
Maryam Mahdi Hussein Ali Al-Mahras

Name: Maryam Mahdi Hussein Ali Al-Mahras
Nationality: Yemeni
Place of birth/secretariat
Date of birth: 1/1/1989 AD
Status: Married
Current position: Laboratory Technician – College of Science
English language
Bachelor of Botany – Department of Life Sciences – Sana’a University
Pre-Master’s in Botany – Department of Life Sciences – Sana’a University

– Writing short stories
– The drawing
– Good level of computer use
Conferences and workshops:
– Master’s Program Description Workshop – College of Science
– Red Crescent first aid courses
– Biosafety workshop – College of Medicine
– Courses in human development
– Courses in the English language

Research and scientific papers:
– Bachelor’s graduation research