Public PhD Viva-Voce Examination of Ms. Munira Ahmed Al-Hajj Qahtan Al-Haddad, from the Department of Library and Information Sciences, Faculty of Arts & Humanities – Sana’a University

Public PhD Viva-Voce Examination of Ms. Munira Ahmed Al-Hajj Qahtan Al-Haddad, from the Department of Library and Information Sciences, Faculty of Arts & Humanities – Sana’a University
Ms. Munira Ahmed Al-Haj Qahtan Al-Haddad has been awarded a PhD from the Department of Library and Information Sciences at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sana’a University majoring in “Knowledge Management: Intellectual Property Rights”. Her dissertation, entitled “Information Literacy of Faculty Members at Sana’a University on the Intellectual Property Rights and Its Impact on the Development of Scientific Research,” was successfully defended on Thursday, 4 Jumada II 1446Hijri, corresponding to December 5, 2024.
The Viva-Voce Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
1. Prof. Abdo Mohammad Othman Al-Mikhlafi, Internal Examiner, Sana’a University, Chair.
2. Prof. Ali Mutahhar Al-Almani, Main Supervisor, Sana’a University, Member.
3. Prof. Abdul Basit Saeed Al-Faqih, External Examiner, Taiz University, Member.
The primary objectives of the dissertation were to:
1. Assess the level of knowledge regarding intellectual property rights laws among faculty members and their assistants at Sana’a University.
2. Identify the laws and agreements that safeguard the rights of information producers at Sana’a University and to inform faculty members about how to secure their intellectual rights in accordance with these regulations.
3. Evaluate the extent to which faculty members and their assistants consider intellectual property rights when utilizing the Internet and social media platforms.
4. Investigate the impact of applying and adhering to intellectual property laws on the advancement of scientific research and the enhancement of knowledge productivity.
The findings of the dissertation revealed several key insights, including:
1. A significant lack of awareness concerning intellectual property rights laws and relevant stakeholders among faculty members at Sana’a University.
2. The insufficient enforcement of intellectual property rights laws, which has adversely affected the progression of scientific research.
3. An acknowledgment among faculty members regarding the importance of implementing intellectual property rights.
The dissertation also presented several important recommendations:
1. To foster ongoing awareness about the significance of preserving and protecting intellectual property rights and their beneficial effects, it is essential to organize courses, workshops, seminars, and conferences aimed at enhancing the knowledge of faculty members and their assistants regarding intellectual property laws and agreements.
2. To strengthen collaboration between Sana’a University and relevant authorities responsible for protecting intellectual property rights, ensuring that faculty members are informed about applicable laws and agreements under Yemeni law, as well as the benefits they may derive from engaging with these authorities.
3. To establish an Intellectual Property Protection Department within the university, tasked with developing policies related to intellectual property rights, disseminating this information throughout the university community, and implementing various initiatives to promote compliance.
The Viva-Voce was attended by several academics, researchers, students, and several colleagues and family members of the researcher
A video from the Viva-Voce