
The Center has published a number of books; most include the followings:


Book Title

Year of publication

  1. Basics of Demographics: Methods and Application. First and Second Parts:

The book was composed by a group of Sana’a University researchers in cooperation with the UNFPA Yemen, the National Population Council and the Yemen Central Statistical Organization.


  1. Human Fertility in Yemen:

This book, incorporating six various studies on human fertility, was composed by a group of researchers of Sana’a University..


  1. Population Growth Social Determinants in Yemen:

As a social-historic study, the book explores a number of thematic topics. Along with giving an account of the stages of demographic transition in Yemen, it looks into the future trends in population growth, Yemen’s experience in the area of family and demographic planning and social determinants of population growth in Yemen.


  1. Population and Development:

  It includes five different parts of the population and the environment, poverty, health status and mutual relations between demographic trends and economic and social development in the Republic of Yemen, and printed in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund. 


  1. Gender Status in Arab and Muslim Societies:

This book explores viewpoints, attitudes and trends held by Islamic orators,  Mosque Keepers and decision-makers towards the concept of gender.


  1. Population Education (Manual on Integration of population Issues and Matters into University Education).