Dr. Abdulla Abdulqader Ahmed Noaman
Personal Information:
Name : Abdulla Abdulqader Ahmed Noaman
Date and place of Birth: Taiz, 23 October 1963
Mr. Noaman has been involved in preparation the Third National Communication and First Biennial Update Report on climate change, National Project Coordinator (TNC), Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR), Second National Communication (SNC) on Climate Change and National Project Coordinator, National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) for climate change and Preparing the national statements of the Yemeni delegation to be presented at the Paris Climate Conference.
1996- 2001: Mcs and PhD. In Hydrology and Water Resources Management – TU Braunschweig, Germany, 2001
1988-1990 Diploma in Advanced Hydrology and water management, IHE-Nederland
1981- 1988: BSc. in Civil engineering in Russia
- February, 2024– March . 2024: Environmental and Social Management Farmwork (ESMFP) for the project implanted by International Organization of Immigration
- October, 2019 – January , 2024 : Third Party Monitoring for the water and sanitation projects financed by German bank for construction and reconstruction (kfW)
- July, 2018- August , 2019: Team leader of the study team to carry out the study of “Community resilience due to the climate changes and wars: Fog water harvesting project in Manakha area, Sana’ a governorate ” financed by ZOA organization, Netherlands.
- January, 2017 – September , 2018 :Team leader of the study team to carry out the study of “Cholera Outbreak Investigation Study in Yemen ” financed by UNICEF , Yemen office,
- October, 2016 – February, 2107: Team leader of the study team to carry out the study of “Impact of the war on WASH infrastructures in Yemen” financed by NUFFIC, Nederland,
- March, 2015- December, 2016: Head of the research Team in Yemen for the project “Climate Change Resilience project: Urgent Capacity Development for Managing Natural Disaster Risks of Flash Floods in Egypt, Jordan, Sudan and Yemen” financed by Japan and supervised by UNESCO.
- May, 2014 – December 2014 : Team leader of the study “impact of the climate change in the water resources in Yemen”(Third National Communication on Climate Change), World Bank Project.
- August 201 – December 2013 : Team leader of the study “Multi-Sectorial Asset Data Base and Flood Risk Assessment in Wadi Hathramout”, ( Pilot Program for Climate Resilience Project Sana’a, WB project.
- March, 2103- October, 2013: Team Leader of the study of Climate change impact on water resources in Yemen, consultancy to the PPCR, 2015- WB- Project
- April, 2012- October, 2013: Senior engineer and Technical advisor of the Climate change impact on Agro-biodiversity project , RALP, WB. Project,
- March 2009 – December 2012: Team leader : carried out a Feasibility studies for water harvesting projects in various governorates to the Fund for economic opportunities in Yemen.
- April, 2011 – March, 2012: Member of the Team of the WB. Project “The Sana’a Water Issues and Options Study”
- June, 2009- November, 2009: Team Leader of the “rapid risk assessment of climate change on water resources PPCR-S-13-12” World Bank Project.
- February , 2008 – May, 2008: National consultant of the “Hydro-geological and Water Resources Monitoring and Investigations for the Sana’a basin” WB project.
- August, 2008 December, 2008: Team Leader of the “Climate Change Incremental Activity- Climate change and flood risk management in Sana’a city (Cities Alliance Grant, P112962) Sana’a City Development Strategy (CDS)” WB project.
- March,2007 – August, 2007: Team member of the Water Resources Vulnerability and Adaptation (V&A) Study, Second National Communication on Climate Change (SNC) EPA
- February- May 2005: Team Leader of the Consultancy to the EC, Food security program, Wadi Siham watershed management plan, financed by European commission.
- May, 2002 – August, 2004 : Team member of the “Satellite Analysis of Cropping and Irrigation Water Use Project (SACIWUP)”
- September, 1988 To April, 1993: Design Engineering in the irrigation department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Cooperation in Design, supervision and carry out the Hydrological studies for the several Dams and water harvesting projects.
Conferences and Workshops:
- Expert meeting in the climate change, November 18 -23, 2018 Cairo Egypt,
- Expert meeting in the climate change adaptation, Kathmandu, Nepal, October 20- 28, 2018.
- International conference on Flash Flood. Hurghada, Egypt. October, 2016
- Expert Meeting on Flash Flood Mitigation measures in the Arab countries. Cairo, Egypt. October, 2016
- Training workshop on Flash Flood hazard and risk maps. Amman, Jordan, March 2016
- Training workshop on Flash Flood risk management. Cairo, Egypt, December 2015
- Expert Group Meeting on National Institutional Reforms for the Implementation of IWRM Reforms in the ESCWA Region. Muscat, Oman. March, 2014
- G-Wadi Network, Muscat, Oman Water Resources Management Network in Arab Region, Feb. 2014,
- Expert meeting in Disaster Risk Management, Cairo, Egypt, September, 2010
- Climate change conference, Hyderabad, India, 2009
- The fifth World Water Forum, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-23 March , 2009
- Innovations in Groundwater Governance in the Mena Region Middle East North Africa, World Water Week 2008. Stockholm,
- Climate change and water resources in the MENA region, Muscat, November, 2008
- WSTA Conference, Riadh, Saudi Arabia, 2003
- Training of trainer in IWRM and teaching methods in Wageningen university in Holland, , 1-17 June 2007, Wageningen, the Netherlands
- The fourth International Wadi Hydrology , Muscat, November, 2007
- The third international conference in IWRM, 27-28 September 2006, Bochum, Germany
- G-Wadi Network, Aleppo, 2006, Indigenous knowledge for using and managing water harvesting, techniques in Yemen
- Third Wadi Hydrology Conference, Sana’a, Yemen 12-14 December, 2005
- Arab Water Conference, Cairo, Egypt, 12-15 April 2004
- Training Course in EIA auditing (04-10) December 2002) SFD, Sana’a, Yemen
- Training Course in Training of Trainers, (1-5 March 2003) for 45 Hours, National Institute of Administrative Sciences, Sana’a Republic of Yemen
- WSTA Sixth Gulf Water Conference (8-12 March 2003) Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Workshop on knowledge mapping for integrated resources management in western Asia, (1-8 May 2003) Cairo, Egypt
- The Second International Conference in Wadi Hydrology, 1-4 July 2003, Amman-Jordan
- The 43 conference of science, water resources technology, 18-21 Oct. 2003, Damascus, Syria
- Second Regional Conference on Water Demand Management and Pollution Control, Sharm Al-Sheikh, Egypt, 14-17 December 2003
- Ecohydrology of Drylands in the Arab Region Workshop Sharm Al-Sheikh, Egypt, 14-17 December 2003
- Training Course in project cycle management,) for 6 days, Ministry of high 1. education, Sana’a, May, 2004
- Regional Training of Trainers in IWRM organized by Unesco chair in water resources, 5-10 September 2004, Khartoum, Sudan.
- Second Workshop on Ecohydrology of Drylands in the Arab Region, Beirut; 11-13 October 2004
- Course in Wadi Hydrology in IWRM in wadis using decision support system, Amman, Jordan, June 20-25, 2005
- Participation on the 11 meeting on the International Hydrological Program (IHP) in Damascus, Syria 25- 29 September 2005
- Polices and strategies on the IWRM in Yemen, Keynote presentation on the 11 meeting on the International Hydrological Program (IHP) in Damascus, Syria 25- 29 September 2005
- Participation in the PoWER (Partnership of Water Educational Research) meeting, Nanjing, China, 19-23 October 2005
- Participation on the 7th Water Gulf Conference, Kuwait, 19-23 November 2005.
- Organizing committee member and Scientific committee reporter on the third Wadi Hydrology conference, 12-15 December 2005, Sana’a, Yemen
- The 7th Water Gulf conference, Kuwait 19-23 November, 2005.
- Wadi Hydrology, Experts meeting, Damascus, Syria 20-24 July 2004
- Arab Water Conference, 12-15 April 2004, Cairo, Egypt .Regional Seminar in IWRM in Arid and Semi Arid Region, Mukalla-Hadhramout, Republic of Yemen, 2003
- The second international conference in wadi hydrology, 1-4 July 2003, Amman-Jordan
- water resources technology, 18-21 Oct. 2003, Damascus, Syria
- Simulation of Erosion in Rinfeld Terraces in Yemen. The Ecohydrology of Drylands in the Arab Region Workshop, Sharm Al-Sheikh, Egypt, 14-17 December 2003.
- Training Course in Oracle 9i Application Developer (01-22 October 2002) Hyderabad, India
Research and scientific papers:
- Abdulla Noaman and Mansour Haidera, Water scarcity and climate change adaptation for Yemen’s vulnerable communities, Local Environment 16:5, 473-488. 2011
- Abdulla Noaman& Chris Swarts (2009), Modelling water resources in the Sana’a basin, Yemen, using a WEAP model , IAHS Publ. 330, 2009., 84-89
- Abdulla Noman, Al-Jailani Jawid, Investigation of the potential of fog water harvesting in the western mountainous parts of Yemen, Arab gulf journal of scientific research ISSN 1015-4442 , 2008
- W.A. Foppen, A. Noman, Transport of Escherichia coli and solutes during waste water infiltration in an urban alluvial aquifer. J Contam Hydrol. 2008 Jan 7;95(1-2):1-16. Epub 2007 Jul 17.
- Reducing the vulnerability of societies to water related risks at the basin scale, Bochum, Germany, IAHS, Publ. 317, 2007, 186-190
- Noman, Ecohydrological-Erosion Model for semi –arid mountain catchment using GIS, The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 30, Number 2C. December, 2005
- Noman & T.Tahir Sediment Problems of Irrigation canals: Field Studies to Assess the Changes in Canals Profiles and Cross Sections, in Journal of Science and Technology, Sana’a Republic of Yemen. 2003
- Sedimentation problems in marine cooling channel of Mukha, Power Station, Yemen, University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 7(1) 2003: 151-159
- Noaman, et al., 2009. Yemen country report. In: T. Devisscher, et al., eds. Adaptation continuum: groundwork for the future. Lesuden, Netherlands: ETC Foundation, 325–340.
- Noman and G.Riedel (1998) Application of Rainfall Runoff Model (NAXOS) for Wadi in Yemen using GIS In: GIS application in catchments hydrology, (8-11 May 1998), Hanover Technical University, Germany
- Noman (2001) Runoff Estimation for Arid Catchments In: International Conference on Flood Estimation, Berne, Switzerland
- Noman (2002) Erosion Model for Arid and Semi arid catchments In: Regional Seminar in IWRM in Arid and Semi Arid Region, Mukalla-Hadhramout, Republic of Yemen.
- Noman (2003) Rainfall Runoff Erosion Model For Semi-arid Catchments using GIS in WSTA Confernce, Riadh, Saudi Arabia.
- Noman & T.Tahir (2003) Sediment Problems of Irrigation canals: Field Studies to Assess the Changes in Canals Profiles and Cross Sections, in Journal of Science and Technology, Sana’a Republic of Yemen.
- Noman (2003) Water Harvesting and Spate Irrigation in Wadis: Case of Yemen. In. The second international conference in wadi hydrology, 1-4 July 2003, Amman-Jordan
- Noman (2003) Fog collection of the western mountainous part of Yemen The 43 conference of science, water resources technology, 18-21 Oct. 2003, Damascus, Syria
- Noman (2003) Simulation of Erosion in Rinfeld Terraces in Yemen. The Ecohydrology of Drylands in the Arab Region Workshop, Sharm Al-Sheikh, Egypt, 14-17 December 2003.
- Noman (2004) Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy (CWRAS) , study paper for the World Bank, March, 2004
- .Noman (2004) water harvesting technique: Fog collection of the western mountainus part of Yemen. Arab Water Confernce, 12-15 April 2004, Cairo, Egypt.
- Noman (2005) water harvesting in the western mountainous part of Yemen. The 7th Water Gulf conference, Kuwait 19-23 November, 2005.
Languages: Arabic- English – Russian- German