
A comprehensive discussion session to review the achievement reports on the websites and social media channels of the University of Sana’a

Mr. Adel Al-Hababi, Assistant to the University President for Media Affairs, emphasized the importance of monitoring the achievements on the websites and social media pages of the colleges and centers at the University of Sana’a. He highlighted the necessity of continuously activating these platforms by publishing events, activities, announcements relevant to students, and showcasing the advantages of the colleges and their departments, as well as the various research and scientific centers. He stressed the importance of informing interested parties, both locally and internationally, about the unique features of the university, as it is the mother of Yemeni universities and the first university in Yemen.

This statement was made during a discussion session held today to review the progress reports on the websites and social media pages of the colleges and centers, and to assess their achievements in promoting academic programs and the institutional identity represented by the vision, mission, values, strategic goals, and other information that highlights the general advantages of these colleges and centers. This information is crucial for the international evaluation and ranking of the University of Sana’a, especially given the siege imposed on our country for years.

In the discussion session held at the Business Administration Center at the Faculty of Commerce, attendees included officials responsible for the websites and social media pages of the scientific and research colleges and centers. Reports from the colleges and centers were presented by the officials of these platforms to benefit everyone from the feedback provided by those present. The aim was to overcome challenges and encourage teamwork within the colleges and centers, thereby presenting a complete picture of the University of Sana’a and its unique advantages that no other Yemeni university possesses, as it is the primary dream for all high school students aspiring to enroll in its various college and center programs.
