Dr. Fadhl Ali Saleh Al-Nozaily
Personal Information:
Name : Fadhl Ali Saleh Al-Nozaily, Yemen
Academic position: Prof.
Affiliation: Faculty of Engineering , Civil Engineering Dept., and water and Environment Centre, Sana’a University
Specific Specialization: Sanitary Engineering (Water, Wastewater and Environment)
Address: Sana’a, P.O. Box:13790, Sana’a, Yemen, Mob: +967-777381627
E-mail drfadhl@yahoo.com; drfadhlali@gmail.com,
Summary of Experience:
Professor, Dr. Eng. Fadhl Ali Saleh Al-Nozaily, obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia, received a Master’s and Ph.D. from the Netherlands, specializing in Water and Environmental Engineering, and worked as a vice director of the Water and Environment Center, Vice Dean of the College of Engineering and Dean of the College of Engineering. He also worked as an engineering consultant with Sana’a Water and Sanitation Local Corporation as well as an engineering consultant at Al-Thawra General Hospital in Sana’a, worked as a consultant for environmental impact assessment at the Public Works Project, and designed and supervised a number of sanitation projects, worked as a consultant with the World Bank to assess compliance of environmental measures approved by the WB with Various projects. He worked as a consultant in the field of municipal and medical solid waste management and assessment in a number of medical centers and hospitals, focusing on designing the appropriate recommended incinerator. He have guided and implemented several training courses through the Water and Environment Center, funded by GTZ and the Social Fund for Development, supervised master’s and bachelor’s students in the field of civil engineering, water, sanitation and the environment, and has published three textbooks in three subjects in the field of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, and published many scientific books, the most important of which are Al-Maqashem at Old Sana’a city, published many scientific papers in the field of civil engineering, water, sanitation and the environment, prepared many studies on the environmental impact of the World Bank. Prepared ESMF for IOM, UNICEF, UNDP, PWP.
BSc. 21/7/1984, Civil Engineering, KAU-Saudi Arabia
MSc. 28/4/1992, Sanitary Engineering, IHE, Delft, Holland
Ph.D. 10/1/2001, Sanitary Engineering, TU, Delft, Holland
1.Design and supervision of the implementation of residential and government buildings
2.Design and supervision of the implementation of water networks
3.Design and supervision of the implementation of sewage networks
4.Design and supervision of the implementation of treatment plants
5.Design and supervision of solid waste projects
6.Implementation of scientific research in the field of water, sanitation and environment
7.Carrying out training in water, sanitation and the environment
8.Water, Sewage and Sludge Analysis
9.Preparation of environmental studies-ESMP/ESIA/ESMF for infrastructure projects
Conferences and Workshops:
As mentioned above.
6. Participation in evaluation committee:
1. Center for Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Member of the team of external auditors for the Civil Engineering Program – University of Science and Technology February – March 2024 The committee consists of Prof. Rashid Al-Sanfi, Prof. Fadl Al-Nazili, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Ameri
2.STWIG representing WEC in the sanitation group
3.Evaluation of scientific papers for journal of environment and development, Al-Naser university- 2019- 2020
4.A member in Hail Saed evaluation committee for the price of fifth cycle for year 2011, in Environmental and agricultural science, Taiz 15 March 2012
5.A member in Ministry of high education and scientific research to evaluate proposals in the field of water and sanitation
6.Review of syllabus of BSc course in water and Environment department for Amran University. Financed by Ministry of high education and scientific research.
7.Evaluation of promotion to associate prof. Aden University
8.Evaluation of scientific papers for journal of Faculty of engineering in Aden university
9.Evaluation of scientific papers for journal of Faculty of engineering in Hadhramout university
10.Evaluation of scientific papers for journal of Faculty of engineering in Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a university
11.Evaluation of scientific papers for journal of science, Sana’a university
12.Evaluation of proposals for IFS
Research and scientific papers:
As mentioned above
Other Members