
Consultancy Unit


The WEC conducts a variety of research studies and consultations with the aim of fostering the development of the national industrial sector, enhancing qualitative scientific research, and bolstering educational outputs. Additionally, it engages in the preparation of studies and proposals for relevant governmental bodies to address the challenges encountered by the water and environment sectors in the Republic of Yemen.

Collaborating with international and governmental organizations, the WEC is entrusted with identifying optimal solutions from available options. Consequently, it has emerged as a reputable consultancy entity in several endeavors, including:

  • Assisting in determining the most suitable approach for the sanitation network in the southern areas of the Capital Secretariat of Sana’a.
  • Participating in the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) project to rehabilitate and empower farmers in the Sana’a Basin towards sustainable water resource management.
  • Implementing water security adaptation measures for vulnerable communities in Yemen, specifically in Sana’a, Saada, and Aden.
  • Analysis of the re-study of treated liquid waste and sludge in Aden, Amran, Hajjah, Ibb, and Yareem.
  • Evaluating water service providers in rural and urban areas of Sana’a, Part I: field survey on water service providers.
  • Assessing the impacts of climate change on water, agriculture, and socio-political conditions.
  • Enhancing traditional knowledge in managing raw water demand in the vegetable farms of Old Sana’a.
  • Community Water Management Project (CWMP) in Hadramout, Dhamar, and Taiz.
  • Groundwater and Soil Conservation Project (GSCP) – Future impact assessment.
  • The project of Groundwater in the Political Domain (CoCoon).