Saoud Mohammad Naser Alshawesh
Personal Information:
Date of birth 1/3/1968.
Mobile phone / 771220062
Address/Sanan, Old Sana’a city, next to Al Tawashi Mosque.
Marital status: Married
Assistant Professor at the Center for Political and Strategic Studies, a lecturer in the Master’s Program “Diplomacy and International Relations”, well-versed in the English language and the “Office” program, able to work in different circumstances individually and collectively, and fully committed to scientific and legal regulations in all areas of academic and administrative work.
PhD in Political Science from Assiut University, Arab Republic of Egypt, 2008.
Master’s degree in Political Science 2003 from the Institute of Arab Research and Studies in the Arab Republic of Egypt, with an excellent grade.
High Diploma in Public Administration from the National Institute of Administrative Sciences (Sana’a), with a grade of very good, 1995.
Bachelor of Political Science (Sana’a University) with a good grade 1993.
– An employee in the Periodicals Department of the Central Library of Sana’a University, 1990-1999.
– Head of the Department of Faculty Members, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, 1995.
– Director of Personnel Affairs at the Ministry of Supply and Trade, 1995.
– Employee at Al-Sabaeen Hospital, Secretarial Department, 1990.
Research and scientific papers:
- A published research entitled Criteria to be applied for building democratic systems 7/2013 AD (published in three languages: Arabic, English and French).
- Research published in the book “The Social Needs of the Capital Municipality, Sana’a”.
- Research in print: Obstacles to scientific research in research centers at Sana’a University.
Research in progress:
The use of force in international relations: the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a model.
- A research underway entitled: A proposed vision to activate the scholarship policy in Yemen.
- A book in press entitled: Conditions for Building a Democratic System in Yemen.
- A book in progress: important guidelines for the novice researcher.
- Hundreds of articles in newspapers, social networking sites and the Internet.
Other Members

Ahmed Hussein Moqbel Alraidi