

Faculty of Science

Leadership in education, learning and scientific research in the fields of theoretical and applied physics and effective contribution to community service.

Providing study programs according to approved standards and preparing leading cadres in the field of physics capable of competing in the local and regional labor market.

1. Preparing distinguished scientific and research cadres capable of contributing to the service and development of society.
2. Developing academic programs in the department and creating specializations that meet the labor market.
3. Developing graduate studies programs and enhancing research cooperation with local, regional and international institutions.
4. Developing and developing the academic capabilities of the department’s cadres, supporting the holding of various scientific events and attracting distinguished cadres.
5. Strengthening community partnership by providing consultations and expertise to various community institutions.

Preparing qualified graduates in the field of physics through a high-quality educational environment.

1. Providing the student with basic knowledge in the field of physics.
2. Developing the student’s abilities to link physical concepts to mathematical theories for use in solving physical problems.
3. Providing the student with practical skills that enable him to deal with various laboratory equipment, analyze results, and reach sound conclusions.
4. Developing critical scientific thinking skills, working in a team spirit, and the ability for continuous self-learning and time management.
5. Developing the student’s scientific abilities in dealing with modern technologies.

The graduate must be:
• Familiar with the general and basic principles and concepts of physics.
• Has the ability to transfer and communicate knowledge effectively.
• He has the ability to implement and design various physical experiments.
• He has the ability to draft and prepare scientific and professional reports in his specialty.
• He has the ability to link theoretical and applied concepts.
• He has the ability to use software to serve his profession.

After successful completion of this program the graduate will be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
A1 demonstrates a deep understanding of physical principles, laws and theories.
A2 explains mathematical concepts used in physics.
A3 Describes various natural phenomena based on physical concepts.
Mental skills
B1 Applies qualitative and quantitative reasoning to solve physics problems and problems.
B2 Formulates and explains physics problems using appropriate mathematical equations.
Professional and practical skills
C1 carries out physical experiments, interprets the results, and reaches sound conclusions.
C2 skillfully handles various physical devices and equipment.
C3 software is used in various physical applications.
General skills
D1 Transmits scientific knowledge orally and using ICT.
D2 works in groups effectively and completes work on time.
D3 Demonstrates the ability to continually learn.