Quality Unit
The Quality Unit at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM), Sana’a University, aims to promote a culture of quality and monitor and evaluate the performance of all aspects of the educational system, research activities, and community services offered by FVM. The unit embraces continuous improvement of institutional and academic performance to enhance efficiency, competitiveness, and alignment with scientific and technological advancements. Its efforts are directed towards serving the community’s needs in the field of veterinary medicine, preserving and developing animal wealth, achieving self-sufficiency, and attaining comprehensive quality and academic accreditation.
Strategic Objectives of the Quality Unit:
- Elevating FVM to the ranks of the leading esteemed veterinary medicine faculties at both the national and regional levels by achieving a high level of performance and maintaining continuous improvement of its outputs. The ultimate aim is to obtain accreditation for the educational programs offered, thereby establishing FVM as a distinguished institution in the fields of education, research, and community service.
- Striving to disseminate a quality culture and evaluate performance in all aspects of the educational system, research activities, and services provided by FVM in light of the standards of the Council for Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Higher Education (CAQA). It adopts the process of continuous improvement of institutional and academic performance to enhance the level of efficiency and competitiveness of its graduates and gain the trust and satisfaction of beneficiaries, with the aim of achieving comprehensive quality and reaching accreditation.
- Adopting mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating performance in all educational, research, and service activities of FVM in light of the CAQA standards in a way that achieves the FVM’s mission and aims, through the following:
- Establishing an internal monitoring and performance evaluation system and standards for all academic, research, service, and administrative activities within FVM, ensuring the achievement of the FVM’s aims and the enhancement of its outcomes.
- Disseminating and reinforcing a culture of quality and its concepts among teaching and administrative staff and students within FVM, thereby achieving excellence in performance and supporting task accomplishment.
Building and improving the institutional and human capacities of FVM, equipping it for excellence through specialized training programs aimed at enhancing individual efficiency
- Enhancing the quality and standards of the academic programs offered by FVM, thereby positively influencing the level of graduates and their competitive abilities.
- Strengthening the research activities system by adopting an integrated research plan that contributes to solving societal problems based on scientific bases and improving the university’s world ranking.
- Raising the level of community engagement of FVM to ensure the provision of distinguished services in terms of quality and type to gain the satisfaction and trust of beneficiaries.
- Ensuring meeting and compliance with the requirements and conditions of the CAQA to qualify FVM for accreditation.
Responsibilities and Terms of Reference of the Quality Unit
The Quality Unit is entrusted with a wide range of responsibilities and activities, including:
- Documenting the vision, mission, and strategic objectives of FVM, as well as establishing a mechanism for their periodic update.
- Promoting a culture of quality and its concepts among teaching members, students, administrative staff, and the surrounding community.
- Establishing an electronic database of information on the FVM’s human and material resources to utilize it in developing policies and improvement plans, as well as establishing a mechanism for regular updates.
- Assessing the needs of the various activities in FVM and working to develop and qualify human resources through training and requalification programs, as well as maximizing the utilization of available material resources.
- Adopting accredited academic standards for the FVM’s academic programs and implementing necessary measures to ensure their achievement.
- Documenting the program specifications and courses of FVM.
- Following up on the preparation and documentation of course and study program reports within FVM.
- Developing a system for monitoring and evaluation within FVM, including evaluating the academic performance of teaching staff, student performance, student activities, community engagement services and activities, and research and scientific activities.
- Establishing a system for receiving and following up on student complaints, as well as implementing procedures for handling them.
Training Workshop on Course Specification Templates for the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM)