Hassan Salem Moqbel Al-Dawsi
The data
* Full name: Hassan Salem Moqbel Ahmed Al-Dawsi.
* Place and date of birth: Born in Yemen, Taiz , 1956.
* Qualification: Doctorate in Jurisprudence and its Fundamentals from the Department of Islamic Law, Faculty of Law, Ain Shams University – Egypt – in 1996, with a grade of very good.
* Title of the doctoral thesis: (The Theory of Shariah Governance and the Legal Base – A Comparative Sharia and Legal Fundamental Study).
* Academic rank: Professor.
* Date of appointment at Sana’a University: 1/15/1990.
* Current position: Professor at the Department of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence and Hadith, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University.
Academic Qualifications
* Bachelor’s degree in Sharia and Law from Sana’a University in 1985 with a grade of very good.
* Specialization diploma in private law from Sana’a University in 1987 .
* A master’s degree in Islamic Sharia and Law from Sana’a University in 1988 .
* A doctorate in jurisprudence and its foundations from the Department of Islamic Shari, Faculty of Law, Ain Shams University – Egypt – in 1996, with a grade of very good.
Academic experiences and scientific and administrative activity in community service
*At the beginning of his scientific career, he worked as a teacher in government schools for Arabic language, Islamic education, Qur’an and its sciences, before and after obtaining high school level, from 1974 to 1980.
* Performed the mandatory national defense service in the armed forces, then continued to serve in the moral guidance of the armed forces from 1980 to 1986.
* He worked as a member of the Public Prosecution Office from 1986 to 1990.
* Worked in the controls of the College of Sharia and Law at Sana’a University, from 1990 to 1993.
* Lecturer in the Department of Fundamentals of Jurisprudence and Hadith, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University, from 15/1/1990 to 1996.
* Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Hadith, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University, from 1/11/1996 to 2002.
* Associate Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Hadith, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University, from 6/3/2002 to May 2008 .
* Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Hadith, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University, from May 13, 2008 until now.
* Secretary and rapporteur of the Department of Jurisprudence and Hadith, Faculty of Sharia and Law – Sana’a University, from 1997 to 2002
* Acting Head of the Department of Jurisprudence and Hadith, Faculty of Sharia and Law – Sana’a University, from 25/9/2003 to 22/12/2003
* Head of the Department of Jurisprudence and Hadith, Faculty of Sharia and Law – Sana’a University, from 22/12/2003 to 18/2/2006 .
* Member of the Council of the College of Sharia and Law – Sana’a University from 22/12/2003 to 18/2/2006 .
* Member of the Disciplinary Council for faculty members and their assistants – Sana’a University from 9/11/2003 to 14/11/2009.
* Part-time Professor at the University of Science and Technology in Sana’a – of Yemen – for the academic year 1997/1998.
* He taught as a part-time professor in some academic institutions in Yemen.
* Contributing to administrative work, and being a member of the supervisory committees on the conduct of examinations in the College of Sharia and Law.
* Member of the Syndicate of Faculty Members at Sana’a University.
*Member of the Lawyers Syndicate.
* Worked on the arbitration of numerous research and studies for promotions, for some of the external and internal court scientific journals specialized in jurisprudence and its origins, hadith and its sciences.
* Supervising a number of researches by students of the Faculty of Sharia and Law at Sana’a University.
* Supervising a number of postgraduate students’ theses, master’s and doctoral degrees.
* Discussing the letters of a number of postgraduate students, master’s and doctorate.
Published Scientific Data
He has a number of articles, refereed scientific researches, published and unpublished books, in the field of Usul al-Fiqh, Usul al-Hadith, Language, and others.
A- Refereed scientific research published:
(1) The jurisprudence of budgets in Islamic law: a jurisprudential scientific study, published by the Journal of Sharia and Islamic Studies, issued by the Scientific Publication Council at Kuwait University, number forty-six – Jumada al-Akhirah 1422 Ah/ September 2001.
(2) The methodological controls for inferring the hadiths of the Prophet: a court of fundamentalist scientific study, published by the Journal of Sharia and Islamic Studies, issued by the Scientific Publication Council of Kuwait University, Issue: Fiftieth – Jumada al-Akhirah 1423 Ah.
(3) Approach to Criticizing the Narrations and News of the Ones of the Modernists: A Refereed Scientific Study of the Origins of Hadith, published by the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences at the United Arab Emirates University, Vol. 17, No. (2), October 2001.
(4) The basis of the legal ruling and the legal rule: an arbitrated scientific comparative study, published by the Journal of Contemporary Jurisprudence Research in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – Issue: Fifty-seven, 1423 Ah.
(5) Methodological controls for inference from Sharia texts: A court of scientific fundamentalism, published by the Journal of Sharia and Law, issued by the Scientific Publication Council of the United Arab Emirates University, Issue: Nineteenth, Rabi’ al-Thani, 1424 AH / June 2003.
(6) The mental sources in which the fundamentalists differ in order to elicit jurisprudential rulings, part one, a fundamental research published in the Journal of Contemporary Fiqh Research, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Issue: Seventy-first, the eighteenth year, Jumada al-Akhirah, 1427 AH / August 2006.
(7) The mental sources of disagreement among the fundamentalists to elicit jurisprudential rulings, part two, research published in the Journal of Contemporary Jurisprudence Research, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Issue: Seventy-second, Eighteenth Year, Ramadan, 1427 AH / November 2006.
(8) The Mind: An Intentional Study in Editing, Reconfiguring and Developing it in the Light of the Challenges of Contemporary Reality.
(9) The mind: an intentional study in preserving it in terms of preventing harm and harm from it in the light of the challenges of contemporary reality.
And other legal, and linguistic research, which has not been published.
b- Published books:
(1) The science of meanings in Arabic rhetoric: a university curriculum book, scheduled for fourth-level students at the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University, published by Dar Al-Shawkani for printing and publishing in Sana’a.
(2) Evidence of the different legal rulings in the science of Islamic jurisprudence: a university curriculum book, decided on second-level students at the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University, published by Dar Al-Shawkani for printing and publishing in Sana’a.
(3) Chapters in the Fundamentals of Islamic Jurisprudence: A university curriculum book, intended for third-level students in the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University, printed by the Abadi Center for Studies and Publishing, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen, 1425 AH / 2005.
(4) Investigations in Grammar and Rhetoric: A university curriculum book, scheduled for fourth-level students in the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University, published by Al-Sadiq Library and Center, Sana’a, Sha’ban 1426 AH / September 2005.
(5) Arabic Grammar, Applied Study, Part One: A university curriculum book, course for third-level students at the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University, Republic of Yemen, printed at the researcher’s expense, first edition, Shawwal 1430 AH / September 2009.
(6) Arabic Rhetoric (Ilm Al-Bayan and Al-Badi’): A university curriculum book, prescribed for third-level students at the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University, published by Al-Sadiq Library and Center in Sana’a, Republic of Yemen, first edition, Muharram 1431 AH / January 2010 .
(7) The science of Islamic jurisprudence, a study in the legal evidence and its significance for the rulings: a fundamental methodological university study book, decided on the second level students at the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sana’a University, printed by Al-Sadiq Library and Center in Sana’a, first edition, Ramadan 1435 AH / July 2014 .
(8) Methodology of Criticism of Sunday News for the Modernists, a study in the origins of hadith: a scientific methodological university textbook, scheduled for postgraduate students, Faculty of Sharia and Law at Sana’a University, printed by Al-Nuwaidi Library and Printing Press, Sana’a, first edition, 1440 AH / 2019 AD.
And other legal and linguistic books, which have not yet been published.
Supervising Research and Scientific Theses
* Supervising a number of researches by students of the College of Sharia and Law, and other colleges, at Sana’a University.
* Supervising a number of postgraduate students’ research and theses, master’s and doctoral degrees, at Sana’a University, and other universities.
* Discussing the messages of a number of graduate students, master’s and doctorate at Sana’a University, and other universities.
The courses he taught
A- Undergraduate courses:
– Fundamentals of Islamic Jurisprudence, first level.
– Fundamentals of Islamic Jurisprudence, Level Two.
– Fundamentals of Islamic Jurisprudence, Level Three.
– Fundamentals of Islamic Jurisprudence, Fourth Level.
– Arabic Grammar, Level Three.
– Arabic Grammar, Fourth Level.
– Arabic Rhetoric, Level Three.
– Arabic Rhetoric, Fourth Level.
– The term and its sciences.
B – Postgraduate courses:
– The purposes of Islamic Sharia, (a study with in-depth).
– Fundamentals of Islamic Jurisprudence, (a study with in-depth.(
– The term and its sciences, (a study with depth).
The courses to be taught
-General rules and general theories in Islamic jurisprudence.
-Legitimate politics.
– Islamic economics.
-Interpretation of the verses of the rulings.
-Biography of the Prophet.
Conferences, scientific seminars and workshops
Participated in a number of conferences, seminars and workshops, including:
* Cultural Week of the College of Sharia and Law, held at the College of Sharia and Law at Sana’a University from 30/3/2002 to 3/4/2002, attendance, discussion and interventions.
* The First Guidance Conference, which was organized by the Ministry of Awqaf and Guidance in Sana’a, 20/6/2004 AD to 23/6/2004 AD, attendance, discussions and interventions.
* Workshop program on integrating population issues into the curricula of Yemeni government universities, Sana’a University, from 23/3/2005 to 25/3/2005, attendance, discussion and interventions.
Social Status
He is married and has eight children, boys and girls.
– Permanent address: College of Sharia and Law, University of Sana’a – Sana’a – Republic of Yemen, p. B: 14958.
– Telephone and fax: (009671) 332848.
– Mobile: (009671) 777332848.
– Email: ha1962@Gmail.com
777332848 (009671)
Other Members

Mohammad Sinan Saif Al-Jalal