
Public MA. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Ahlam Abd Rabou Al-Jahar

Public MA. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Ahlam Abd Rabou Al-Jahar

Ms. Ahlam Abd Rabou Al-Jahar has been awarded a Master’s degree with distinction in Special Education from the University Service Center for Students with Special Needs (USCSSN), Sana’a University. Her thesis, entitled “Challenges faced by the Visually Impaired Gifted Students in the Capital Secretariat-Sana’a was defended on Thursday, 19 Jumada Al-Awwal 1446 AH, corresponding to November 21, 2024.

The Viva Voce Committee consisted of Associate Professor Abdu Saeed Mohammed Al-San’ani (External Examiner and Committee Chair), Associate Professor Abdul Ghani Ahmed Ali Al-Hawari (Main Supervisor and Committee Member), and Associate Professor Hadi Hizam Hassan Al-Surabi (Internal Examiner and Committee Member).

The study identified significant challenges faced by visually impaired gifted students in the Capital Secretariat-Sana’a, with administrative challenges ranking first, followed by educational, social, and finally personal difficulties. The study found no statistically significant differences in the level of challenges based on age, gender, or type of giftedness. The defense was attended by academics, researchers, students, and the student’s family and friends.