Completion of Institutional Accreditation Files by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Sana’a University

20 Rabi’ al-Awwal 1446 Hijri
23 September 2024
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Sana’a University has successfully completed the preparation of its institutional accreditation files, a process that spanned two consecutive months. In this endeavor, the nine specialized committees were established to address the requisite criteria for accreditation. These committees were organized around the following nine standards:
1. Strategic Planning Standard
2. Leadership and Governance Standard
3. Academic Programs Standard
4. Student Engagement Standard
5. Human Resources Standard
6. Financial Resources and Infrastructure Standard
7. Scientific Research Standard
8. Community Partnerships and Service Standard
9. Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement Standard
Each committee was composed of three academics and administrators, selected based on their expertise and experience relevant to the respective standard.
The completed accreditation files have now been submitted in their entirety to the University’s Center for Quality and Academic Development for a final review. This submission marks a significant milestone as the Faculty prepares for the arrival of the accreditation teams from the Academic Accreditation Council for Higher Education Quality Assurance, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research