To be a locally and regionally distinguished and pioneering institution in applying accreditation standards

The Faculty seeks to produce outstanding graduates capable of developing at a highly competitive level, meeting the labor market needs, providing community-based services within its values and customs by developing educational programs, and promoting scientific research and continuous education mechanisms.
About Faculty
Faculty of Dentistry

An Overview about the Faculty
The study of dentistry was introduced to Sana’a University in the academic year 1996-1997 by virtue of the University Council’s Resolution, regarding the establishment of the Faculty of Dentistry at Sana’a University as a sub-division of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, the Department of Dentistry. The purpose behind establishing the Faculty was to supply the labor market with dentists who are able to contribute positively to the process of modernization and development in the fields of health services at the local and regional levels.
The University, in coordination with WHO, developed all the respective studies and plans. Then, the WHO nominated Prof. Kamal Abbas from the University of Khartoum, Faculty of Dentistry, to assist our University specialists in laying the general foundations for the Faculty of Dentistry. He also assisted in the selection and admission of the first group of dentists who applied to join and work in the new faculty.
Dean's message
t is a privilege to welcome visitors to the Faculty of Dentistry, Sana’a University. The Faculty was founded in the year 1997, with a mission to achieve and maintain leadership and academic standards. It continued to provide the community with well-trained qualifications in the dental filed to serve the community with high standards of excellence and ethics. Today, the Faculty of Dentistry is home to students, researchers and academic leaders in the field of dentistry.
The postgraduate program has evolved since it started in the year 2012 and is the leader in postgraduate dental education hosting programs including maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, pedodontics, periodontics and esthetic and restorative dentistry.
The Faculty of Dentistry staff members are the leaders and pillars of dental education in Sana’a and Yemen. together they work as a team to keep the faculty to continue maintaining its position. The undergraduate program was recently updated and implemented an improved educational curriculum that ensure that its graduates are fit to serve the community and coup with the advances in the dental filed adopting the concept of evidence-based dental practice.
You are always welcome to visit our website, it will continue to enlighten its visitors to the programs and curriculums we teach.
Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry
Dr. Ramy Abdul Rahman Ishaq

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