Dr. Hisham Mohamed Hamoud Nagi
Personal Information:
Name: Hisham Mohamed Hamoud Nagi.
Date of Birth: 4th November 1970.
Permanent Address: Department of Environmental Sciences Faculty of Petroleum and Natural Resources Sana’a University
Telephone: +967-1-505513 (Home). +967-736300022
Email: h.nagi@su.edu.ye & hishnagi@yahoo.com
Nationality: Yemeni
Head of Environmental Sciences Department, Faculty of Petroleum and Natural Resources. Professional university lecturer with more than 25 years of experience. At Consultant to several organizations on EIA, Environmental Management, Coastal Zone Management, Social Impacts of Environmental and Socio-Economic Development Policies.
- D. in Marine Science (2008) – Goa University. Research work has been carried out at the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa, India.
- Sc. in Environmental Science (2002) with First Class Grade – Bangalore University, India.
- Sc. in Marine Science (1994) with Very Good Grade – Sana’a University, Republic of Yemen.
- Member of the several committees including:
- The National Steering Committee (NSC) of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) – Small Grant Programme (SGP) – UNDP.
- The Higher Committee for establishment of the Faculty of Petroleum and Natural Resources at Sana’a University, as a coordinator for developing the environmental science program.
- Evaluation Committee of Research Centers in Sana’a University;
- Academic Council of Sana’a University; and the Highest Council of Sana’a University.
Consultant to several projects including:
- Marine Protected Areas Planning and Management, under the project “Strategic Ecosystem Management of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden”, PERSGA.
- Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and a Process Framework (PF) for the Climate Resilient Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project, PPCR, Yemen.
- Engineering & Consulting Services for Integrated Waste Management (IMW) Facility in Habban Field Block S2, Shabwa, OMV (Yemen Block S2) Exploration GmbH.
- Institutional Capacity Assessment to Identify Areas of Gaps and Needs for Climate Change Capacity Building, Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR).
- “SDV Flagship of Social Dynamics and Fragility”, The World Bank, Yemen.
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Fisheries Investment Project – Yemen. Hariri & Associates – IFAD, Yemen.
- Preparation of socioeconomic baseline survey of communities around mining sites in the Governorates of Amran, Taiz and Hadhramut – Environmental and Social Sustainability (ESS) Consensus Policy Framework.
- Coastal environment of Al Mahra Governorate – Yemen, in order to issue a Guide to the Fisheries Sector in Al-Mahra.
- Coastal zone vulnerability of Aden Governorate, and adaptation assessment because of sea level rise due to climate change, as a part of the Second National Communication, EPA.
- Rabid assessment survey of intertidal and mangrove ecosystem around the coasts of Socotra Island.
- Preparing Yemen Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Report, GEF / UNDP (National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of Yemen Project.
- Project Team Leader “Threats to Mangrove Ecosystem along the Coastal Zone of Yemen” – The Yemen Remote Sensing and GIS Centre, Yemen.
- Project Team Leader “Studying the Total Area of Mangrove Habitat in the Coastal Zone of Yemen by Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques” – The Yemen Remote Sensing and GIS Centre, Yemen.
Conferences and Workshops:
- Participated and presented a paper “Impact of Sea Level Rise and Climate Change on the Coastal Zone of Aden Governorate”, in the scientific Symposium “The Impact of Climate Change and its Implications in Yemen”, Aden University, Aden, Yemen (4th – 6th November 2019).
- Participated in the “Consultation and Capacity Building Workshop on Strengthening National Capacity to Prepare for Climate Negotiations and Global Climate Agreement 2015 to Identify Contribution to the Post”, by EPA, UNDP, Sana’a, Yemen (28th – 30th Dec 2014).
- Participated in the “Marine Biodiversity Management Training” Workshop, by IUCN, YLNG, Balhaf, Yemen (18th – 20th Oct 2014).
- Participated and presented a paper “Present Status of Mangrove Ecosystem in Yemen”, in the 9th Scientific Conference of the Yemeni Biological Society; held in Ibb University, Yemen (14th – 15th Sep 2014).
- Participated and presented a paper “Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystem in Yemen, Urgent Need for an Appropriate Management”, in the Arab-Mediterranean Regional Conference on Coastal Environmental Resources Management and Monitoring, organized by UNEP, ROWA; held in Beirut – Lebanon (15th – 16th May 2013).
- Participated and presented a paper “Biology of Sharks”, in a Workshop about Conservation of Sharks in Yemen, organized by EPA, with the regional office of CITES – Dubai; held in Mukalla –Yemen (20th – 22nd Jan 2013).
- Participated in the “Academic Programme Evaluation and Self-Assessment” workshop, organized by the British Council, Sana’a, Yemen (26th – 28th Feb 2011).
- Participated and presented a paper “Concentrations of Some Trace Metals in the Mangrove Area of Mandovi Estuary, Goa, India”, in the 7th Scientific Conference of the Yemeni Biological Society; held in Sana’a, Yemen (28th – 29th Sep 2010).
- Attended the “International Seminar on Challenges in Applications of Integrated Water Resources Management”, Water and Environment Centre, Sana’a University, Yemen (15th – 16th Mar 2010).
- Participated and presented a paper “Condition Index of Crassostrea madrasensis and C. gryphoides Population in Selected Mangrove Habitats of Goa”; in the 6th Scientific Conference of the Yemeni Biological Society; held in Taiz, Yemen (14th – 15th Nov 2009).
- Attended the “National Workshop on Ecological Niche Modeling in Biodiversity Management”, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa – India (13th – 15th Dec 2007).
- Participated in the “National Workshop on Marine Biodiversity Data Management and Digitization of Museum Specimens”, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa – India (15th – 16th Jan 2007).
- Participated and presented a paper Geomorphology of Tiswadi Island, Goa using GIS: A preliminary exercise”; in the State Level Seminar on “A Review of Remote Sensing and GIS Projects carried out in Goa”, held at Dhempe College of Arts & Science, Goa – India (19th – 20th Mar 2005).
- Participated in the training workshop on Eco-tourism, organized by UNDP – EPC – GTA – WTO, Sana’a – Yemen (13th – 18th Jun 1998).
- Participated in Regional Training Workshop on Marine Surveys and Monitoring, organized by PERSGA / GEF – Hodeidah, Yemen (6th – 11th Dec 1997).
Research and scientific papers:
- Nagi, H. M. Principles of Environmental Sciences; The Arabian Gulf for Printing and Publishing; Sana’a, Yemen; 360 Pages. (Book in Arabic).
- Al Khirbash, B. S.; Taher, M. A.; Nagi, H. M.; Al Shwafi, N. A. and Al Sameh, A. 2019; Using Remote Sensing to Study the Land Use / Land Cover of Kamaran Island, Yemen; The International Journal of Engineering and Science, 8(1): 21-27.
- Mol-Aldwila, N.; Al-Wosabi, M. A.; Nagi, H. M. and Al Shwafi, N. A. 2018; Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Surface Sediments of Hadhramout Coast, Yemen; Advances in Clinical Toxicology, 3(1): 000123.
- Al Hagibi, H. A.; Al-Selwi, K. M.; Nagi, H.M. and Al-Shwafi, N. A. 2018. Study of Heavy Metals Concentration in Mangrove Sediments of the Red Sea Coast of Yemen from Al-Salif to Bab-el-Mandeb Strait; Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources, 2(1): 121.
- Al Hagibi, H. A.; Nagi, H.M.; Al-Selwi, K. M. and Al-Shwafi, N. A. 2018. Study of Heavy Metals Concentration in Mangroves Leaves of the Red Sea Coast of Yemen; Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources, 2(1): 120.
- Mol-Aldwila, N.; Nagi, H. M.; Al-Wosabi, M. A.; and Al Shwafi, N. A. 2017; Assessment of some Heavy Metal Pollution in Mollusca from Hadhramout Coast, Yemen; International Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology Research, 5(3): 41-52.
- Al Shwafi, N. A.; Al-Wosabi, M. A.; Nagi, H. M. and Mol-Aldwila, N. 2017; Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Seawater of Hadhramout Coastal Area, Yemen; Hadhramout University Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences, 14(1): 59-69.
- Mol-Aldwila, N.; Al Shwafi, N. A.; Al-Wosabi, M. A. and Nagi, H. M. 2017; Assessment of some Heavy Metals in Water and Sediments from the Hadramout Coast, Yemen; Environmental and Water Sciences, Public Health & Territorial Intelligence Journal, 1(3): 29-43.
- Al-Hagibi, H. A.; Nagi, H. M.; Al-Selwi, K. M. and Al-Shwafi, N. A. 2015. Hydrographical Studies on Mangrove Ecosystem of the Red Sea Coast of Yemen from Al-Salif to Bab-el-Mandeb Strait; University of Aden Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences, 19(2): 383-391.
- Al Saafani, M. A.; Nagi, H. M.; Alhababy, A. M.; Abubakr, M. M. and Hajer, A. 2015. Impact of Sea Level Rise and Climate Change on the Coastal Zone of Aden Governorate, Republic of Yemen; Faculty of Science Bulletin, 27: 15-32.
- Nagi, H. M.; Rodrigues, R. S.; Mani Murali, R. and Jagtap, T. G. 2014. Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques for Detecting Land Cover Changes of Mangrove Habitats in Goa, India; Faculty of Science Bulletin, 26: 21-33.
- Al Maqtari, M. and Nagi, H. M. Screening of Salt-stress, Antioxidant Enzyme, and Antimicrobial Activity of Leave extracts of Mangroves Avicennia marina L. from Hodaidah, Yemen; Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, 10(2): 190-199.
- Hariri, K. I. and Nagi, H. M. Coastal Ecosystems of Al-Mahrah Governorate, Yemen; University of Aden Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences; 17(3): 637-645.
- Nagi, H. M. and Abubakr, M. M. 2013. Threats Status to Mangrove Ecosystem along the Coastal Zone of Yemen; Journal of King AbdulAziz University – Marine Sciences, 24(1): 101-117.
- Nagi, H. M.; Khanbari, K. M. and Al-Sameh, A. 2012. Estimating Total Area of Mangrove Habitats in the Republic of Yemen Using Remote Sensing and GIS; Faculty of Science Bulletin, 24: 75-84.
- Nagi, H. M.; Shenai-Tirodkar, P. and Jagtap, T. G. 2011. Dimensional Relationships in Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston) and C. gryphoides (Schlotheim) in Mangrove Ecosystem; Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 40(4): 559-566.
- Nagi, H. M. and Jagtap, T. G. 2010. Condition Index of Crassostrea madrasensis Preston (Ostreoida, Ostreidae) and C. gryphoides Schlotheim (Ostreoida, Ostreidae) and its Percentage Edibility in Populations Associated with Selected Mangrove Habitats from Goa, India; Yemeni Journal of Biological Science, 6(1): 107-116.
- Nagi, H. M.; Jagtap, T. G. and Ansari, Z. A. 2009. Biochemical Composition of Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston) in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Mandovi Estuary, Goa, India; Faculty of Science Bulletin, 22: 39-104.
- Jagtap, T. G.; Nagi, H. M.; Kulkarni, V. A. and Savant, S. B. 2008. Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing for Assessing and Management of Ecologically Sensitive Habitats from Small Islands on Chagos Laccadive Archipelago; Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7150, 71500W.
- Nagi, H. M. Environmental Studies on Mangrove Cover Changes in Goa, and its Resident Crassostrea Population; a Ph. D. Thesis Submitted to Goa University; Goa, India.
- Nagi, H. M. Geomorphology of the Dona Paula – Siridao Coast (Goa): Implications for Cliff Management; a M. Sc. Dissertation Submitted to Bangalore University; Bangalore, India.
- Jawad, L. A.; Taher, M. M. A. and Nagi, H. M. H. Age and Asymmetry Studies on the Indian Mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Osteichthyes: Scombridae) Collected from the Red Sea Coast of Yemen; Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 30: 180-182.