Dr. Sharafaddin Abdullah Ahmed Saleh.
Associate Professor
Personal Information:
- Associate Professor Dr. (Eng.) Sharafaddin Abdullah Ahmed Saleh.
- Mobile Number: 777665575.
- Associate Professor (Civil Engineering Department- Faculty of Engineering)
Summary: (A brief profile Summary of the Faculty member at least 3 lines):
- Associate Professor Dr. (Eng.) Sharafaddin Abdullah Ahmed Saleh
- Previous Water and Environment Centre (WEC) director – Sana’a University
- Water and Environment Centre (WEC) Vice director for consultancies and studies – Sana’a University
- Chairman of civil engineering department of Faculty of Engineering – Sana’a University
- Spate Irrigation network coordinator and Team leader (SPN) in Yemen chapter
- Flood Base Livelihood Network (FBLN) Team leader in Yemen chapter
- Coordinator and team leader of several projects funded from UNICIEF and NUFFIC
- Coordinator of Yemen Water partnership in Water and Environment Centre (WEC) – Sana’a University
- Member of the preparing team for IWRM MSc. Program description in Water and Environment Centre (WEC) – Sana’a University
- Member of the preparing team for BSc. and program description in the faculty of engineering – Sana’a University
- Bachelor Degree (BSc.) in Applied Civil Engineering from King Fahed University for Petroleum and Minerals (KF-UPM) – Saudia Arabia, in Jan/1985
- Diploma in civil engineering “Spate Irrigation Systems case study Wadi Siham Tihama plain – Yemen” . From Faculty of Engineering – Sana’a University Yemen with calibration with IHE-Delft Netherlands, in1995.
- Diploma in civil engineering “Water resources case study Wadi Surdud Tihama plain – Yemen”. From Faculty of Engineering – Sana’a University Yemen with calibration with IHE-Delft Netherlands, in 1995
- Master Degree (MSc.) Civil engineering “Sedimentation Problems in Head works and irrigation Canals case study Wadi Zabid Tihama plain – Yemen”. From Faculty of Engineering – Sana’a University Yemen with calibration with IHE-Delft Netherlands, in 1997
- D. in civil engineering “Scour around Bridge Piles Foundation in Well Graded Sand- in Wadis”. from Cairo. University Egypt in 2003
- Teaching different specialized subjects in water and environment at Civil Engineering Department – Faculty of Engineering – Sana’a University
- Teaching different specialized subjects in integrated water management MSc. Program at Water and Environment Centre (WEC) – Sana’a University.
- Supervisor of the graduation projects and MSc. Thesis research in water and environment at Civil Engineering Department – Faculty of Engineering – Sana’a University.
- Supervisor of the Case study projects, Diploma research, and MSc. Thesis research in water and environment, at Water and Environment Centre (WEC) – Sana’a University.
- Participated in MSc. curriculum for IWRM MSc. Program at Water and Environment Centre (WEC), Sana’a University as member
- Participated in PhD program preparation at Water and Environment Centre (WEC), Sana’a University as member
- Supervisor and lecturer for several training in the field of water harvesting, spate irrigation, and water and environment.
- Participated in several workshops in the field of water and environment locally, and international.
- Participated in the preparation and reviewing project proposals in the field of water and environment with Water and Environment Centre (WEC), Sana’a University
- Participate in the preparation of Spate guide line establish by MetMeta and FAO
- Participated in the preparation of “Roads Rainwater Harvesting (RRWH)In Yemen” Short Training Science Material as Team leader.
- Participated in Towards Sustainable Watershed Development and Management. Application of WEAP Model for decision making. Short Course Training
- Participated in Community Spate Irrigation training courses as coordinator
- Team leader in the preparation of rain water harvesting from rooftop in Yemen
- Team leader and lecturer for applied training in rain water harvesting techniques and Ferro-cement tanks design and construction
Conferences and Workshops:
- Participated in “The Third International Conference On Wadi Hydrology , Towards an Integrated Water Management in Wadis”, Sana’a, 12 -14 , 2005.
- Participated in “Workshop of Proposal writing and Funding” Organized by UNSCO – POWER, IHE – Delft Netherlands. IHE-Delft , IHE-Delft 2-3 April 2007
- Participated in workshop of “Improving Community Spate Irrigation Expert Consultation” organized by FAO, in Cairo, Egypt (7 – 10 April 2008).
- Participated in regional workshop for “WUAs exchange experience knowledge in spate irrigation” which held in Kasala –Sudan and WUAs farmer members attended from three countries (Yemen, Ethiopia, Sudan), Kasala April 2012
- Participated in Spate irrigation streaming workshop held in IHE delft Sep 2013
- Organized and participated in regional workshop for WUAs exchange experience which held in Al-Hodiadah –Sudan and WUAs farmer members attended from three countries (Yemen, Ethiopia, Sudan) 22 to 28 Nov 2013
Research and Published Scientific Papers, Manuals and training materials :
All these Researches in the area of the water resources, water harvesting, and water for irrigation.
- Khaled Sharaf Adin, Sharafaddin Saleh, and Bilkis Zabara “The Quality of Stormwater in Sana’a City from the Perspective of Integrated Water Resources Management”. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 2022
- Al-Maswary, Saleh and Al-Nozaily “Roads Rainwater Harvesting In Yemen” ( April-2020) journal of water science and technology university, yemen.
- Saleh Sharfaddin and Alnozily “Role of Water security in population stabilization in Republic of Yemen”. Frist annual Conference for security researches in Rebpobulic of Yemen, Nov 2020. And published in security researches Journal , Yemen.
- Short Course in “Roads Rainwater Harvesting In Yemen” Prepared through Water and Environment Centre (WEC), Sana’a University (SU), Yemen. published in the web site yemenwater.org on 2017
- Manual for Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting Systems in the Republic of Yemen”. published in the web site yemenwater.org on 2017
- Analyzing Rain Water Harvesting and Groundwater Recharge Potential from Roads in Yemen, its social and economic benefits on local, regional and national scale A case study of Al – massajed – Al- Shalal village as a part of Sana’a – Al-hodiadah main road. published in the web site yemenwater.org on 2016
- Water Buffer Management Recharge, Retention and Reuse of Al Sayla Water in Sana’a Basin” Case study Al Sayla Water in Sana’a city. published in the web site yemenwater.org on 2016
- The Practical Treatments of the Floods Disasters in Yemen Wadis Case study Hadhramout and Wadi Ahwar and Bana in Abyan” A paper is published in the Engineering collage journal – in Science and Technology University – Sana’a Yemen on April 2013 .
- Traditional spate irrigation systems in Doaan – Wadi Hadramout, (techniques, roles, and Aurefs). Reviewed and improved and added photographs by Dr. Sharafaddin A. A. Saleh. WEC, SU, Yemen, March 2013. published in the web site spate irrigation.org on 2013
- “ROOFTOP RAINWATER HARVESTING in MODERN CITIES: a CASE STUDY for SANA’A CITY, YEMEN”. A paper is published in the Engineering collage journal – in Science and Technology University – Sana’a Yemen on August 2012
- “Integrated Water Resources Management and climate change impact, in Aden and Tuban – Abyan Deltas (Yemen)”. published in the Journal of the Faculty of Engineering – Al-Azhar University Egypt 7- 2012
- “The Economic and Social Impact of Technical Improvements in Spate Irrigation Systems Structures in Yemeni Wadis Case study: Tihama Wadi” . the international meeting in “Agriculture in the shadow of the Arab oil economy” held in Aman – Jordon in January 2011.
- “Guidelines for Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting Systems in the Republic of Yemen”. Ministry of Water and Environment – National Water Resources Authority (NWRA), January 2010, Sana’a, Yemen.
- “Flood water uses in Yemen”. Especial conference for flood danger investigation and share in the treatments and solutions. Sayaun 8-11 January 2008
- “Spate Irrigation in Yemen”. Improving Community Spate Irrigation Expert Consultation Meeting , 7 – 10 April 2008 – Cairo, Egypt
- “Traditional Applications and Conflicts of Water Rights in Wadi Zabid and the Impact on the Newly Developed Irrigation Systems”. The Third International Conference on Wadi Hydrology, 12-14 December 2005, Sana’a, Yemen