Computer Center (CS)

About the Center:
Computer Center was established in 1997 as a starting point to assimilate modern technologies as well as developing the skills of university employees to use the latest technologies in their work. After a while, the center’s tasks expanded to provide training courses in the field of computer and information technology for applicants from outside the university, whether they are from other institutions or students who want to join the labor market, and then the center offers a two-year post-secondary diploma in the field of computer and information technology.
Computer Center at Sana’a University is a powerful tributary for serving the university, the community and the local market, throughout training and qualifying specialized cadres with high professionalism based on proficiency of using the specialized skills of technological programs such as information systems, networks, information security, graphic design programs, multimedia, as well as mobile and Internet applications, so that the graduate of the center is able to provide quality services in his field of specialization that enable him to cover the needs of the local or regional market.
The center includes four specific programs in which the high secondary school student is given a two-year diploma in the following fields:
- Graphics and multimedia
- Information Systems
- Networks and information security
- Mobile and internet applications
In addition, the center contains a special training unit to provide qualifying short courses such as the International Computer Driving License, network maintenance, two- and three-dimensional graphic design (2D/3D), animation, cisco courses, statistical analysis (SPSS) for social research and other short and medium quality courses.
Establishment of the Center:
The center was established by the decision of the University Rector No. (787) for the year 1997 and its regulations were amended in 2012 to be financially and administratively independent.
Center Location:
Near to the eastern gate of Sana’a University, next to the College of Computer and Information Technology.
Mission of the Center:
Educating and qualifying the community technically, informatively and cognitively and spreading the culture of technology and using its various applications in correct and proper way as to service the society as well as the local and regional labor market.
Center tasks:
Computer Center provides many tasks such as (training, education, and consulting) for enhancing the role of the university as a leading scientific service institution that contributes to supporting national efforts for development through the following:
- Training, qualifying and developing students and human resources, providing advisory and technological services to the university as well as to the community and consolidating the partnership relation between them.
- Providing high-end technological services to the community members as ell as providing the it with specialized cadres and raising the level of educational and professional individuals in the field of computer, information technology, graphics and multimedia.
- Developing the expertise of employees of the university and training them on the use of computers and modern devices by encouraging them to be creative and improve their performance within their work fields.
- Providing programs and qualifying courses for computer driving as well as using the graphics and multimedia programs.
- Providing post-secondary diploma programs in the field of computer and information technology (information systems diploma program, graphics and multimedia diploma program, networks and information security, and web and mobile application design).
Center Vision
Leadership in the fields of computer, information technology and graphics as a contribution in the development of the country.
Shifting the state of society illiteracy of information technology, computers, graphics and multimedia to a state of understanding and dealing with these technologies in order to achieve access to the present era in cooperation and benefit from similar experiences.
Objectives of the Center
- Providing all researchers and scholars with specialized studies and research in the field of information technology and computer in accordance with the recent requirements of the labor market.
- Adopting active coordination with the related organizations in the field of computer and information technology to facilitate research and studies and provide the necessary information.
- Transforming all tasks and electronic works to facilitate business, speed up work, raise the pace of production and ensure quality.
- Providing specialized curricula and courses for those wishing to train and take advantage of the advantages offered by information technology and computer.
- Coordination with specialized and accredited international academies and coordination to take accreditation in the field of education and training of information technology, computer and digital graphic design.
- Providing the local community with qualified and trained human resources in the field of computer, information technology and graphic design to help improve the level of performance and raise production efficiency.
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