A training course entitled Making pickles using bacterial fermentation

A training course entitled Making pickles using bacterial fermentatioTuesday 12/24/2024, corresponding to 6/23/1446, in Laboratory 5 in the College of Science, a training course was held under the title “Pickle Making Using Bacterial Fermentation,” delivered by A.M.D. Mukhtar Al-Hakimi, biotechnology specialist.
Dr. explained. Al-Hakimi explained the role of bacteria in Biotechnology in the food industries to produce them in a safe natural way compared to those that are manufactured and have preservatives added to them.
The course also features information and technical points for controlling quality and taste, about time periods for reactions, controlling bacterial density levels, and prolonging the useful life of manufactured foods for longer periods.
The training course created among the attendees positive thinking for the future to start small projects for self-sufficiency, especially since our country is rich in growing many crops under different climatic conditions.
This training course comes within the framework of a series of advanced courses in the field of food industries, which will benefit the community in relying on itself in manufacturing many of its food needs and how to preserve them in safe forms to keep them for a longer period.
The unit seeks for its members and others from society, especially the poor classes, to learn high-level techniques with great returns and productivity to continue life and face circumstances and difficulties, and to prepare them to face any emergency situation.
The course was attended by a number of faculty members, teaching assistants, and students from various levels.