A scientific seminar titled “Water Quality Monitoring” was held by the Swedish researcher and expert, Désirée Ruppen, via Zoom.

The seminar took place on Thursday, April 4th, 2024, and was attended by Dr. Taha Al-Washali, Director of the WEC, Dr. Fadhl Al-Nozaily, Deputy Director of the WEC for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Hisham Naji
During the first part of the seminar, a case study examining water quality monitoring and the environmental impact of mineral extraction mines across various countries. This included a case study of a dam collapse in an African country and its subsequent effects on surface water quality
In the second part of the seminar, a case study focusing on water quality monitoring in Yemen was presented, addressing the geological nature of Yemen and its mining areas
The seminar was attended by several professors from the WEC, MA students of Integrated Water Resources Management, and online participants. Discussions were held during the session regarding the frameworks and methodologies employed to activate the role of local communities in monitoring, predicting pollution risks, and addressing them effectively