Our Vision

  • The center aspires to develop human resources skilled in modern, non-traditional, and income-generating technologies during the current circumstances of war and aggression against Yemen.
  • The center believes that self-sufficiency comes from within, through training and qualification, rather than relying on external donors. While donors provide assistance, the center serves as an essential means for individuals to become self-reliant and secure their livelihoods.
  • The center emphasizes the importance of developing a conscious workforce that prioritizes the interests of their country.

Our Mission

Our mission is to guide community members interested in the agricultural sector toward reducing water consumption, increasing production, and fostering self-sufficiency.

Our Values

Our Objectives

  • The center’s national goal is to increase production under difficult conditions, especially in light of climate change in order to overcome these challenges and address food security, poverty, and hunger.
  • The center seeks to preserve water resources by promoting non-traditional agricultural methods like hydroponics and aquaponics.
  • The center aims to assist small and medium enterprises in the field of agriculture.

About Center

زراعة نباتات الزينة2

Protected Agricultural Environment Center (PAEC)


  • The Protected Agricultural Environment Center (PAEC) is a developmental and training Center focused on the field of protected environments.
  • The Center aims to develop and qualify anyone interested in protected environments by providing essential services to young graduates from agricultural colleges and other fields, both male and female, as well as to farmers and individuals interested in the field, including those without formal education.
  • The Center strives to safeguard the water resources in Sana’a basin and its surrounding areas by training individuals on using the allocated water efficiently and exclusively for production through modern scientific methods.
  • The Center recognizes the necessity of preparing human resources in modern, non-traditional, and quick-income technologies.
  • The Center believes that self-sufficiency arises from within and through training and qualification, rather than relying on external donors. While donors provide assistance, the Center serves as an essential means for individuals to become self-reliant in this field, allowing them to secure their livelihoods independently.
  • The Center provides training and qualifications for graduates, non-graduates, educated individuals, illiterate individuals, farmers, and anyone interested in this field, helping them to establish small projects that will benefit them.
  • The Center aims to impart knowledge and understanding, highlighting skills and expertise in protected environment science and its various fields. It focuses on protecting water consumption using methods primarily based on transpiration, rather than random irrigation practices that assume the availability of riverine resource.
  • Research conducted at the Center will be directly communicated to trainees, with a focus on practical results through hands-on training.
  • The Center seeks to improve products and enhance quality under controlled environmental conditions, aiming to increase production for local markets and to export products meeting global standards.
  • The Center’s goal is a national objective focused on increasing production under challenging conditions, particularly in light of climate change. The Center views overcoming these challenges as crucial to addressing issues related to food security, poverty, and hunger.
  • Sana’a University plays a significant role in its environment, serving as a fundamental nucleus for supporting and developing both urban and rural communities in various fields, particularly in controlled environments.
  • The Center aims to collaborate and cooperate with similar Centers and faculties, both domestically and internationally, to exchange diverse cultures and knowledge, thereby enhancing skills in related fields.

Units of the Center Name

Non-Traditional Agriculture Unit
Aquaculture Unit
Medicinal Plants Unit
Community Engagement Unit (Community Service Unit)

Latest News

Center Name

Center Name

Center Desc.

Latest Publications

Center Name

April 11, 2021

Research name1

April 11, 2021


April 11, 2021

Research name

April 11, 2021

news title 3

March 10, 2021

Published research

April 11, 2021

news title 2

April 11, 2021

Example 5

April 11, 2021

news title