Ola Abdo Muhammad Al-Asbahi.
Name: Ola Abdo Muhammad Al-Asbahi.
Nationality: Yemeni
Place of birth/secretariat
Date of birth: 5/9/1984 AD
Status: Single.
Diploma: Diploma in Accounting – National Institute of Administrative Sciences. (2006_2007) Nine years in the management of financial affairs, registration, disbursement, and covenant control, and is still working currently in the College of Science. I worked in the Library of the College of Science for a year. Five years of experience in the field of accounts in private schools and the field of teaching.
Education: Diploma: Diploma in Accounting – National Institute of Administrative Sciences. (2006_2007)
Experience: 1/ Nine years in managing financial affairs with registration, disbursement, and covenant control, and is still currently working at the College of Science.
2/ I worked in the College of Science library for a year
3/ Five years of experience in the field of accounts in private schools and the field of teaching