
Mechatronics Engineering – BACHELOR

Faculty of Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering

 Mechatronics Engineering Program Specification

Program Identification and General Information:

Program Title:

Mechatronics Engineering Program.

Host Element:

Faculty of Engineering.

Responsible Department:

Mechatronics Engineering Department.

Other Departments with major Teaching Contributions:

Basic Engineering Sciences, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering Departments.

Media of Instruction:

English Language.

Mode of Delivery:


Total credit hours needed for completion of the program

176  hours.

Length full time:

5 years (10 Semesters).

Award granted on completion of the Program:

Bachelor Degree in Mechatronics Engineering.

Location(s) where the program is offered

Faculty of Engineering.

Approval date:

October 2020

The message

  • Providing distinguished engineering education and advanced scientific research in this vital field of engineering.


  • To provide quality engineering education as well as scientific research development in this vital area of engineering.

Objectives & Aims of the Department :

  • Aims of the Department
    1. To graduate flexible engineering graduates with skills required to access entry level positions in the mechatronics engineering industry as well as in a wider range of employment in commerce, research, manufacturing and maintenance where mechatronics engineers play a vital role.
    2. To deliver a program which equips graduates with a high level of understanding of mechatronics concept complemented by professional, practical, and transferable skills that enable graduates to solve a wide range of mechatronics problems.
    3. Ensure that graduates are able to make a rapid and effective contribution to their employers’ enterprise.
    4. Promote a culture amongst graduates of continuous personal and professional development.
    5. Ensure that graduates have competencies that enable them to communicate both orally and in writing in the Arabic and English Languages.
    6. Ensure that graduates have group skills that will enable them to work professionally in teams.

Study plan :

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