Awwad Abdulhafeedh Ali Jazim
Personal Data
scholar : https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=ar&user=-vgwDawAAAAJ
Date of Birth: 25/11/1971
Marital Status: Married
Current Job: Associate Professor of Commercial Law, Faculty of Sharia’ & Law, Sana’a University
A lawyer in the Fatwa (Legal Advice) and Legislation sector, Ministry of Legal Affairs; a director of the Fatwa (Legal Advice) and Legislation General management of the international and constitutional affairs; Acting Director-General for Observation and Monitoring on the branches in 2000; and then I have worked as a lecturer in the Department of Commercial Law, Faculty of Sharia’ & Law, Sana’a University since October 2010; then assistant professor, and an associate professor in the Department of Commercial Law, Faculty of Sharia’ & Law, Sana’a University.
– September, 1994 License in Sharia and Law (Very Good) and I got the fourth rank in the batch, Sana’a University
– 2003-2004 A Diploma in Private Law (Good), Sana’a University
– 2004-2005 A Diploma in Islamic Legislation (Very Good), Sana’a University
– September, 2007 MA Diploma in Sharia and Law (Commercial Law) (Excellent), Sana’a University
– December, 2016 PhD in Law (Commercial Law) (Excellent), Aden University
– October, 2024 Promoted into the position of Associate Professor, Faculty of
Sharia and Law, Sana’a University.
Work Experience
– August, 2003 A member of the Committee for the aspect related to intellectual property, of the National Committee for Negotiation with the World Trade Organization
– October, 2004 A member of the Support Team of the Negotiation Team with the World Trade Organization
– December, 2004 Trained on the mechanism of conflict resolution with the World Trade Organization, Qatar
– March, 2003 Trained on formulation of legislations at the National Center for Space Studies, Cairo
– December, 1999 Participated in the formulation of the Fourth National Report on the level of Judicial Agreement to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women
Conferences and Workshops
– April, 2005 Finance Leasing Conference in Sana’a
– January, 2006 Arab Lawyers Conference held in Damascus
– April, 2014 A conference of the International Association for democratic lawyers held in Brussels
– November, 2006 The First National Dialogue Model on Environment Law, Tunisia.
– June, 2001 Two workshops on intellectual and cultural property
– July, 2001 The national workshop on preparing documents and initial offers of goods and services within the framework of the process of joining the World Trade Organization
– Participation in the Post-Beijing Follow-up Project, which is a project concerned with following up on women’s issues.
– July, 1999 Conference on Protecting Intellectual Property Rights, Sana’a, Center for Reconciliation and Arbitration
– February, 2023 The first scientific workshop in the field of intellectual property, Sana’a, the Supreme Authority for Sciences, Technology and Innovation
Research and Papers
– Unlawful review, and preventing monopoly in Yemeni law, a comparative study.
– Legal protection of industrial designs and models in Yemeni law (a comparative study with some Arab legislations and international agreements
– Geographical indicators in the Yemeni law
– Commercial data in Yemeni law
– Undisclosed information in Yemeni law
– Commercial address in Yemeni law
– Foreigners and their rights (an applied study based on Yemeni legislation)
– Arbitration … Definition and foundation (with the paradox of Law No. (22) of 1992 regarding arbitration and its amendments and the system of dispute settlement before the Yemeni center for reconciliation and arbitration and the World Trade Organization
– Trafficking in women and pushing them into prostitution.
– Nationality according to Yemeni law.
– Equality between men and women before the law
– Marriage and family law