
About Us

Center for Business Administration




Center for Business Administration CBA at Sana’a University is one of the specialized centers for postgraduate studies. The center offers a Master’s program in Business Administration and recently opened a Doctoral program in Business Administration. Since its establishment, the center has sought to establish previous partnerships with MSM College of Netherlands. Support has been provided to the center at all levels to ensure its continuity and development, making it the only internationally accredited program in Yemen. Currently, the center is entering into a new partnership agreement with Riviera University in France and its agent, the international academic agency, based in the Arab Republic of Egypt, as well as a partnership with Lincoln University in Malaysia.


The message

We aim to confer accredited and internationally recognized professional and academic Master’s and Doctoral degrees in the field of Business Management, catering to the needs of academics, managers, and executives from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds in commercial, governmental, and non-profit organizations at national and regional levels. Our goal is to provide a creative environment ensuring members adopt innovative behavior, strategic thinking, continuous education, social and ethical responsibility, and leadership behavior targeting organizational change.



Establishing a leading graduate school capable of offering high-quality programs that contribute to the development of the business environment locally and regionally, meeting the social and economic needs of our beloved Yemeni nation.


  • Preparing students for leadership and transformative roles in the business environment.
  • Developing strategic and creative thinking skills for business men and women.
  • Contributing to the development of knowledge and managerial expertise in the field of international business.
  • Enhancing the ability to apply previously and newly acquired knowledge and experience in addressing business issues.
  • Enriching the cognitive dimension to develop management styles and work environments for leadership levels within organizations.
  • Activating and enhancing relevant prior experiences in business and management.
  • Developing individual and teamwork skills.

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