
Director's Word

We have succeeded in producing this Manual in its present style following the graduation of seven batches from the time of issuing the first PSTC manual in 2007, as it constituted the starting point of offering studies for awarding a High Diploma in Demographic Studies.  It is highly important to highlight that the production of such manuals instituted an inevitable step for accelerating the development of the academia and for updating and developing offered courses and programs.  Not only that, this is further essential in order to be updated and well-informed of the new modern concepts of Academic Accreditation. Most include the followings:

  (1) Knowledge and understanding .    (2) Intellectual Skills.  (3) Professional and   Practical Skills      (4) General and Transformable Skills (5) Labor Market Needs.

A number of graduates from the Centre are about to finish their studies. Specialized in demographic studies, these graduates’ future mission and assignment are address population problems, representing some of the most vital concerns blocking all sorts of development of underdevelopment nations, in general, and our homeland in particular. Yemen has one of the highest population growth rate in the world, accounting for (3.02%), which goes beyond its potentials and scanty natural resources.

This Manual was the product of a series of meetings, serious discussions and consultations. The most recent scientific workshop was organized and facilitated by the Center at its premises within the period from 8-13 June 2013, attended by experts from a number of academic and research entities such as the National Planning Institute; the Demographic Center in Cairo, Egypt; the PSTC Scientific Council; and the Development of University Education and Quality Assurance Center of Sana’a University. Other attendees included demographics professors from Sana’a University and other Yemeni universities as well as representatives of the Ministry of Public Health and Population’s executive leadership in demographic work and of the General Secretariat of the National Population Council. Along with taking part in such functions, the United Nations Population Fund ( UNFPA) in Yemen offered unfailing and tremendous support. 

Following that and in order to be formally produced, the Manual got the approval of all competent academic councils and boards affiliated to Sana’a University; these included the Center’s Department of Research and Studies; its Scientific Council; the Council of Graduate Studies and Research of Sana’a University; and eventually the University’s Council.

Beyond the shadow of doubt, the updating of the High Diploma in Demographic Studies emphasizes the idea of offering any PSTC graduate the necessary and basic skills and knowledge to practically apply them at any work site. A PSTC graduate would be able to introduce sound, logical, and scientific ideas and visions intending in one way or another to address and reduce the population growth rate. Along with comprehending the causes and dimensions of Yemen’s demographic concerns, a graduate would be able to come up with the appropriate solutions based on the merits and circumstances of the demographic problem and its complications, since these do gravely influence the aspects of a decent living for individuals and communities as whole. The updating and bettering of the courses offered by the Center would fulfill those aspiring to pursue their postgraduate studies and be awarded, in accordance with Sana’a University’s requirements and conditions, MA and Ph.D.’s in areas related to population studies.

Executive Director of the Center

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Al-Haddad