Dr. Maryam Ahmed Mohammed Taher
Personal Information:
Name: Maryam Ahmed Mohammed Taher
Date of Birth: 12/3/1971, Al – Hodeida, Yemen
Nationality Yemeni
Mobile: 00967-7740121154 / 737575317
E- mail: Maria123661@hotmail.com
Dr.. Maryam Taher, Assistant Professor at the College of Petroleum and Natural Resources, has experience in planning and statistics. She attended many courses, workshops and conferences in the fields of environment, project management, malnutrition reduction, food security, and strategic and national planning. I have computer skills and report writing, and good knowledge of environmental impacts and coastal communities.
Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences, 2018 (Thesis titled “Environmental & Management of Yemeni Islands: A case study of Kamaran Island, Faculty of Sciences, Sana’a University, Sana’a.
Master protection and management of the marine environment. 2013 (Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Science & Technology Houari Boumediene, Algieri.
Computer Diploma (Windows, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel, Access) May 8th to 20th October 2004, Technology City, Sana’a.
B. A. French Language. 2001, Faulty of Languages, Sana’a University.
B.S in Marine Science 1994, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University, Yemen.
Professional Experience:
September 2017 until now “Assistant Professor in Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Petrol and Natural Resources, Sana’a University”, Sana’a.
March 2017 “Director General of Statistics and Planning in Ministry of Fish Wealth”, Sana’a.
June 2014 until March 2017 “Acting Director General of Statistics and Planning in Ministry of Fish Wealth”, Sana’a.
April 2002 to June 2014 ” Director of the Department of Marine Environment in Ministry of Fish Wealth”, Sana’a.
1997: Department of marine inspection and supervision, Ministry of Fish Wealth, Sana’a.
August 1995 to 1997 “Technician at Department of Marine”, Faculty of Science, Sana’a University.
Professional skills:
June 2022 until now “Member of the Sectoral Committee for Preparing the Research Map in the Water and Environment Sector”, Higher Authority for Science, Technology and Innovation, Sana’a.
2016 until now “Training Ministry of Fish Wealth employees in the field of Strategic Planning, Participatory Planning, Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, and environmental awareness. Sana’a.
October 2016 until now ” Member of the Working Group on Policy Dialogue for Food Security “at the Technical Level”.
September 2017 “Advisory in the emergency project to support business continuity USAID (Small and Microenterprise Development Agency of the Social Fund for Development)” – Sana’a
From 2017 until now “Teaching master’s students at the Water and Environment Center in the field of developing and supporting coastal women, Sana’a.
January 2008- until 2010 “Monitoring Environment Committee Member in Yemen LNG”
February 8th to 12th 2020″Training Course National Strategic Planning”, National Institute of Administrative Sciences – Sana’a.
December 15th to 19th 2019″Training Course Sphere Project Humanitarian Charter”, New Harvard Academic Institute, Sana’a.
October 26th to November 7th 2019″Training of Trainers program (TOT)”, American National Institute, Ma’ean District, Ministry of Technical Education and Occupational Training, Sana’a.
August 27th to September 1st 2019 “Training course in executive secretarial and office management”, Entrepreneurship Organization, Sana’a.
March 30th to April 2nd 2019 “Hold the training course Emergency and conflict-sensitive planning “, for Staff and technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF in Center of Public Administration Development (CPAD), Sana’a.
March 20th to 25th 2019 “Hold the training course Monitoring and Evaluation “, for Staff and technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF in Center of Public Administration Development (CPAD), Sana’a.
March 16th to 17th 2019 “Hold the training course Strategic Leadership “, for staff and technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF in Center of Public Administration Development (CPAD), Sana’a.
March 4th to 7th 2019 “Hold the training course Project Management 2 “, for staff and technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF in Center of Public Administration Development (CPAD), Sana’a.
February 25th to 28th 2019 “Hold the training course Project Management 1 “, for staff and technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF in Center of Public Administration Development (CPAD), Sana’a.
February 19th to 21th 2019 “Training course Resource mobilization and financial planning “, for staff and technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF in Center of Public Administration Development (CPAD), Sana’a.
February 5th to 7th 2019 “Training course Strategic Advocacy “, for staff and technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF in Center of Public Administration Development (CPAD), Sana’a.
January 27th to 29th 2019 “Training course Communication & Coordination”, for staff and technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF in Center of Public Administration Development (CPAD), Sana’a.
September 8th to 11th 2018 “Training course for employees in statistical units for development project the annual statistic book”, in cooperation with the United Nations Fund Population (UNFPA), Sana’a.
July 28th to 1st August 2018, “Projects Monitoring & Evaluation Training, ROC Organization, Sana’a.
December 6th to 8th 2016 “Participated in the Food and Nutrition Security Policy Process”, Capacity Building Training, Food Security Technical Secretariat of Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC) in partnership with the Food Security Information System/ FAO of the UN, Sana’a, Yemen.
November 14th to 16th 2016″Training Course on Climate Change and Gender” Environment Protection Authority – Sana’a.
September 18th to 22th 2016 “Food and Nutrition Security Policy Process”, Capacity Building Second Training, Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS), Food Security Technical Secretariat of Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC) in partnership with the Food Security Information System/ FAO of the UN, Sana’a, Yemen.
September 4th to 7th 2016 “Food and Nutrition Security Policy Process”, Capacity Building First Training, Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS), Food Security Technical Secretariat of Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC) in partnership with the Food Security Information System/ FAO of the UN, Sana’a, Yemen.
May 23rd to 24th 2016″IPC Training Activation “, Food Security Technical Secretariat of Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC) in partnership with the Food Security Information System/ FAO of the UN, Sana’a, Yemen.
March 20th to 24th 2016 ” Personal Strategic Planning Training” “Institute of Development Ambassadors, Sana’a.
October 17th and 18th 2015 “Training course in Data Collection and application on SPSS Program ” at Al-Moheet Center for Training and Studies (MCO), Sana’a.
August 6th to 1st October 2014″Training Course on Coastal Fisheries Management (A), at Marino-Forum 21 (MF 21) and JICA Yokohama International Center, Japan.
December 14th 2009″Training 2 of SEA of Coastal Zone Management in Yemen”, Environment Protection Authority, The World Bank, Sana’a.
September 27th to October 6th 2009″Biodiversity Survey” (Held in Kamaran Island, R. of. Yemen with YLNG and Total Company).
July 1st to 4th 2009″Training 1 (SEA of Coastal Zone Management in Yemen with Special Focus in Climate adaptability”, Environment Protection Authority, The World Bank, Sana’a.
March 7th to 19th 2009” Biodiversity Survey “(Held in Aden and Burum Coastline, R. of. Yemen, with YLNG and Total Company)
March 26th to 27th 2008″Coral Health Recognition Training Course, Held for Yemen LNG Ltd
May 26th to 30th 2007″Environmental Awareness Training for Women’s Associations and Centers”, Environment Protection Authority – Sana’a.
February 14th to 3rd March 2004″Intertidal and subtidal Survey and Monitoring Methods 2″, Red Sea Project), UNDP, Hodeida.
November 29th to 11th December 2003″Intertidal and subtidal Survey and Monitoring Methods 1″, Red Sea Project), UNDP, Hodeida.
July 19th to 23rd 2003 “National Training Course on Radiation Protection in Industrial Practices” National Atomic Energy Commission “NATEC”), Sana’a.
August 6th to 6th October 1994″Attended training session on water analysis Techniques”, General Cooperation For water station, Sana’a.
August to September 1993″Attended in two months training course in: Water analysis Techniques & Nutrients analysis”, Held in Central Laboratory, Sana’a.
Workshops and Training Workshops:
July 26th to 27th 2022 ” Symposium on Food System Dialogues in Yemen/ Action Track 1: Ensuring access to safe and nutritious food for all”, technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership, Ministry of Planning and Development, Sana’a.
July 5th to 6th 2022 ” Symposium on Food System Dialogues in Yemen/ Action Track 2: Shift to Healthy and Sustainable Consumption Patterns”, technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership, Ministry of Planning and Development, Sana’a.
June 4th to 6th 2022 “Managing Professional Governmental Projects”, Training Center at the Central Statistical Organization, Sana’a.
May 24th to 26th 2022 ” Symposium on Food System Dialogues in Yemen/ Action Track 5: Build Resilience to Vulnerabilities, Shocks and Stresses”, technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership, Ministry of Planning and Development, Sana’a.
January 26th to February 10th 2022 “IPC Analysis workshop”, Food Security Technical Secretariat of Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC) in partnership with the Food Security Information System/ FAO of the UN, Sana’a, Yemen.
December 18th 2021 ” Meeting to discuss the joint Annual Assessment report on the progress 2021″, technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership, Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC), Sana’a.
December 15th “Workshop entitled Reducing Plastic Pollution: A Shared Responsibility for Consumer Protection and the Environment within the Framework of the National Vision”, Yemeni association for Consumer Protection, Sana’a.
August 19th 2021 “Workshop on Finalizing the Yemen Action Plan for Wasting (GAP) “, technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF, Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC), Yad Yemen Association for development, Sana’a.
July 15th 2021 “Orientation Workshop Food System Dialogues, Action Track 2: Shift to Sustainable Consumption Patterns in Yemen”, technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with World Health Organization, Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC), Yad Yemen Association for development, Sana’a.
April 5th 2021 “A Meeting to Prepare to Implement the Nutrition Budget Analysis Activity 2021”, technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership, Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC), Sana’a.
February 18th 2021 “Developing Good Nutrition: Awareness Raising and Behavior Change Guide / Risk Communication for Nutrition in Response to COVID -19 Pandemic in Yemen”, technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF, Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC), Yad Yemen Association for development, Sana’a.
February 11th 2021 “Developing a National Response Mechanism during Emergencies for Nutrition to support Governmental Evidence – Based Decision-Making Process / Risk Communication for Nutrition in Response to COVID -19 Pandemic in Yemen”, technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF, Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC), Yad Yemen Association for development, Sana’a.
July 14th to 21st 2021 “Risk Communication for Nutrition in Response to COVID -19 Pandemic in Yemen -TOT- “, technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF, Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC), Yad Yemen Association for development, Sana’a.
October 31st to November 10th 2020 “IPC Analysis workshop”, Food Security Technical Secretariat of Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC) in partnership with the Food Security Information System/ FAO of the UN, Sana’a, Yemen.
January 8th 2020 ” Workshop on preparing the advocacy strategy for the Multi-sectoral Nutrition ” technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF, Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC), Sana’a.
December 15th 2019 “Workshop on Assessing the Effectiveness of Aid provides To Yemen to Ease the Humanitarian Crisis”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sana’a.
November 24th to 26th 2019 “workshop on preparing the advocacy strategy for the Multi-sectoral Nutrition Action Plan”, technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF, Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC), Sana’a.
July 29th 2019 ” Technical Orientation Workshop Approve and cost the Synchronized and Updated CRF”, technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF, Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC), Sana’a.
July 15th 2019 “Annual Progress Joint- Assessment of the National Multi-stakeholder Platform Workshop – 2019 ” technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF, Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC), Sana’a.
June 26th 2019 “Workshop to mapping the Nutrition’s Humanitarian and Development Interventions in Yemen” technical team of SUN-YEMEN Secretariat in partnership with UNICEF, Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC), Sana’a.
April 23rd 2019 “The national workshop of the Environmental Assessment Draft Report for areas affected by aggression and the state of Environment in Yemen 2018”, for the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) with support from UNICEF at the Ministry of Water and Environment, Sana’a.
December 10th to 11th 2018 “Workshop to IFAD Re – engagement strategy in Yemen”, Cairo – Egypt.
October 29th 2018 “Workshop to discuss the research study on fisheries “, the Food Security Information System, Sana’a.
October 20th to 23rd 2018 ” IPC 2018 Analysis workshop”, Food Security Technical Secretariat of Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC) in partnership with the Food Security Information System/ FAO of the UN, Sana’a, Yemen.
July 10th 2018 “Progress Joint-Assessment of the National Multi- Stakeholder platform workshop 2018”, SUN, Yemen, MOPIC, Sana’a.
December 24th 2017 “Reviewing the updated contextual analysis of the nutrition situation in Yemen for developing the nutrition Multi– sectoral plan”, SUN, Yemen, MOPIC, Sana’a.
April 3rd to 5th 2017 “Workshop on Climate Change and Sustainable Development”, Environment Protection Authority, Sana’a.
February 20th to 23th 2017″IPC 2017 Analysis workshop”, Food Security Technical Secretariat of Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC) in partnership with the Food Security Information System/ FAO of the UN, Sana’a, Yemen.
November 27th to 30th 2016″Food and Nutrition Security Policy Process workshop”, Food Security Technical Secretariat of Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC) in partnership with the Food Security Information System/ FAO of the UN, Sana’a, Yemen.
June 19th to 20th 2016″Workshop on introducing the concepts of Climate Change in national plans”, Environment Protection Authority, Sana’a.
May 25th to 30th 2016″IPC Analysis workshop”, Food Security Technical Secretariat of Ministry of Planning International Cooperation (MOPIC) in partnership with the Food Security Information System/ FAO of the UN, Sana’a, Yemen.
March 17th 2016″Workshop on Climate Change Financing Mechanisms and Fund Green Climate”, Environment Protection Authority, Sana’a.
February 18th 2016″Workshop on Climate Change Negotiations and Results of the Twenty First Conference of the Parties”- Environment Protection Authority, Sana’a.
December 22nd 2015 “Workshop on Updating National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan”, Environment Protection Authority, UNDP, Sana’a.
October 29th 2015 “Training Workshop in Samples and Determination of their Size in Studies and Research Statistical”, “Moheet Center for Training and Studies (MCO), Sana’a.
December 28th to 30th 2014″The consultative training workshop to enhance national capacities in preparing for negotiations and participation in the post-2015 climate change agreement”, Environment Protection Authority, Sana’a.
October 27th 2014″Workshop (Consultation 2014) on the review and update of environmental and social preventive policies at the World Bank”, Cairo, Egypt.
June 30th 2010 “Final Study Presentation for the SYNC Workshop Meeting, Environment Protection Authority, Sana’a.
May 23rd 2010 ” Participation in the Global Environment Facility Policy Awareness Workshop ” Environment Protection Authority, GEF, Sana’a.
October 12th to 14th 2009 ” Participated in the Regional Training Workshop on Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management in The Red Sea and Gulf of Aden” PERSGA, Jeddah.
August 18th and 19th 2009 “Training Course on Gender and CEDAW ” , National Women’s Committee, Sana’a.
July 29th 2009″ 4th National Report”, Environment Protection Authority, Sana’a.
April 26th and 27th 2009 “Training Workshop on Gender Analysis and Integration in Development Policies and Plans “National Women’s Committee, Sana’a.
December 27th to 29th 2008″Training workshop on OARE AND HINARI”, Environment Protection Authority , Sana’a.
February 28th 2007″Workshop on Sea Cucumber Fisheries in the R. o. Yemen”, Environment Protection Authority, PERSIGA, Sana’a.
November 11th to 15th 2006″Training workshop on Introduction to CITES, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora “and its Implementation” Environment Protection Authority, IFAW, Sana’a.
October 4th 2006″Workshop on the National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA)”, Environment Protection Authority, UNDP, Sana’a.
August 26th 2006″Workshop / Discussion on Draft National Annex to CITES “Convention on International Trade in Species of Wild Fauna& Flora “, Environment Protection Authority, IFAW, Sana’a.
July 9th to 12th 2006″Special Workshop on Revised National Strategy for Environmental Sustainability”, Environment Protection Authority, UNDP, Sana’a.
April 20th 2006″Special Workshop on Explanation of Convention Migrating Species (SMS)”, Environment Protection Authority UNEP, Sana’a.
April 19th 2006″A workshop on Protected Area Assessment in Yemen”, Environment Protection Authority, IUCN, Sana’a.
April 16th to 17th 2006 “The Training & Awareness Workshop in Solvents and Process Agents Sectors”, Environment Protection Authority, UNIDO, Sana’a.
March 20th 2006″Yemen LNG Consultation Event for Yemeni Authorities”, Sana’a.
December 31st 2005″Workshop on the National Adaptation Program of Action “Climate Change” (NAPA), Environment Protection Authority, UNDP, Sana’a.
September 14th 2005″A national workshop on Activation of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP)”, Environment Protection Authority, IUCN, Sana’a.
September 11th & 12th 2005″Workshop on Small Community Projects Development”, Environment Protection Authority, IUCN, Sana’a.
June 29th 2005″Workshop on Strategic Environmental Assessment &Identification of Capacity Building Requirement in Environment Strategy”, Environment Protection Authority, Tunis International Center for Environmental Technology (CITET), Sana’a.
June 26th 2005″Workshop/ Dissection on Environmental Awareness Strategy”, Environment Protect