Dr.Abduljalil Ali Al-Abidi
Personal Information:
Date of Birth: : 06/06/1975.
Place of Birth: Taiz, Yemen
Nationality: Yemeni
Contact Address: Alseha Street , Sana’a , Yemen
Dr. Abduljalil Al-Abaidi is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering – College of Engineering – Sana’a University and the Department of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering – Sana’a Community College – Republic of Yemen. He received a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering – Sana’a University – Republic of Yemen in 1999. In 2003 he obtained a Master’s degree in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering – Al-Balqa Applied University – Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. He received his PhD in Renewable Energy – Solar Energy Research Institute – National University of Malaysia – Malaysia in 2014 in the field of renewable energy. He is a member of the World Society for Sustainable Energy Technologies (WSSET). He published 35 scientific papers in local and international scientific conferences, as well as international scientific journals. He also worked as a scientific reviewer for some international scientific journals. His research interests include renewable energy and solar energy – thermal energy storage – energy conservation strategies and reducing gas emissions – air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
• Ph.D., Renewable Energy, Solar Energy Research Institute, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia, 2014.
• M.Sc., Heating, air condition and refrigeration technology, Al-Balqa’ Applied University, Jordan, 2003.
• B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Sana’a University, Yemen, 1999.
Academic Honors and Awards
ITEX Gold Award, 23th International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition, ITEX 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17th – 19th May 2012
(a) Academic Positions Held (06/2014- ongoing )
• Assistant professor (full time) at HVAC engineering department, Sana’a community college, Sana’a, Yemen.
• Assistant professor (part time) at Mechanical engineering department, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen.
• Assistant professor (part time) at Mechatronic and oil and gas engineering department, Emirate International University, Sana’a, Yemen.
(b) Administrative Positions Held
– Vice dean of academic affair, Sana’a community college, Sana’a, Yemen (8/2016- 1/2018).
– Engineering sciences technologies sector head, Sana’a community college, Sana’a, Yemen (12/2014- 8/ 2016).
– HAVC engineering department head, Sana’a community college, Sana’a, Yemen (2004- 2009) (2014-2016)
Conferences and Workshops:
• Abduljalil Ali Al-Abdi, PCM Melting Process in a Quadruple Tube Heat Exchanger using Ansys Software, 2021 1st International Conference on Emerging Smart Technologies and Applications (eSmarTA), IEEE, Sana’a – Yemen. August 10-12, 2021.
• Mohd Khairul Anuar Sharif, Sohif Mat, Mohd Afzanizam Mohd Rosli, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Mohd Yusof Sulaiman, A. A. Al-Abidi, Numerical Study of PCM Melting in Evacuated Solar Collector Storage System, 8th WSEAS, 8th International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources (RES ’14). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 23-45, 2014
• Abduljalil. A. Al-Abidi, Sohif. Mat, K. Sopian, M.Y. Sulaiman and Abdulrahman. Th.Mohammad. Heat transfer enhancement for PCM thermal energy storage in a triplex tube heat exchanger. International symposium on Innovative Materials for Process in Energy System. IMPRES2013. Fukuoka, Japan, September 4-6, 2013.
• Abduljalil. A. Al-Abidi, Sohif. Mat, K. Sopian, M.Y. Sulaiman and Abdulrahman. Th.Mohammad. Experimental investigation of melting in triplex tube thermal energy storage. 7th WSEAS International Conference on RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (RES ’13). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia April 2-4, 2013.
• Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad , Sohif Bin Ma, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. Improvement the performance of a direct evaporative cooler using the liquid desiccant dehumidification concept. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 2-4, 2013.
• Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad , Sohif Bin Ma, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. An experimental study of counter- flow liquid desiccant dehumidifier/regenerator operating with lithium chloride, International symposium on Innovative Materials for Process in Energy System. IMPRES2013. Fukuoka , Japan, September 4-6,2013.
• A.A. Al-abidi, S. Mat, K. Sopian , M.Y. Sulaiman and A. Th. Mohammed. Numerical study of melting in triplex tube heat exchanger equipped with internal and external fins. International Conference on Engineering and Built Environment (ICEBE), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 6-7, 2012.
• Abduljalil. A. Al-Abidi, Sohif. Mat, K. Sopian, M.Y. Sulaiman and Abdulrahman. Th.Mohammad. Numerical study of solidification in triplex tube heat exchanger. 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy technologies (SET-2012), Vancouver, Canada, September 2-5, 2012.
• Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad , Sohif Bin Ma, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. Prediction of water condensation rate in the liquid desiccant dehumidifier using artificial neural network. 3rd International Conference on Engineering and ICT (ICEI2012) Melaka, Malaysia. 4 – 6 April 2012.
• Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad , Sohif Bin Ma, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. Computer simulation of heat and mass transfer in a cross flow parallel-plate liquid desiccant-air. 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy technologies (SET-2012) Vancouver, Canada, September 2-5, 2012.
• Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad , Sohif Bin Ma, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. An evaporative and liquid desiccant cooling system for air-conditioning in humid climates. International Conference on Engineering and Built Environment(ICEBE) 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November6-7, 2012.
• Participation in the 6th Asian school on renewable energy-Advanced micropower systems, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia, 1st – 5th July 2013
• Participation in the 1st Japan-Malaysia joint workshop on solar photovoltaic technology, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia, 2nd November 2010 .
• Training course in design, maintenances and servicing the ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems , Products and Training Systems for Technical Education (Labtech) Malaysia , Indonesia – 2006.
• Training course for curriculum design for the cooperative learning strategy Sana’a community college, Sana’a, yemen- 2009
• Training in the production line ,workshop in Petra air conditioning industrial company , Jordon -2002
• Training in the product line , work shop and laboratory in Halawan university , Egypt-1998
Research and scientific papers:
1) Abduljalil Ali Al-Abidi, Abdulkarem Odhah. Modeling of a solar water heating system for a private hospital in Sana’a, Yemen using TRNSYS, Journal of engineering sciences and information technology, Accept.2021.
2) Abduljalil Ali Al-Abdi. Study and Analysis of an Electrical Energy Saving Strategies and Gas Emissions Reduction for a Private Hospital Building in Yemen, Journal of Science and Technology, 25(2), 2020, 73-96.
3) Ammar M Abdulateef, Jasim Abdulateef, Abduljalil A Al-Abidi, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Sohif Mat, Mustafa S Mahdi. A combination of fins-nanoparticle for enhancing the discharging of phase-change material used for liquid desiccant air conditioning unite. Journal of Energy Storage, 24, 100784, 2019.
4) Ammar M Abdulateef, Sohif Mat, Jasim Abdulateef, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Abduljalil A Al-Abidi. Geometric and design parameters of fins employed for enhancing thermal energy storage systems: a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82 part1, (2018),1620-1635.
5) Mahmood Mastani Joybari, Fariborz Haghighat, Saeid Seddegh, Abduljalil A Al-Abidi. Heat transfer enhancement of phase change materials by fins under simultaneous charging and discharging, Energy Conversion and Management, 152, (2017), 136-156 .
6) Ammar M Abdulateef, Sohif Mat, Jasim Abdulateef, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Abduljalil A Al-Abidi. Thermal Performance Enhancement of Triplex Tube Latent Thermal Storage Using Fins-Nano-Phase Change Material Technique. Heat Transfer Engineering, (2017), 1-14.
7) Abduljalil A. Al-Abidi, Sohif Bin Mat, K.Sopian, M.Y.Sulaiman, C.H. Lim, Abdulrahman Th. Heat transfer enhancement for PCM thermal energy storage in a triplex tube heat exchanger. Heat Transfer Engineering. 37 (7-8), (2016) 705-712.
8) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad, Sohif Bin Ma, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi Review: Survey of the control strategy of liquid desiccant systems. . Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 58, (2016) 250-258.
9) M.K. Anuar. Sharif, A. A. Al-Abidi, S. Mata, K. Sopian , M. H. Ruslan, M.Y.Sulaiman, and M.A. M. Rosli. Review of the application of phase change material for heating and domestic hot water systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 42, (2015) 557-568.
10) Abduljalil. A. Al-Abidi, Sohif. Mat, K. Sopian, M.Y. Sulaiman and Abdulrahman. Th . Mohammad. Experimental study of melting and solidification of PCM in a triplex tube heat exchanger with fins to power a liquid desiccant air conditioning system. Energy and Building 68, (2014) 33-41.
11) Abduljalil A. Al-Abidi , Sohif Bin Mat, K.Sopian, M.Y.Sulaiman, Abdulrahman Th. Mohammed. CFD applications for latent heat thermal energy storage: a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 20 (2013) 353–363.
12) Abduljalil A. Al-Abidi , Sohif Bin Mat, K.Sopian, M.Y.Sulaiman, Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad. Internal and External Fin Heat Transfer Enhancement Technique for Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage in Triplex Tube Heat Exchangers. Applied Thermal Engineering. 53 (2013) 147-56.
13) Abduljalil. A. Al-Abidi, Sohif. Mat, K. Sopian, M.Y. Sulaiman and Abdulrahman. Th. Mohammad. Experimental study of PCM melting in triplex tube thermal energy storage for liquid desiccant air conditioning system. Energy and Buildings 60 (2013).270-279.
14) Abduljalil. A. Al-Abidi, Sohif. Mat, K. Sopian, M.Y. Sulaiman and Abdulrahman. Th . Mohammad. Numerical study of PCM solidification in a triplex tube heat exchanger with internal and external fins. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 61 (2013), 684-695.
15) Sohif. Mat, Abduljalil. A. Al-Abidi, K. Sopian, M.Y. Sulaiman and Abdulrahman. Th . Mohammad. Enhance heat transfer for PCM melting in triplex tube with internal-external fins. Energy Conservation and Management 74(2013) 223-236.
16) Abduljalil A. Al-Abidi , Sohif Bin Mat, K.Sopian, M.Y.Sulaiman, C.H. Lim, Abdulrahman Th. Review of thermal energy storage for air conditioning systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 16 (2012) 5802–5819.
17) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad, Sohif Bin Ma, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. Optimization of cooling load for different greenhouse models in Malaysia using DOE-2.1 E software. International Journal of Renewable Energy, 4(2014):42-8.
18) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad , Sohif Bin Ma, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi.2013. Survey of hybrid liquid desiccant air conditioning systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 20 (2013) 186–200.
19) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad , Sohif Bin Ma, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. Implementation and validation of an artificial neural network for predicting the performance of a liquid desiccant dehumidifier. Energy Conversion and Management 67 (2013) 240–250.
20) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad , Sohif Bin Ma, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. A statistical analysis of a liquid desiccant dehumidifier/regenerator in an air conditioning system. Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering 5(2013) 41-50.
21) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad , Sohif Bin Ma, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. Review: Survey of liquid desiccant dehumidification system based on integrated vapor compression technology for building applications. Energy and Buildings 62 (2013), 1–14.
22) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad , Sohif Bin Mat, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. Historical review of liquid desiccant evaporation cooling technology. Energy and Buildings 67(2013): 22-33.
23) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad , Sohif Bin Mat, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. Artificial neural network analysis of liquid desiccant dehumidifier performance in a solar hybrid air-conditioning system. Applied Thermal Engineering 59(2013), 389-397.
24) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad, Sohif Bin Mat, M.Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. Theoretical study of the effect of liquid desiccant mass flow rate on the performance of a cross flow parallel-plate liquid desiccant-air dehumidifier. Heat and Mass Transfer. (2013) 1-7.
25) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad, Sohif Bin Mat, M.Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. Experimental Performance of a Direct Evaporative Cooler Operating in Kuala Lumpur. Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engineering 6(1), (2013), 15-20.
26) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad, Sohif Bin Mat, M.Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. Artificial neural network analysis of liquid desiccant regenerator performance in a solar hybrid air-conditioning system. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 4(2013),11-19.
27) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad, Sohif Bin Ma, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. 2013. Optimization of liquid desiccant dehumidifier performance using D-optimal Design. International journal of renewable energy research 4,( 2014), 42-48.
Books/Book Chapters
1) Liquid desiccant to improve the evaporative cooler in humid regions(Publish), ISBN-10: 3659451088 | ISBN-13: 978-3659451089, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (December 25, 2013).
Chapter in book
1) Sohif Bin Mat, Kamaruzzman Sopian, M Yusof Sulaiman, Abdulrahman Th Mohammad, Abduljalil A Al-abidi. Experimental Study on Regenerator Performance of a Solar Hybrid Liquid Desiccant Air-Conditioning System. Renewable Energy in the Service of Mankind Vol II. 2016 , pp 723-730, Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-319-18214-8
2) Abduljalil. A. Al-Abidi, Sohif. Mat, K. Sopian, M.Y. Sulaiman and Abdulrahman. Th.Mohammad, Numerical study of solidification in triplex tube heat exchanger.in I.Dincer, A. Midilli, H. Kucuk Progress in sustainable energy technologies II. Springer Publishing Corporation.New work, 2014, pp 637-648. ISBN 978-3-319-07976-9.
3) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad , Sohif Bin Ma, M. Y. Sulaiman, K. Sopian, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi., Computer simulation of heat and mass transfer in a cross flow parallel-plate liquid desiccant-air.in I.Dincer, A. Midilli, H. Kucuk,. Progress in sustainable energy technologies II. Springer Publishing Corporation. New work, 2014, pp 649-667.ISBN 978-3-319-07976-9.
4) Abdulrahman Th. Mohammad , Sohif Bin Mat, Abduljalil A. Al-abidi. Liquid desiccant dehumidification in air-conditioning systems.in R. T. Durat Parbhakaran , Sandip A. Kale, and Kandasamy Prabakar. Nova publisher. New work, 2015, pp 257-274,ISBN: 978-1-63463-464-9
Academic reviewer
• Reviewer for some scientific journals, Renewable energy journal, Renewable and sustainable energy review journal, Energy conversion and management journal, International journal of heat and mass transfer, Experimental thermal and fluid science journal, International journal of thermal sciences journal, Pergamon, International journal of green energy journal, International journal of renewable energy research, Taylor and Francis.