in Transaction Rulings between Zaidis and Shafi’is as Outlined in the Books “Sharh al-Azhar” and “Rawdat al-Talibin.” Supervised by Professor Bushra Ali Al-Imad.
The Viva-Voce Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
1. Dr. Ashwaq Hamoud Ali Al-Mikhlafi, Internal Examiner, Sana’a University. Member.
2. Professor, Ibrahim Abdullah Jaber, External Examiner, Al-Hodeidah University, Chair.
3. Professor, Bushra Ali Al-Imad, Main Supervisor, Sana’a University, Member.
The Viva-Voce is taking place on Wednesday, 15 Rabi’ Al-Awwal 1446 Hijri.
Corresponding to: 9/18/2024.
Place: Inclusive Development Center (formerly Gender)
Time: 10:00 a.m.