Public MSc Viva-Voce Examination of Ms. Safya Mustafa Alawi Bin Al-Sheikh Abu Bakr

The Public Viva-Voce Examination for the MSc Dissertation entitled, “Biological Activity of Two Kleinia Plant Species against Bacteria Associated with Diabetes Type 2 Patients in Yemen”, submitted by Ms. Safya Mustafa Alawi Bin Al-Sheikh Abu Bakr, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, was held on Thursday 05/05/1446 Hijri corresponding to 07/11/2024. The Viva-Voce Committee, which was formed based on a resolution issued by the Post-Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Council, consisted of the following:
# Committee Members Designation University Position
1 Prof. Mohammed Farhan Al-Helali Internal Examiner Sana’a University Chair
2 Assoc. Prof. Qais Yousif Mohammad Abdullah Main supervisor Sana’a University Member
3 Asst. Prof. Osam Mohammad Aqlan External Examiner Ibb University Member
The study aimed to
– Identify the chemical components of Kleinia odora and Kleinia semperviva.
– Isolate and identify bacteria associated with diabetes type 2 patients.
– Evaluate the antibacterial activity of Kleinia plant extracts against bacteria associated with diabetes type 2 patients.
– Evaluate the antioxidant activity of Kleinia odora and Kleinia semperviva extracts.
The study reached a number of results including:
1. Extracts from the Kleinia genus, especially Kleinia odora and Kleinia semperviva, show antibacterial activity against bacteria associated with diabetes type 2, in which the ethanolic extracts of both plants showed activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which is attributed to biological compounds such as phenols, tannins, and flavonoids.
2. The study demonstrated that the ethanolic extract from the stems of Kleinia odora had high antioxidant activity compared to the ethanolic extract of Kleinia semperviva, which is due to the higher concentration of antioxidant compounds in the stems that function by providing hydrogen.
3. This study is the first to investigate the biological activities of Kleinia semperviva, and the findings suggest the potential for further detailed research on this species.
The study came out with a number of recommendations, including
1- Future studies are recommended to understand the mechanism of action of the ethanolic extracts of Kleinia odora and Kleinia semperviva in controlling diabetes type 2 through herbal treatments
2- The need for in vivo studies to evaluate the antidiabetic activity and ensure that the extracts are safe to use.
3- Intensive research on the Kleinia genus to quantitatively identify its phenolic components. Academic members, researchers, students, interested parties and the researcher’s colleagues and family members attended the viva.
The dissertation was examined and recommended by the Viva-Voce Committee for acceptance and approval. Then, the Student was recommended to be awarded the degree of Master of Science majoring in Microbiology with an overall grade of Excellent.