اسم الباحثالقسمالتخصصعنوان البحثعنوان المجلةتاريخ النشر
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هالة جميل عائد علي الجبوريعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةNative Yemeni Plumbago auriculata as a Promising Antioxidant and Antifungal Plant against Different Fusarium speciesPSM Biological Research | Volume 3│Issue 3│92-982018
هالة جميل عائد علي الجبوريعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةMortuary: The Inevitable Evil: Mortuary Staff is a Victim of the Sudden Death Caused by the Invisible Mycoburden oAf Human CadaversPSM Microbiology | │Volume 3│Issue 3│70-812018
هالة جميل عائد علي الجبوريعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةMicrobial Status of Sun-Dried Fish (Wazef) Sold in Different Yemeni MarketsPSM Biological Research | Volume 3│Issue 1│1-82018
هالة جميل عائد علي الجبوريعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةLactobacillus acidophilus Obtained from Local Yemeni Honey as a Biological Weapon against some Fumonisin-Producing Fusarium SpeciesJ. Modern Sci. Eng. Vol.2, No.1 (2018) 43-49 Journal of Modern Science & Engineering2018
ندى محمد حميد الهمدانيعلوم الحياةفسيولوجي حيوانThe Effect of Bromocriptine on the Liver of Immature Female RatsPSM Biological Research | 2020 │Volume 5│Issue 1│30-392020
ندى محمد حميد الهمدانيعلوم الحياةفسيولوجي حيوانEffect of Acute Dose of Aloe vacillans Leaves Gel Extract on The Liver and Kidney in Adult RatsAl-Razi Univ J Med Sci 2021; 5(1)2021
ندى محمد حميد الهمدانيعلوم الحياةفسيولوجي حيوانAmeliorated and antioxidant effects of Fucoidan against cyclosporine A-induced kidney injury in ratsThe Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology2019
ندى محمد حميد الهمدانيعلوم الحياةفسيولوجي حيوانThe Impact of Monolluma quadrangula Extracts on Oxidative Stress in Diabetic Male RatsPSM Microbiology | 2020 │Volume 5│Issue 3│57-712020
محفوظ سيف الحماديالكيمياءكيمياء تحليليةDetermination of heavy metalsin raw effluents of public hospitals in sana’a city yemenمجلة كلية العلوم العدد 232010
محفوظ سيف الحماديالكيمياءكيمياء تحليليةAssessing the impact of wastewater irrigation on cobalt cadmium and lead contents of grains of Sorghum bicolorArchives of Pharmaceutical Sciences Ain Shams University 2019; Vol. 3(1):90-982019
محفوظ سيف الحماديالكيمياءكيمياء تحليليةIn vitro Antimalarial activity of selected Yemeni plants used in traditional medicineInternational Journal of Medicinal Plants2014
محفوظ سيف الحماديالكيمياءكيمياء تحليليةPreconcentration of Trace Nickel lons from aqueous solutions by using a new and Low Cost chelating Polystyrene AdsorbentJournal Pre-proofs2020
محفوظ سيف الحماديالكيمياءكيمياء تحليليةDetection of heavy metals contamination in greasy grouper (Epinephelus tauvina) and striped mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) from Al-Hodeidah, Red Sea coast of YemenJournal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.12 (2): 902 – 906. 20142014
محفوظ سيف الحماديالكيمياءكيمياء تحليليةRetention Profile and Chromatographic Behavior of Bismuth (III) Ions Sorption from Iodide Medium on to Crystal Violet and Malachite Green Impregnation Polyurethane FoamWorld Journal of Pharmaceutical Research2020
محفوظ سيف الحماديالكيمياءكيمياء تحليليةOptimization and Efficiency Comparison of Dispersive and Cartridge Solid Phase Extraction Cleanup Techniques in the Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Some Vegetables Using Gas Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryBiological Research 2020 │Volume 5│Issue 12020
عبير عمر ابوبكر عبيدالكيمياءكيمياءSynthesis, Characterization and Study of DC Electrical Conductivity of Poly[MWCNT/Ester] CompositesThamar University Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences2016
عبير عمر ابوبكر عبيدالكيمياءكيمياءNew strategy for chemically attachment of Amide group on Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes surfaces: synthesis, characterization and study of DC electrical conductivityCurrent Chemistry Letters 7 (2018)2018
عبير عمر ابوبكر عبيدالكيمياءكيمياءAnticancer and DNA cleavage studies of some new Schiff base titanium (IV) complexesEuropean Journal of Chemistry 5 (3) (2014) 410‐4142014
عبير عمر ابوبكر عبيدالكيمياءكيمياءDNA CLEAVAGE STUDIES OF SOME COMPLEXES OF SCHIFF BASE PYRIMIDINE ONE DERIVATIVESInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research IJPSR (2021), Volume 12, Issue 22021
عبير عمر ابوبكر عبيدالكيمياءكيمياءPoly[MWCNT/Imidoselenium] nanocomposite: Preparation, Characterization and DC Electrical ConductivityInternational Journal of Applied Chemistry. ISSN 0973-1792 Volume 16, Number 2 (2020) pp. 99-1122020
عبير عمر ابوبكر عبيدالكيمياءكيمياءNew Strategy for Chemically Attachment of Imine Group on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Surfaces: Synthesis, Characterization and Study of DC Electrical ConductivityJournal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, 2017, 5, 11-212017
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ضياء عبد الحميد علي عبدهالكيمياءكيمياء عضويةFourier Transform Infrared Analysis to Evaluate Low-Density Polyethylene Biodegradation by Yemeni Bacteriafor publishing in your Korean Journal of Microbiology (KJM)2021
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ضياء عبد الحميد علي عبدهالكيمياءكيمياء عضويةSYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SOME NEW PYRIMIDINE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITYFaculty of Science Bulletin, 02 (2007)35-45 © 2007 Sana’a University2007
سعاد حميد علي الخياطعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةBioremoval of Iron from water sources by using one species of micro algae (Phormidium tenue)Al-Razi University Journal of Medical SciencesAl-Razi Univ J Med Sci 2019; 4 (2)
سعاد حميد علي الخياطعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةBioremoval of Iron from water sources by using one species of micro algae (Chlorella vulgaris)Al-Razi University Journal of Medical SciencesAl-Razi Univ J Med Sci 2019; 4 (2)
سعاد حميد علي الخياطعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةتقييم نوعية الحماة الناتجة من محطة صنعاء لمعالجة الصرف الصحي للاستخدام الزراعي مجلة الجمعية السعودية للعلوم الزراعيةالمجلد 16 العدد الأول يناير 2017
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صادق حمود صالح عزامالكيمياءكيمياءNuclear magnetic resonance, vibrational spectroscopic studies, physico-chemical properties and computational calculations on (nitrophenyl) octahydroquinolindiones by DFT methodSpectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy Sultan Qaboos University2015
عبدالرحمن عبدالله حسن حميدعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةAflatoxins and Ochratoxin A Content of Stored Yemeni Coffee Beans and Effect of Roasting on Mycotoxin ContaminationInternational Journal of Molecular Microbiology 2019 │Volume 2│Issue 1│11-212019
عبدالرحمن عبدالله حسن حميدعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةStudy of Effect Spices on Salmonella Contaminated food as Natural Antimicrobial Agents In Yemen’s FoodInternational Journal of Nutritional Science and Food Technology Volume 6 Issue 2, February 20202020
عبدالرحمن عبدالله حسن حميدعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةEffect of Turmeric (Curcuma) on Bacteria Isolated from Burn Wound Infection in Some Patients in Al-Jomhouri Hospital, Sana’a, YemenInternational Journal of Nanotechnology and Allied Sciences 2018 │Volume 2│Issue 2│32-382018
عبدالرحمن عبدالله حسن حميدعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةSerum HBe Ag and HBV DNA Markers among Different Stages of Chronic Hepatitis B Patients in Sana’a City, YemenVolume 5, Issue 3, March – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology2020
عبدالرحمن عبدالله حسن حميدعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةEFFECT OF MOST COMMON ANTIBIOTICS AGAINST BACTERIA ISOLATED FROM SURGICAL WOUNDS IN ADEN GOVERNORATE HOSPITALS, YEMENUniversal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Volume 5, Issue 1, 20202020
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قيس يوسف محمد عبداللهعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةDengue Fever Infection in Hodeidah, Yemen: Risk Factors and Socioeconomic IndicatorsJournal Home Page BRITISH BIOMEDICAL BULLETIN2015
قيس يوسف محمد عبداللهعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةNew Records of Streptomyces and Non Streptomyces Actinomycetes Isolated from Soils Surrounding Sana’a High MountainInternational Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biosciences Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2016, PP 19-312016
قيس يوسف محمد عبداللهعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةSeroprevalence of brucella infection among pregnant women in Sana’a city, YemenBiometrics & Biostatistics International Journal2018
قيس يوسف محمد عبداللهعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةFirst Evidence of West Nile Virus in Hodeidah, Yemen: Clinical and Epidemiological CharacteristicsInternational Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health2019
محمد فرحان مهيوب الهلاليعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةStudy the Effects of Chemical Pesticides on Soil Bacterial Community on Khat Agriculture in Dhala Governorate, YemenScientia ricercar Clinical biotechnology and microbiology volume 3 lssue 22019
محمد فرحان مهيوب الهلاليعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةThe Inhibitory Effect of Euphorbia Hirta Extracts against Some Wound Bacteria Isolated From Yemeni PatientsScientia ricercar Clinical biotechnology and microbiology volume 3 lssue 22019
محمد فرحان مهيوب الهلاليعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةDetection of Vibrioes in the Aquatic Environment and the Sewage System by Culture Method in Selected Areas in YemenAmerican Journal of Biomedical Science & Research2019
محمد فرحان مهيوب الهلاليعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةAntibacterial Activity of Enterococcus faecium and Propionibacterium sp. against Food-borne and Pathogenic BacteriaDecember 2019 | Volume 7 | Issue 12 | Page 10932019
محمد فرحان مهيوب الهلاليعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةEfficacy of Native Trichoderma spp. in Controlling Fusarium wilt of Tomato Plants in Green House, YemenScientia ricercar Clinical biotechnology and microbiology volume 4 lssue 12019
محمد فرحان مهيوب الهلاليعلوم الحياةعلوم الحياةAntagonistic Potential of Native Trichoderma species against Tomato Fungal Pathogens in YemenInternational Journal of Molecular Microbiology 2019 │Volume 2│Issue 1│1-102019
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نجادة احمد مصلح العدينيالكيمياءكيمياء تحليليةQualitative Analysis of Additives in Plastic Marine Debris and Its New ProductsArch Environ Contam Toxicol DOI 10.1007/s00244-015-0224-x2015
نجادة احمد مصلح العدينيالكيمياءكيمياء تحليليةPerfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) in Surface Water From the Langat River, Peninsular MalaysiaEnvironmental Forensics, 13:82–92, 2012 Copyright C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC2012
نجادة احمد مصلح العدينيالكيمياءكيمياء تحليليةEnrichment of hexabromocyclododecanes in coastal sediments near aquaculture areas and a wastewater treatment plant in a semi-enclosed bay in South KoreaScience of the Total Environment journal homepage:
نجادة احمد مصلح العدينيالكيمياءكيمياء تحليليةIsotopic dilution determination of emerging flame retardants in marine sediments by HPLC-APCI-MS/MSThis journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 20132013
نجادة احمد مصلح العدينيالكيمياءكيمياء تحليليةAnthropogenic waste indicators (AWIs), particularly PAHs and LABs, in Malaysian sediments: Application of aquatic environment for identifying anthropogenic pollutionMarine Pollution Bulletin journal homepage:
نجادة احمد مصلح العدينيالكيمياءكيمياء تحليليةSequestration and Redistribution of Emerging and Classical POPS by Polystyrene: An Aspect Overlooked?2016 American Chemical Society Downloaded by MURRAY STATE UNIV on December 15, 2016 | Publication Date (Web): December 7, 2016 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2016-1243.ch010 Loganathan et al.; Persistent Organic Chemicals in the Environment: Status and Trends in the Pacific Basin Countries I …2016