The Faculty of Computer and Information Technology (FCIT) – Sana’a University, Yemen and the Institute of Reliable Embedded Systems and Communication Electronics (ivESK)- University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, Germany and the College of Information Engineering (COIE), Al-Nahrain University, Iraq are organizing:

The first International Conference on Emerging Technologies for

Dependable Internet of Things (ICETI 2024)


Technically Sponsored by IEEE Yemen-Subsection

Virtual Conference

Sana’a – Yemen 25-26 November 2024

The world is witnessing a tremendous technological revolution with the spread of the Internet of Things (IoT) and emerging technology. This rapid advancement brings about a pressing need for ensuring security, reliability, and dependability in these interconnected systems. Therefore, addressing the security, reliability, and dependability challenges posed by the IoT and emerging technologies is of utmost importance. The fact that these technologies offer huge possibilities to improve our lives as we live in a connected world where devices can communicate with each other and with us, giving us new possibilities that were not expected before. As such the College of Computer and Information Technology (FCIT) – Sana’a University – Yemen and the Institute of Reliable Embedded Systems and Communication Electronics – University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, Germany are organizing the first conference on “Emerging Technologies for Dependable Internet of Things (ICETI 2024)” as part of the scientific and research activities between the two universities.
This conference is considered a scientific platform where new ideas and innovations are discussed and exchanged between researchers in the field of IoT, emerging technology and cybersecurity, and contribute to enhancing knowledge and innovation in these advanced technical fields. Moreover, the conference adopts new technologies and highlights the challenges and opportunities that these technologies serve.
The IoT and emerging technology are among the most important drivers of change in today’s world, where they are revolutionizing fields from healthcare to transportation to smart cities.
The content of the conference includes presentations and panel discussions on various topics related to the IoT and emerging technology, Cybersecurity, embedded systems, Blockchains. These topics include smart devices, connections, software, security and privacy, analytics, future improvements, industry challenges, and applications of modern technologies in various fields such as health, transportation, agriculture, smart cities to name just some.
Conference Objectives:
  • Promote awareness among universities and institutions of the importance of the IoT, cybersecurity, embedded systems, and emerging technology.
  • Provide a platform to exchange knowledge and experiences between researchers, engineers and developers in the fields of IoT, cybersecurity, embedded systems, and emerging technology.
  • Identify the challenges and problems facing the use of the IoT, emerging technology, artificial intelligence technology, and the complexity of embedded systems and share possible solutions to those challenges.
  • Highlight cybersecurity best practices in IoT and emerging technology
  • Encouraging scientific research and promoting technological development and innovation in the fields of IoT Artificial Intelligence
  • Discuss the role of the IoT, cybersecurity, embedded systems, and emerging technology in digital transformation.

Conference Main Topics:

The conference encompasses various topics:

      1. IoT Technologies and Applications
      2. Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Blockchain Technology
      3. Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning
      4. Edge, Cloud and Fog Continuum
      5. Next-Generation Communication Technologies.
      6. Blockchain-based security for the IoT
      7. IoT-enabled Innovation and Entrepreneurship
      8. Embedded Systems and Hardware Design
      9. Emerging Technologies and their Applications