A public Viva of the doctoral dissertation submitted by researcher Abdullah bin Salem Abu Futaim.
The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research at Sana’a University announces the public discussion of the doctoral dissertation submitted by researcher Abdullah bin Salem bin Abdullah Abu Futaim, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, on his dissertation entitled “Nayl al-Maqsud: A Commentary on Sunan Abi Dawood by Scholar Judge Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Zaken Bahannan al-Kindi al-Hadrami (d. 1392 AH) from the beginning of the chapter on musk for the deceased to the chapter of oaths and vows”; a study and investigation.
The research has been conducted under the supervision of Associate Professor Dr. Saleh Qasim Ahmed al-Khamri, Associate Professor of Tafsir – Sana’a University.
The discussion and evaluation committee consists of the following professors:
* Associate Professor Dr. Kawthar Hammoud Muhammad al-Mikhlafi, Internal Examiner, Sana’a University, Chairperson.
* Associate Professor Dr. Saleh Qasim Ahmed al-Khamri, Supervisor, Sana’a University, Member.
* Associate Professor Dr. Taha Ahmed Munaser al-Oqbi, External Examiner, Amran University, Member.
The Viva will take place on Monday, the 24th of Ramadan 1446 AH, corresponding to March 24, 2025 AD, at Al-Sammad Hall, Faculty of Computer & Information Technology, at 1:00 PM.