
About Center

The Community Service Center for Translation and Language Teaching (CCTLT) is a public community center affiliated to Sana’a University, comprising a group of outstanding academic and professional programs in translation and language teaching with well-qualified and competent Yemeni cadres. The idea of establishing this specialized center of translation and language teaching was conceived in 1997, at the beginning of the foundation of the Faculty of Languages. Then, a Unit of Language Teaching was set up in the Department of English. This was developed into a language center which was established under Sana’a University Rector’s Resolution (No. 414/2004) to meet the community needs in translation services and foreign language teaching.


To be a leading center of excellence in the fields of translation and language teaching, offering versatile programs of high quality to compete with parallel institutions at the local and regional levels.


CCTLT seeks, through its distinct academic and professional programs and highly qualified cadres, to offer an excellent and high quality education that provides students and trainees with the necessary academic knowledge and professional skills in English and other foreign languages to compete in the labor market and enhance community partnership by providing high-quality translation services. This will be achieved by creating a motivating learning environment that encourages learning, intellectual creativity, and the optimal use of technology.


  • The Center intends to achieve the following:

    1. Preparing excellent and well-qualified graduates in translation and various languages at the academic and professional levels.

    2. Supplying State institutions and authorities as well as the private sector companies with the required efficient cadre.

    3. Teaching foreign languages in general and Arabic as a foreign language.

    4. Strengthening community partnership with public and private sectors.

    5. Providing both written and oral translation services for all organizations and authorities in public and private sectors in the community.

    6. Working in projects in collaboration with other relevant bodies to serve the goals of the Center and Sana’a University.

    7. Conducting studies and providing consultations in the fields of language teaching and translation for all sectors.

    8. Participating in all relevant activities held whether inside or outside the University, locally or internationally.


  • Creativity and Innovation

  • Commitment to institutional work

  • Quality and Excellence

  • Integrity

  • Continuous education

  • Cooperation and Partnership

  • Transparency in work

  • Objectivity

The Center’s Tasks and Activities:

As CTLT seeks to provide community service in the fields of translation and language teaching, it performs the following activities:

  1. Implementing the system of teaching languages through:

  • Offering various training courses and professional workshops in the fields of translation and language learning.

  • Offering academic and professional programs in both written and oral translation.

  1. Conducting workshops and short courses in Translation, interpretation, Commercial and business Correspondence, projects management, personality development and other life skills programs independently and in collaboration with other organizations and public and private institutions.

  2. Providing community services for individuals, official bodies, and various public and private institutions such as:

  • Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

  • Ministry of Education

  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Ministry of Trade and Industry

  • Ministry of Health

  • Higher Council for Medical Specializations

  • Ministry of Justice

  • Ministry of Interior

  • Council of Academic Accreditation and Quality Assurance

  • Different Faculties of Sana’a University and Other Private Universities.

  • Different Public and Private Banks

  • Different INGOs and NGOs

  • Different Telecommunication Companies