Public MA Seminar of Mr. Nouf Abdelwahab Abdelmughni, from the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts & Humanities – Sana’a University.
On December 2, 2024, a seminar was conducted in the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts & Humanities – Sana’a University, to discuss the research proposal submitted by Mr. Nouf Abdelwahab Abdelmughni for the MA degree. The seminar was titled “The Quality of Life and Its Relationship with Depressive Symptoms in Renal Failure Patients.”
The event was attended by Prof. Dr. Taher Al-Hazmi, Head of the Department of Psychology, Professor Dr. Ahmed Mutahhar, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies, several faculty members from both the Department of Psychology and other departments within the faculty, as well as a number of graduate students from the department.
During the seminar, the student presented the research proposal and its components, which subsequently prompted a thorough discussion among the attending faculty members. This discourse proved to be productive and beneficial for both students and attendees within the field of specialization. At the conclusion of the discussion, the research proposal received formal approval