Public PhD Viva-Voce Examination of Mr. Saleh Abdul Qader Ali Bahumid, from the Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts & Humanities – Sana’a University

Public PhD Viva-Voce Examination of Mr. Saleh Abdul Qader Ali Bahumid, from the Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts & Humanities – Sana’a University
Mr. Saleh Abdul Qader Ali Bahumid has successfully awarded his PhD in the Department of Islamic Studies, majoring in Comparative Jurisprudence, from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. His dissertation, titled “Sunni Talent Explanation of the Hadrami Introduction by Sheikh Saeed bin Muhammad Baeshen, (d. 1270 AH) From the beginning of the chapter on prostration of forgetfulness until the end of the manuscript, the chapter on combining prayers and rain,” was defended on Thursday, 2 Rajab 1446 Hijri, corresponding to January 2, 2025.
The Viva-Voce Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
1. Prof. Ahmed Ibrahim Yabis Al-Ahdal, External Examiner, Dhamar University, Memeber.
2. Prof. Moti’ Mohammad Abdu Shabalah, Main Supervisor, Sana’a University, Member.
3. Bushra Ali Al-Imad, Internal Examiner, Sana’a University, Chair.
The primary objectives of the dissertation were as follows:
1. To enrich the Islamic library with this significant work due to its valuable scientific content.
2. To highlight the scholarly contributions of the jurists from Hadramout during the thirteenth century AH, coinciding with the author’s lifetime.
3. To edit and correct the manuscript, striving to align it with the author’s original intentions.
The researcher achieved several notable findings in his thesis, including:
1. The book “Sunni Talents” serves as a crucial reference for those seeking knowledge related to jurisprudence within the Shafi’i school.
2. The opinions articulated by Sheikh Baeshen are recognized as valid contributions that support established doctrines, characterized by precise terminology and a clear articulation of conditions and restrictions, thereby demonstrating the intellectual capacity of Sheikh Baeshen.
In his conclusions, the researcher proposed several recommendations:
1. To complete the publication of this manuscript by consolidating prior research efforts and presenting it in an aesthetically appealing format that adheres to a unified scientific methodology.
2. To prioritize the editing and presentation of additional works that require scholarly attention, ensuring they are accessible to readers in a distinctive manner that fulfills the authors’ objectives.
3. To facilitate access for students of knowledge to this heritage by collaborating with manuscript owners and relevant institutions to promote this invaluable legacy.
The Viva-Voce was attended by several academics, researchers, students, and several colleagues and family members of the researcher.

A video from the Viva-Voce