
Dean's message

Faculty of Science


Dr. Mohammed Qusailah

Faculty of Science is considered one of the pioneering and founding colleges of Sana’a University, as it was established in 1972 AD. In addition, it was the nucleus and foundation for the opening of other colleges such as the College of Medicine and Health Sciences, the College of Education, the College of Computers, and the most recent of which is the College of Petroleum and Natural Resources.

The College of Science is distinguished by the fact that it has an excellent infrastructure of auditoriums, educational halls, and laboratories, as well as a large elite of distinguished faculty members in various scientific specializations and at various academic degrees. The college is still the main source for most of the medical and scientific colleges at the university, as it covers basic science courses in addition to… It covers university requirements courses, as well as covering the need for teaching scientific courses at the level of universities and private institutes.

Currently, the college is witnessing great development at the level of academic programs under the auspices and support of the university presidency, as last year 2020, all academic courses, both theoretical and practical, were described for 189 specialized courses for seven academic programs, namely microbiology, botany, biology, chemistry, and physics. Pure mathematics and computer mathematics.

We are currently preparing and equipping three new programs, which are medical physics, industrial chemistry, and digital forensics. The college was also distinguished in that it was the pioneer in opening a postgraduate program, and the program is still open to qualify our bachelor’s graduates to study master’s and doctorate studies, and a large number of postgraduate students have graduated from it. Qualified people who have contributed significantly to providing universities, institutes, laboratories, schools, and governmental and private factories.

Finally, we extend our thanks and gratitude to the university presidency, represented by the university president, Professor Dr. Al-Qasim Muhammad Abbas, who supported the college technically, financially, and administratively, and borne the payment of wages for teaching hours to members of the educational and technical staff and the administrative staff, and supported the graduate studies program, especially in light of the aggression and unjust siege on Our people and our country for more than six years.

The university is also keen to raise the level of the college and university regionally and globally by applying international academic quality standards. The university has achieved great development in this field, as according to the global university classification index, Sana’a University ranked first among Yemeni public and private universities.

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