
Scientific research

NOResearcher’s NameDepartmentSpecialtyResearch TitleJournal TitlePublication Date
7894رضوان عبدالله علي الاسلمي Conservative TreatmentConservative TreatmentAssociation of tooth loss and non-disease factors among Yemeni sampleThe University Researcher – Sciences and Humanities2013
7895رضوان عبدالله علي الاسلمي Conservative TreatmentConservative TreatmentBiaxial flexural strength of core and veneer-ceramics Sana’a University Journal of Medical Sciences v5 NO12013
7896رضوان عبدالله علي الاسلمي Conservative TreatmentConservative TreatmentThe esthetic proportions of the maxillary anterior teeth among Yemeni sample 2012
7958خالد عبدالسلام أبوبكر الحدادOrthodonticsPediatric DentistryTooth lost and gingival recession as a risk factor of khat chewing in Yemen Cairo Dental J.2008
7959خالد عبدالسلام أبوبكر الحدادOrthodonticsPediatric DentistryOral health status and treatment needs among school children in Sana’a City Yemen International J. of Dental Hygiene2009
7960خالد عبدالسلام أبوبكر الحدادOrthodonticsPediatric DentistryPrevalence of Gingival Recession among Khat Chewers Sana’a University Journal for Medical Sciences2008
8159علي قائد الشرعبي Oral and Periodontal DiseasesPeriodontal SurgeryHigh relative frequency of oral squamous cell carcinoma in Yemen Qat and tobacco chewing as its aetiological background International J. of Environmental Health Research2007
8160علي قائد الشرعبي Oral and Periodontal DiseasesPeriodontal Surgeryدراسة لفعالية مضادات الالتهابات غير الستيرؤئيدية في قتل الجراثيم Arab Dental Journal2008
8161علي قائد الشرعبي Oral and Periodontal DiseasesPeriodontal SurgeryHistopathological changes in oral mucosa due to takhzeen al-qat: a Study of 70 biopsies J. Oral Pathology Uni. Saudi2006
8162علي قائد الشرعبي Oral and Periodontal DiseasesPeriodontal SurgeryExpression of p53 Cyclin D1 and Ki-67 in pre-Malignant and Malignant Oral lesions Association with Clinicopathologica parametersAnticancer Research 25 2005
8163علي قائد الشرعبي Oral and Periodontal DiseasesPeriodontal Surgery2394 Prescription pattern of antimicrobial agents among Yemeni Dentists Yemen Dentists2007
8164علي قائد الشرعبي Oral and Periodontal DiseasesPeriodontal Surgeryدراسة أولية للتغيرات النسيجية – المرضية في المخاطية الفموية الناجمة عن عادة تخزين القات University of Damascus Journal of Health Sciences, Volume 20, Issue 12004
8165علي قائد الشرعبي Oral and Periodontal DiseasesPeriodontal SurgeryA Study of 342 oral keratotic white lesions induced by qat chewing among 2500 Yemeni J. oral pathol Med 2004
8172غمدان عبدالله احمد الحرازي OrthodonticsOrthodonticsThe indications and advantages of orthodontic treatment in partially edentulous adults prior to prosthetic treatment
8173غمدان عبدالله احمد الحرازي OrthodonticsOrthodonticsDental Implant in patients with type II Diabetes placement to 5 years A clinical study Al-Azhar J. of Dental Sci. Vol.9 No 32006
8174غمدان عبدالله احمد الحرازي OrthodonticsOrthodonticsEvaluation of Orthodontic Treatment Options for the Impacted Maxillary canineAl-Azhar J. of Dental Sci. Vol. 8 No 42005
8510القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryKnowledge and Opinions Regarding Oral Cancer among Yemeni Dental StudentsAsian Pac J. Cancer Prev. 16 (5)2015
8511القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryPrevalence of hepatitis B virus in a sample of dental clinic patients in Sana’a city- Yemen
8512القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryReview of bacterial and yeast oral infections
8513القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryEtiology and Risk Factors of stomatitis Among Yemen Denture Wearers Universal J. of Pharmaceutical Research Vol.3 Issue 1 2018
8514القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgerySero-Prevalence of hepatitis C Virus Among Dental Clinic Workers in Sana’a City-Yemen and the risk FactorsUniversal J. of Pharmaceutical Research Vol.2 Issue 5 2017
8515القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryHepatitis B Virus among Dental Clinic Workers and the Risk Factors Contributing for its Infection Online J. of Dentistry & Oral Health2018
8662منال محمد محمد الحجريOral and Periodontal DiseasesOral and Periodontal DiseasesAPOPTOSIS DUE TO KAHT CHEWING ANALYSED BY P53 EXPRESSION IN GINGIVAL TISSUEEGYPTIAN DENTAL JOURNAL Vol 592013
8663منال محمد محمد الحجريOral and Periodontal DiseasesOral and Periodontal DiseasesKi-67 EXPRESSION IN SMOKER AND NON-SMOKER KHAT CHEWERS: AN IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL STUDYEGYPTIAN DENTAL JOURNAL Vol 602014
8664منال محمد محمد الحجريOral and Periodontal DiseasesOral and Periodontal Diseases Tongue lesions and anomalies in a sample of Yemeni dental patients: A cross-sectional studyJ Oral Res2017
8665منال محمد محمد الحجريOral and Periodontal DiseasesOral and Periodontal DiseasesRisk factors for periodontal diseases among Yemeni type II diabetic patients. A case-control studyJ Oral Res2017
8782أحمد علي صالح عبيةOrthodontics and Pediatric DentistryPreventive DentistrySTUDY REGARDING THE INFLUENCE OF THE FAMILY ENVIRONMENT ON THE ORAL HYGIENE OF CHILDRENRomanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation Vol. 11, No. 1, January – March 20192019
8783أحمد علي صالح عبيةOrthodontics and Pediatric DentistryPreventive DentistryORAL CANDIDA ALBICANS COLONIZATION RATE IN FIXED ORTHODONTICS PATIENTSUniversal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Volume 5, Issue 2, 20202020
8784أحمد علي صالح عبيةOrthodontics and Pediatric DentistryPreventive Dentistry“STUDY REGARDING THE INFLUENCE OF LIFESTYLE ON THE ORAL HYGIENE OF DENTAL STUDENTS”Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation Vol. 11, No. 1, January – March 20192019
8785أحمد علي صالح عبيةOrthodontics and Pediatric DentistryPreventive DentistryDETERMINATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL CARIOUS RISK TO A GROUP OF YOUNG PEOPLERomanian Journal of Oral RehabilitationVol. 9, No. 1, January – March 20172017
8786أحمد علي صالح عبيةOrthodontics and Pediatric DentistryPreventive DentistryTHE CLINICAL METHODS TO MEASURE TOOTH WEARRomanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation Vol. 9, No. 2, April – June 20172017
8791القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryORAL C.ALBICANS COLONIZATION AND NON-CANDIDA ALBICANS CANDIDA COLONIZATION AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS, YEMENUniversal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Volume 2, Issue 5, 20172017
8792القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOccurrence of retromolar canal among a sample of Yemeni adults obtained from cone-beam computed tomographyInternational Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol. 8(2), pp. 35-41, June 20202020
8793القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryBacterial and Fungal Oral Infections Among Patients Attending Dental Clinics in Sana’a City-YemenOnline Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health2018
8794القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryHepatitis B Virus among Dental Clinic Workers and the Risk Factors Contributing for its InfectionOnline Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health2018
8795القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryPanorama-Radiographic Assessment of Impacted Teeth and Associated Pathosis Among Selected Males in Sana’a City, YemenJournal of Dental & Oral Health: Advanced2021
8796القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgerySERO-PREVALENCE OF HEPATITIS C VIRUS AMONG DENTAL CLINIC WORKERS IN SANA’A CITY- YEMEN AND THE RISK FACTORS CONTRIBUTING FOR ITS INFECTIONUniversal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Volume 2, Issue 5, 20172017
8797القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryKNOWLEDGE AND PERCEPTION OF MOLAR INCISOR HYPOMINERALIZATION AMONG DENTAL PRACTITIONERS IN SANA’A CITY- YEMENUniversal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Volume 5, Issue 5, 20202020
8798القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryRADIOGRAPHIC ASSESSMENT OF THE COURSE AND VISIBILITY OF THE MANDIBULAR CANAL BY PANORAMIC RADIOGRAPHYUniversal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Volume 5, Issue 5, 20202020
8799القاسم محمد علي عباسOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and Maxillofacial SurgeryCHARACTERIZATION AND ANTIBIOTIC SENSITIVITY OF BACTERIA IN OROFACIAL ABSCESSES OF ODONTOGENIC ORIGINUniversal Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Volume 5, Issue 6, 2020 November 20202020