فضل علي صالح النزيلي
البيانات الشخصية :
الاسم: فضل علي صالح النزيلي
الدرجه العلميه : أستاذ 2011 م
تاريخ الميلاد: 1 يناير 1960
تلفون: 777381627
بريد الكتروني: drfadhlali@gmail.com; f.alnozaili@su.edu.ye
ملخص الخبرات:
الأستاد الدكتور المهندس فضل علي صالح النزيلي، حصل على البكالريوس في الهندسة المدنية في جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز
بالسعودية، حصل على الماجستير والدكتوراه من هولندا تخصص هندسة المياه والبيئة، عمل نائبا لمركز المياه والبيئة ونائب
عميد لكلية الهندسة وعميدا لكلية الهندسة. كما عمل مستشار هندسي لدى المؤسسة المحلية للمياه والصرف الصحي بصنعاء
و كذا مستشار هندسي في مستشفى الثوره العام بصنعاء، عمل استشاري لتقييم الأثر البيئي لدى مشروع الاشغال العامه، وقام
بتصميم والاشراف على عدد من مشاريع الصرف الصحي، عمل استشاريا لدى البنك الدولي لتقييم مدى امتثال المشاريع
الممولة للاجراءات البيئية المعتمده من قبل البنك الدولي، عمل استشاريا لدى منظمة الصحة العالمية واليونسيف في مجال تقييم
المخلفات الصلبه البلدية والطبية في عدد من المراكز الطبية والمستشفيات وتقييم مدى تصميم وتشغيل الم حارق المنفذ ه. قام
بتنفيذ عدة دورات تدريبية في مركز المياه والبيئة بتمويل من GTZ والصندوق الاجتماعي للتنمية واليونسيف واليونبس، قام
بالاشراف على طلاب الماجستير والبكالريوس في مجال الهندسة المدنية والمياه والصرف الصحي والبيئة، له ثلاثة كتب
دراسيه في ثلاث مواد في مجال الهندسة الصحية والبيئية، نشر العديد من الكتب العلميه اهمها كتاب المقاشم، نشر العديد من
الاوراق العلمية في مجال الهندسه المدنية والمياه والصرف الصحي والبيئة، اعد العديد من الدراسات الخاصة بالأثر البيئي
لكل من منظمة الهجرة الدولية واليونسيف والامم المتحده والفا و .
التعليم :
بكالريوس هندسه مدنية 1984 جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز بجده المملكه العربية-السعودي ة
ماجستير في الهندسة الصحيه1992 معهد IHE , دلفت، هولند ا
دكتوراه في الهندسة الصحيه2001 جامعة دلفت و معهد IHE ، هولندا
الخبرات :
تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ المباني السكنية والحكوميه
صميم والاشراف على تنفيذ شبكات المياه
تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ شبكات الصرف الصحي
تصميم والاشراف على تنفيذ محطات المعالجة
تصميم والاشراف على مشاريع النفايات الصلبه
تنفيذ الأبحاث العلمية في مجال المياه والصرف الصحي والبيئة
القيام بالتدريب في مجال المياه والصرف الصحي والبيئة
تحاليل المياه والصرف الصحي والحمأه
إعداد الدراسات البيئية لمشاريع البنية التتحيه
المؤتمرات والورش :
Expert group meeting on “Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the Role of Science and Technology Parks for Sustainable Development in the Arab countries” Amman, Jordan 26-28 November 2019, Royal Scientific Society. Organized by: Economic and Social Commissiion for Western Asia (ESCWA) and Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO)
The 7th ESCWA Technology Centre (ETC) Technical Committee Meeting (Expert Group Meeting on Green technology transfer, adaptation an investment required for implementing SDG 12: Sustainable consumption and production, Kempinski Hotel, Amman, Jordan 29-31 August 2019
نقل التكنولوجيا والابتكار لدعم وحدات التميز والابتكار للمؤسسات الأكاديمية في الجمهورية اليمنية”، اللجنة الاقتصادية
والاجتماعية لغربي آسيا ) الاسكوا(، 15 – 20 كانون الأول ديسمبر 2018، عمان، المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية
The 6th ESCWA Technology Centre (ETC) Technical Committee Meeting (Expert Group Meeting), Kempinski Hotel, Amman, Jordan 2-3 October 2018
Workshop on “The World Bank Environmental and Social Framework, Protecting People and the environment in investment projects (IBRD, IDA/WORLD BANK GROUP), July 2018
Workshop on Environmental & Social Safeguards – The World Bank, 12-14 January 2014
Water Integrity; Training of Trainers (ToT) 28-31 October 2013, Training Centre Eschborn, Germany, organized by GIZ human capacity development programmes- MENAWANT.
Policy-Relevant and Solutions- Oriented Research, 9-10 Feb., 2013, at WEC, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen, Training course within the training program of CoCoon Project and Netherlands Initiative for Capacity Development in Higher Education (NICHE) Project.
Training of e-Learning Tutors (eToT), Capacity Development to Enhance Commercial and Technical Utility Management (CD-UM), May 30th -June 6th, 2013, Mannheim, Germany, organized by the GIZ, Human Capacity Development Competence Centers.
Water Integrity; Training of Trainers (ToT) 7-12 May 2012, Training Centre Feldafing, Germany, organized by GIZ human capacity development programs.
Leadership in transition: Opportunities through change, 16-19 June 2011, Cairo, Egypt, 2nd interdisciplinary Alumni Conference in the MENA Region, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development on behalf of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. Organized by GIZ.
Training of Trainers (ToT) Effective Leading and Communication in Managing Water Utilities, supported by InWent, 17-22/9/2010, Organized by the Department Environment, Natural Resources and Food, Zschortau and Berlin, Germany.
Training Seminar on “Operating the VAG- Pressure Valves Management”, project implemented at SWSLC-Sana’a water network, Sana’a 28th January 2009.
Training on tender procedures in the donor sector, conducted by Euroconsult Mott MacDonald under the project “Strengthening the water and Environment Centre (WEC) of Sana’a
University Graduate Programme in Integrated Water Resources Management”, WEC, Sana’a,
Yemen, March, 20-22, 2009.
Workshops on Building A world–Class Programme (July, 26-28, 2009) & Self-Evaluation and Programme Specification (July, 29-30, 2009) Supported by British council, conducted at Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen
International Summer School, “Environment and Resource Protection”, November 22nd to December 5th, 2008, Supported by DAAD, Held in Aden, Yemen.
Improving Municipal Wastewater Management in the Arab countries. 3-5 January 2008, Cairo, Egypt. Supported by UNEP/GPA, UNISCO-IHE, Arab Water Council, Implemented by Delft Environment.com.
Regional workshop on “Water Provision Management Under Crisis” 4th-8th December, 2007, Amman. Supported by ESCWA.
Anaerobic Sewage Treatment, ” A Low-Cost, Low Energy Alternative”. March 13th -15th, 2006, Egypt. Organized by the NRC (Egypt) in collaboration with International Arid Land Consortium University of Arizona, held in
Two weeks training program in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and teaching methods within the framework of the Nuffic Sponsored NPT/YEM/036 project to strengthen the water and Environment Centre (WEC) at Sana’a University, June 6th 17th 2005, Wageningen university and MetaMeta, The Netherlands.
Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP), Vulnerability and Multi – Criteria Analysis. Organized by the EPA-Yemen in Collaboration with Stockholm Environment Institute-Boston (SEI.org), Sana’a 5-8 March 2006.
Technologies on waste treatment and Environmental pollution control (TCTP’2004), organized by the water and Environment Laboratory of the INRST and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Tunis, 5-25 January 2004
Experience and Practices of “Water and Wastewater Technology”, International Seminar, October 5 -7, 2004, Muscat, Oman, Supported by Regional Centre on Urban Water Management RCUWM, Tehran and Ministry of Regional Municipalities, Environment & Water Resources.
Treatment of Pollution in Aquifers ESCWA, Lebanon, Beirut 2004
“Environmental Planning and Safeguards” A training course conducted by World Bank July 7-10, 2002. Held at Taj Shiba HOTEL.
“Legislations regulate Environmental Impact Assessment” by EPA. Sana’a, April 30, 2002 Held at EPA.
“Environmental Impact of Plastic bags and its Alternative Replacements. 29-30 April 2002. Sponsored by SFD, Conducted at Taj Shiba HOTEL.
IAIA’98, International Association for Impact Assessment, by ICC International Cooperation Committee of IAIA. Sustainability and Role of Impact Assessment in Global Economy, Chritchruch, New Zealand, 19-24 April 1998.
Environmental Impact Evaluation of the Sana’a Wastewater treatment plant. The Ministry of Electricity and Water, Sana’a.
Water and wastewater technology, experience and practices, Organized by RCUWM, Tehran and MRMEWR, held in October 5-7, 2004, Oman.
DAAD International Summer School on “Environment and Resource Protection”, Aden, 22/11- 5/12/ 2008
Water and Wastewater Technology, Experiences and Practices, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 5-7/10/2004
2nd Interdisciplinary Alumni Conference in the MENA Region, “Leadership in Transition: Opportunities Through Change, supported by GIZ, Cairo, Egypt 16-19 June, 2011
Training of Trainers (ToT) course on Water Integrity, Feldafing 7-12 May 2012, Funded by GIZ.
WASH Cluster meeting: 12th November, 2012, Venue: UNICEF office, Sana’a
ONLINE seminar in climate change for 8 cities in Yemen, conducted by WB 5-7 June 2022
المشاركه في لجان التقييم
.1 . مركز الاعتماد الاكاديمي وضمان الجوده، وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي، عضو فريق المراجعين الخارجيين
لبرنامج الهندسة المدنية -جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا فبراير – مارس 2024 اللجنه مكونه من أ.د. رشيد السنفي، أ.د. فضل
النزيلي، د. ابراهيم العامري
.2 . لجنة اعداد مواصفات الصرف الصحي الموقعي للمناطق الريفية مع لجنة الواش في اليونسيف- ممثل لمركز المياه والبيئة
.3 . تقييم الأبحاث العلمية لمجلة البيئة والتنمية – جامعة الناصر 2019 – 20206
.4 . عضو فريق تقييم جوائز هائل سعيد انعم الدفعه الخامسه لسنة 2011 في مجال علوم البيئة والزراعة، تعز 15 مارس2012
.5 . عضو لجنة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي في تقييم مقترحات المياه والصرف الصحي
.6 . مراجعة برنامج البكالريوس في المياه والبيئة لجامعة عمران عن طريق وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي
.7 . تحكيم ترقية الدكاتره في جامعة عدن
.8 . تحكيم تقييم ابحاث مجلة كلية الهندسة في جامعة عدن
.9 . تحكيم تقييم ابحاث مجلة كلية الهندسة بجامعة حضرموت
.10 . تحكيم تقييم ابحاث مجلة كلية الهندسة بجامعة صنعاء
.11 . تحكيم تقييم ابحاث مجلة العلوم والتكنولوجيا بجامعة صنعاء
.12 . تحكيم مقترحات ابحاث مع هيئة التمويل العلمي IFS
البحوث والأوراق العلمية:
– Veenstra, S., Al-Nozaily, F. A. and Alaerts, G. J. (1995). Purple non-sulfur bacteria and their influence on waste stabilization ponds performance in the Republic of Yemen. Wat. Sci Tech. Vol. 31 (12) pp. 141-149
– Al-Nozaily F. A., Alaerts G. J. and Veenstra V. (2000). Performance of duckweed-covered sewage lagoons as a function of sewage strength, reactor depth and mixing intensity. I. Oxygen balance and COD removal. Wat. Res. 34(10), 2727-2733.
– Al-Nozaily F. A., Alaerts G. J. and Veenstra V. (2000). Performance of duckweed-covered sewage lagoons as a function of sewage strength, reactor depth and mixing intensity. II. Nitrogen and phosphorous balance and plant productivity. Wat. Res. 34(10), 2734-2741.
– Al-Nozaily F. A. and Al-Mofti B. (2004) Problems in drinking water network of Sana’a, Journal of Science and Technology, Sana’a University, Vol (1), pp. 17- 26 (in Arabic)
– Al-Nozaily F. A., Khidhr F. and Salah A. I. (2005). Evaluation of Sana’a wastewater treatment plant. Scientific Journal for Civil Engineering, Al-Azhar University, Cairo Egypt, vol. 3, year 27 pp. 663-670 (1-13) (in Arabic)
– Al-Nozaily F. A., Khidhr F. and Salah A. I. (2006). Evaluation of Sana’a wastewater treatment plant. Journal of Science and Technology
Al-Nozaily, F. A.(2005). Wastewater Technology in Yemen. 7th Gulf water conference, Kuwait, 19-23 Nov.2005. Conf. Proceedings, Vol (2), 2005, PP: 663-670
– Al Sabahi E., Abdul Rahim S., Wan Zuhairi W.Y., Alshaebi F and Al-Nozaily F. (2009). Assessment of Groundwater and Surface Water Pollution at Mitm Area, Ibb City, Yemen, American Journal of Applied Sciences 6 (4): 772-783, ISSN 1546-9239 (Magazine/Journal), Publisher: Science Publications
– Al Sabahi E., Abdul Rahim S., Wan Zuhairi W.Y., Al Nozaily F. and Alshaebi F. (2009). The Characteristics of Leachate and Groundwater Pollution at Municipal Solid Waste Landfill of Ibb City, Yemen American Journal of Environmental Sciences 5 (3): 256-266, ISSN 1553-345X (Magazine/Journal) Publisher: Science Publications.
– Schmidt M., Al-Nozaily F. and Al-Ghorbany (2008) Standards for and Evaluation of small-scale Dam projects in Yemen (Chapter 3). In: “Standards and thresholds for Impact Assessment”, (Ed.) Michael Schmidt, John Glasson, Lars Emmelin, Hendrike Helbron, Berlin, SPRINGER “ISBN: 978-3-540-31140-9”,vol 3 Environmental Protection in the European Union.
– Al-Nozaily F.A., Al-Sabri A., Bola F., Al-Hakimi A., Al-Haddad A. (2014). Promotion of Indigenous knowledge in water Demand management for the historical Old Sana’a gardens (Maqashem). Journal of Engineering Sciences, 3 (1): 35-57, june 2014. ISSN 2312-9999.
– Al-Nozaily F.A., Al-Sabri A., Bola F., Al-Hakimi A., Al-Haddad A. (2012). Enhancement of Indigenous knowledge in water Demand management for historical gardens at Old Sana’a. Arab water council journal, Cairo.
– Al-Nozaily F. A., Taher T. M. and Al-Rawi M. (2013) Evaluation of Sludge Drying Beds at Sana’a WWTP International water technology conference, Al Fatih University, Turkey, 5-7 November 2013
– Atfallah M. Y., Al-Nozaiy F. A., and Mahmood N. (2012). Anaerobic wastewater treatment using UASB for Sana’a wastewater. 10th Gulf water conference for water, Qatar
– Al-Nozaily F. A. and Al-Sabri A. The Traditional Use of Greywater from Mosques in Sana’a, Yemen: How to create Institutional Knowledge from Indigenous Knowledge (IK) in Water Management 11-15 February 2007, Aqaba, Jordan
– Al-Nozaily F. A. and Al-Sabri (2008) Water resource management in Yemen from IWRM point of view. Water resource management and Conservation, Amman, Jordan. 23-26 June, 2008
– Al-Nozaily F. A. and Salah A. I. Odor control in sanitary sewers in Sana’a(cairo conference -2011).
– Al-Nozaily F. A. and Al-Sabahi E. A. (2012) Ecological Study on Groundwater Pollution Around Ibb Landfill Using Physicochemical Analysis. Journal of Science and Technology Vol (17) No.(2), Faculty of Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Sana’ a, Yemen (ISSN 16-7-2073).
– Al-Nozaily F. A. and Al-Jahafi M. M. (2013) Reuse of wastewater in Yemen, Workshop in 17-18 Cairo, November 2013
– Fadhl Ali Al-Nozaily, Abdulwahab Ismael Salah, Ibrahim Ahmed Al-Mahdi and Hala S. Doma (2015). Manhole Odor Filter Pilot Project for the Sewerage Network in Sana’a, Yemen. Nature and Science 2015; 13 (2) pp 106-112. http://www.sciencepub.net/nature
– Taha Al-Washali; Saroj Sharma; Fadhl Al-Nozaily; Mansour Haidera and Maria Kennedy ( 2019) “Modelling the leakage rate and reduction using minimum night flow analysis in an intermittent supply system”. Water 2019, 11, 48; doi:10.3390/w11010048; www.mdpi.com/journal/water.
– Ahmed A. Al-Arashi; Fadhl A. Al-Nozaily; Hesham A. Al-Arashi; Farooq A. Al-Kadasi (2018) “Feasibility Study of Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant for Sana’a Wastewater Treatment Plant. Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development Studies, No. 2, Vol 5 (Dec, 2018) pp: 1-19
رياض عبدالله محرم، فضل علي النزيلي، عبداللطيف احمد المنيفي، عبدالوهاب إسماعيل صلاح، فاروق علي القدسي
( 2019 ( تشغيل وصيانة محطة الصرف الصحي بصنعاء، مجلة العلوم والتكنولوجيا، جامعة حضرموت، الجمهورية اليمنية
Al-Tahesh A.; Al-Nozaily F. A.; Salah A. I. (2018- in press) heavy metal absorption from polluted soil by plants. Journal in Egypt. Research supported by NFP 036, through WEC, Sana’a University.
Al-Tawqi A. Al-Nozaily F. Salah A. (submitted 2018) Reuse of wastewater from Sana’a WWTP through a demonstration farming of Alfalfa and squash. Research supported by NFP 036, through WEC, Sana’a University
Al-Maswari A., Al-Abiadh M., Sharafaddin A. and Al-Nozaily F. (2020) rainwater harvesting in Sana’a -Bani Matar road. Research supported by NFP 036, through WEC, Sana’a University.
Al- Maswari A., Sharafaddin A., Al-Nozailly F., and Al-Abiadh M. (2020). Potential of Road Rainwater Harvesting in Yemen- Its Social, Environmental and Economic Benefits: A case study of Sana’a- Hodeida Road, Yemen. Journal of Science & Technology Vol. (25) No. (1) 2020, DOI:10.20428/JST.25.1.1
Frank Vansteenbergen, Fadhl Ali Al-Nozaily and Abdulwahab Salah (report submitted to WB, 2018) “Water Security Case Study: Ibb Water and Sanitation Local Corporation and Resilience During Conflict. A case study supported by world bank .
Fadhl Ali Nozaily (report submitted to UNISCO 2016) Flood Mitigation, Wadi saylah- Sana’a city -supported by UNESCO
Fadhl Al-Nozaily, Noaman, Al-Moayad, Amatallatif Abotaleb and Al-Dughaini ( report submitted to UNICEF 2019) Cholera outbreak in Yemen, Causes and reasons-WEC- supported by UNECIF.
Al-Nozaily F. A. (2018) Translation of the report from Arabic to English- submitted by GIZ: “Damage Assessment study (DAS) for water sector in Yemen” (2018) – supported by GIZ
– Al-Nozaily F. A. (report submitted to WEC-2017). Managing a Project on Water Users Association at WEC (for NWRA) supported by FAO.
– Al-Nozaily Fadhl, Noaman Abdulla, Al-Mashraqi Mohamed (report submitted to FANAK.COM- dec. 2019) Yemen’s Water Resources; published by http://www.fanakk.com
Alfalahi, Ali; Al-Muselehi, Saba Wais; Al-Nozaily, Fadhl Ali S; Al-Eryani, Abdulrahman Ali Ahmed; Mahdi, Hassan; Zhu, Guangcan. (2023) The role of regular evaluation of wastewater quality in minimizing health consequences due to wastewater reuse in irrigation. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 16(2):140; springer, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12517-023-11214-6
Al-Raqas, Al-Maswary and Al-Nozaily (2020). Effect of the Mineral Filler’s Type and Content on the performance of Asphalt Mix. Journal of Environment and sustainable Development Studies Vol. 8, No. 2 (jan 2020). ISSN: 5132-5124.
Al-Maswary, Al-Abiadh and Al-Nozaily (2020) journal of water science and technology university, yemen
Al-Jailani Osama F.; Al-Nozaily Fadhl A. Al-Hebshi Tareq H. and Mubarak Zamzam A. (2020). Evaluation of Wash at Sana’a University as per IWRM Perspective. JST 2,25
Jan Tuen Visscher, Taha Al-Washali, Fadhl Al-Nozaily, Nada Al-Dahmashi, Frank Vansteenbergen (2021) Good Practices in Providing Urban Water Services in Yemen; WEC, Sana’a University and Meta Meta Holland; special Professor Abdulla Saleh Babaqi Award; March 2021;
Noaman, Abdalla A. and Al-Nozaily Fadhl A. Wireless Smart Sensor Networks for Real-Time Warning for Flash flood in the Sana’a City Yemen. Submitted to ICES2023, February 6–8, 2023, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; www.ices-ksa.org