dr:Mohammed Ahmed Hamood AL-Bukhaiti
- Personal Data
Date and Place of Birth: 1st September 1973, Dhamar, Yemen.
Nationality: Yemeni.
Marital Status: Married.
No. of Children: 4
Address: Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Sana’a, 12544, Yemen.
Education & Qualifications
- D. degree, Mechanical Engineering – Eng. of Machine Design and Production, May 2005
- Passed successfully the preparatory Ph.D. courses with general grade “Distinction” 50%
- Thesis topic: “Study of the Behavior and Mechanism of Slurry Erosion”
- Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt (May-2005).
- Sc. degree, Mechanical Engineering, July 2001
- Passed successfully the preparatory M.Sc. courses with general grade “Very Good” 81.20%
- Thesis topic: “Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Effect of Mechanical and Surface Parameters on Fretting Wear”
- Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
- Sc. degree, Production Engineering, July 1996
- graduation grade Very Good with honor degree
- CGPA: 82%
- Ranked first in undergraduate study
- Department of Production Engineering
- University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
- High School Certificate, Science section, Sep. 1991
- Final Result: 88% for which a governmental scholarship was awarded to study B.Sc. in Baghdad-Iraq.
- Jamal Abdulnaseer High School, Sana’a, Yemen
III. Academic Experience and Professional Positions
From | to | Position | Institute, City, Country | More details |
08.2013 | Till date | The Dean | Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen. | · Lecturer of several courses.
· Academic and administration works. · Research.
06.2018 | Till date | Dean of Library Affairs | Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen. | · Administration works |
03.2017 | Till date | Professor | Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen. | · Lecturer of several courses.
· Academic and administration works. · Research.
11.2014 | 12.2014 | Fellowship | Technische Universität Dresden, Germany | 64th UNEP/UNESCO/BMUB International Short Course on
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources.
08.2011 | 10.2011 | Fellowship – Research Stay | Materials Engineering Institute, Technical University-Dortmund, Germany. | · DAAD: Three months-scholarship.
· 100% research on Nanoscale Multilayer PVD Coatings.
06.2011 | 02.2017 | Associate Professor | Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen. | · Lecturer of several courses.
· Academic and administration works. · Research.
07.2010 | 08.2010 | Sabbatical leave | Mechanical Engineering Department, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt. | · Research.
00009.2009 | 12.2012 | Deputy of general director | Yemen Textile Corporation, Sana’a, Yemen. | · Deputy of General Director for Technical Affairs in Yemen Textile Corporation.
· Lecturer of several courses. · Research
07.2008 | 09.2008 | Fellowship – Research Stay | Institute of Mechanics, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany. | · Three months-scholarship from the DAAD.
· 100% Research.
06.2005 | 05.2011 | Assistant Professor | Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen. | · Lecturer of several courses.
· Academic and administration works. · Research.
08.2001 | 05.2005 | Doctoral student | Mechanical Engineering Department, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt. | Doctorate Scholarship from the Yemeni government.
09.1998 | 07.2001 | Master student | Mechanical Engineering Department, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt. | Master of Science Scholarship from the Yemeni government.
12.1996 | 08.1998 | Assistant lecturer | Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen. | · Teaching Assistant.
· Other academic works.
08.1996 | 11.1996 | Designer engineer | Ministry of Electricity and Energy, Sector of Rural Electricity and water. | · Designer engineer
· Work in the industry sector
10.1992 | 07.1996 | Student | University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq. | · Bachelor of science “Production Engineering”
· Scholarship from the Yemeni government. |
- Courses Taught
- ME 207 Machine Design I
- ME 302 Machine Design II
- ME 312 Machine Design III
- ME 113 Production Engineering II
- ME 403 Industrial Engineering
- ME 101 Materials Science
- PR 002 Engineering Mechanics Statics
- PR 009 Engineering Mechanics Dynamics
- PR 008 Engineering Drawing
- Mathematics I
- Mathematics II
- Research Interests
- Machine Elements Design, Finite Element Method, Manufacturing Process, Engineering Materials.
- Slurry Erosion, Solid Particle Erosion, PVD multilayer coatings, Fretting wear, Fretting Fatigue, Rolling Contact Fatigue Behavior and Failure Modes of Bearing Materials, Tribology of Materials.
- Some Attended Programs, Workshops, and Training
- Chairman, “Modernization of the Mechanical Engineering Program to meet Development and Market Needs”, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University”. Jan 20, 2019.
- Chairman, “Updating Courses Description of Academic Programs at the Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University”, Jul 27 – 29, 2019.
- Chairman, “Building and Developing Academic Programs and Curricula According to Modern International Approaches and Requirements of the International Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)”, Dr. Mohammed Al-Shargabi, ABET Ideal Scholar, Aug 7, 2019, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University.
- Chairman, “Updating of the Mechatronics Engineering Program and Courses Description”, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University”. March 18, 2019.
- Workshop for Preparing National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) for General Engineering Programs at The Council for Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Higher Education, Sana’a, Yemen, April 15-19, 2018.
- Workshop for Preparing National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) for Mechanical Engineering Programs at The Council for Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Higher Education, Sana’a, Yemen, in Cooperation with The Project to strengthen the Ministry of Higher Education Capabilities April 21-25, 2018.
- “Train of trainers for Mechatronics”. Organized by Unikle University, Malaysia (20 – 31 December 2012), Improvement Project (HEQIP) financed by World Bank Loan No. H558-RY
- Workshop on “Teaching Methodology: Alternative Teaching Methodology”, Organized by Delft University of Technology (Netherland) and Center of Graduate Studies, Taiz University (Yemen), (11 – 16 December 2010).
- Workshop on “Mechatronics and Its Application in the Industry”, organized by Yemeni National Commission for Education, Culture and Science; and by the ISESCO, Technical Institute, Dhaban, Sana’a, Yemen (3-7 December 2005).
- A training Course in “Electronic Microscopy”, organized by electronic microscopy unit, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt (4-6 April 2002).
- General Secretary of the workshop on “The Role of Mechanical Engineering in Industrial Development”, organized by Mech. Eng. Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen (24-25 April 2006).
- Many other workshops and professional training courses in various disciplines and engineering fields.
VII. Professional Activities
- Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Yemen, Aug. 2013 till date.
- Dean of Library Affairs at Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen, June 2018 till date.
- Member of the Board of Director of High Authority for Science, Technology and Innovation, Dec. 2020 till date.
- Member, Council of Sana’a University, Aug. 2013 till date.
- Member of the Board of Directors of General Telecommunications Institute, Sep. 2019 till date.
- Chairman, Preparation Committee for Biomedical Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, Sana’a, Yemen (to be launched in 2020/2021).
- Vice Chairman of the Board of Engineering Consultancy Center: from August 2013 till date.
- Chairman of the Judging Committee of the National Competition for Innovative Enterprises 2020, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Displayed on Yemen Satellite TV.
- Chairman of the Judging Committee of the National Competition for Innovative Enterprises 2019, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Displayed on Yemen Satellite TV.
- Chairman, Evaluation Committee of Master Programs, University of Science and Technology, Sana’a, Yemen, Oct. 2019.
- Chairman, Evaluation Committee of Mechatronics Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering, Dhamar University, Aug. 2019.
- Member, National Committee for Preparing National Academic Reference Standards (NARS) for General Engineering Programs, Council for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Yemen, April 2018.
- Member, National Committee for Preparing National Academic Reference Standards for Mechanical Engineering Programs, Council for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Yemen, April 2018.
- Chairman, Evaluation Committee of Mechatronics Engineering Program, Britch University, Sep. 2017.
- Member, Evaluating Committee of Higher Education Programs and Institutions, The Council for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Yemen, 2016 till date.
- Chairman, Evaluation Committee of Civil Engineering Program, Al-Saieda University at Dhamar, July 2016.
- Member, Curriculum Development of Mechatronics Engineering Program, Higher Education Quality Improvement Project supported and financed by World Bank, 2012 – 2014.
- Director of Promotional and Project Development of Engineering Consultancy Center, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University, 2008 – 2011.
- Member of Yemeni Society of Engineers.
- Member of National Renewable Energy Society.
- Member of Sana’a University Teaching Association.
- Have been reviewing scientific articles for the following International Scientific Journals:
- Journal of Surface and Coating Technology, Elsevier U.K.
- Journal of Thin Solid Films, Elsevier U.K.
- Journal of Tribology International, Elsevier publisher, U.K.
- Tribology Transactions Taylor & Francis Group publisher
- Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, Emerald PUBLISHING, SCHOLARONE, U.K
- Several national journals of Eng. Science and Technology at several Universities in Yemen.
VIII. Languages
- English: Fluent: speaking, reading, and writing.
- Arabic: Mother Tongue.
- References
- Prof. Dr. Mohammed A. Al-Khaled, Rector of Hajjah, Yemen, Tel: +967 773740081, e-mail: alkhaled.moh.20@gmail.com
- Prof. Dr. Karam M. Emara, Professor of Machine Design, Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt. Tel: +20 123848123, e-mail: emra@aun.ed.eg
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.Ing. Wolfgang Tillmann, Head of Institute of Materials Engineering, Technische Universitat Dortmund, Leonhard-Euler-Str.2, 44227 Dortmund, German, e.mail: wolfgang.tillmann@tu-dortmund.de
- Hamoud A. Al-Nahary, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Sana’a University. Tel: +967 772223240, e-mail: h_nahary@hotmail.com
- Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. hc.Ulrich Gabbert, Head of Institute of Mechanics, Otto von Guericke –
Magdeburg University, Building 10, Universitätsplatz 2, 39106, Magdeburg, German Tel:+493916758609, e.mail: ulrich.gabbert@ovgu.de
List of Publications
- Publications – Peer Reviewed Journals ( International and Regional Journals)
- Najib AL-Fadhali, Huda A. Majida, Rosli Omar, Jumadi Abdul Sukora,
Mohamad K. A. Rahim, Zuhairiah Zainal Abidin, Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti,
Abdul Malik Momin and Najmaddin Abo Mosali, (Jan 2021), “Review on frequency reconfigurable antenna using substrate-integrated waveguide for cognitive radio application”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Taylor & Francis Group publisher. DOI.org/10.1080/09205071.2020.1865207.
- A. Al-Bukhaiti, A. Abouel-Kasem, K.M. Emara, S. M. Ahmed, (Mar 2018), “Effect of slurry concentration on erosion wear behavior of AISI 5117 steel and high-chromium white cast iron”, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology_Emerald Publishing_DOI 10.1108/ILT-07-2016-0151.
- A. Al-Bukhaiti, A. Abouel-Kasem, K.M. Emara and S. M. Ahmed, (Mar 29, 2017), “A study on slurry erosion behavior of high chromium white cast iron”, ASME, J. Tribo., Vol. 139(4), p. 041102-7.
- A. Al-Bukhaiti, A. Abouel-Kasem, , K.M. Emara and S. M. Ahmed, (Jan 29, 2016), “Particle shape and size effects on slurry erosion of AISI 5117 steels”, ASME, J. Tribol., Vol. 138(2), p. 024503-8.
- A. AL-Bukhaitia, K.A. Al-hataba, W. Tillmannb, F. Hoffmannb, T. Sprute. (2014) “Tribological and Mechanical Properties of Ti/TiAlN/TiAlCN Nanoscale Multilayer PVD Coatings Deposited on AISI H11 Hot Work Tool Steel”. Applied Surface Science, Vol. 318, pp.180-190, Elsevier.
- A. Al-Hatab, M.A. Al-Bukhaiti, U. Krupp. (2014) “Cyclic oxidation kinetics and oxide scale morphologies developed on alloy 617“. Applied Surface Science, Vol. 318, pp.275-279, Elsevier.
- Al-Bukahiti, M.A, Ulrich Gabbert, K.M. Emara. (June 2011): “Theoretical modeling for fretting wear”. Emirates Journal of Engineering Research (EJER), Vol. 16, Issue 1, pp. 1-8.
- Al-Bukahiti, M.A, AL-Hatab. K.A., Ulrich Gabbert, (June 2011): “The influence of high contact stresses and lubricant type on the rolling contact fatigue life and failure mode of AISI 52100 steel balls”. Emirates Journal of Engineering Research (EJER), Vol. 16, Issue 1, pp. 9-22.
- A. Al-hatab, F.S. Alariqi, M.A. Al-Bukhaiti, U. Krupp, M. Kantehm. (2011): “Cyclic oxidation kinetics and oxide scale morphologies developed on the IN600 superalloy”. Oxidation of Metals, Vol. 76, No. 5-6, pp. 385-398, Springer.
- A. Al-hatab, M.A. Al-Bukhaiti, U. Krupp, M. Kantehm. (2011): “Cyclic oxidation behavior of IN 718 superalloy in air at high temperatures”. Oxidation of Metals, Vol. 75, No. 3-4, pp. 209-228, Springer.
- Abouel-Kasem, M.A. AL-Bukhaiti, K.M. Emara, S.M. Ahmed. (July 2009): “Fractal characterization of slurry eroded surfaces at different impact angles”. Journal of Tribology, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 131, Issue 3, pp. 031601-1 to 031601-9.
- A. AL-Bukhaiti, S.M. Ahmed, F.M.F. Badran, K.M. Emara. (2007): “Effect of impingement angle on slurry erosion behaviour and mechanisms of 1017 steel and high-Chromium white cast iron”. Wear, Vol. 262, pp. 1187-1198, Elsevier.
- Al-Bukhaiti, M.A, Ahmed, S.M., Farouk M.F. Badran, Emara, K. M. (July 2004): “The effect of particle characteristics in slurry erosion mechanisms of high-Chromium white cast iron”. Egyptian Society of Tribology (EGTRIB) Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 1-16.
- Al-Bukhaiti, M.A, Ahmed, S.M., Farouk M.F. Badran, Emara, K. M. (April 2004): “The influence of particle size and shape on slurry erosion mechanisms of 1017 steel”. Egyptian Society of Tribology (EGTRIB) Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-17.
- Al-Bukhaiti, M.A, Ahmed, S.M., Farouk M.F. Badran, Emara, K. M. (January 2004): “Particle characterization and the effect of particle characteristics on slurry erosion behaviour of 1017 steel”. Egyptian Society of Tribology (EGTRIB) Journal, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 15-31.
- Al-Bukhaiti, M.A, Ahmed, S.M., Farouk M.F. Badran, Emara, K. M. (January 2004): “The influence of impact velocity and particle concentration on slurry erosion behaviour of 1017 steel”. Egyptian Society of Tribology (EGTRIB) Journal, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 58-72.
- Al-Bukhaiti, M.A, Ahmed, S.M., Farouk M.F. Badran, Emara, K. M. (January 2004): “Assessment of slurry erosion characteristics using a paint erosion indication technique”. Journal of Engineering Science (JES), Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt. Vol. 32, No. 1, Part: A, pp. 275-287.
- Al-Bukhaiti, M.A, Ahmed, S.M., Farouk M.F. Badran, Emara, K. M. (October 2003): “Effect of impingement angle on erosion mechanisms of 1017 steel by slurry erosion”. Egyptian Society of Tribology (EGTRIB) Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.71-85.
- Publications – Proceedings of Conferences
- Al-Bukahiti, M.A, Wolfgang Tillmann, Kh.A. Al-hatab, Fabian Hoffmann “Tribological and Mechanical Properties of Ti/TiAlN/TiAlCN Nanoscale Multilayer PVD Coatings Deposited on AISI H11 Hot Work Tool Steel” 9th National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NanoTR-9), Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey, 24 – 28 June ,2013.
- A. Al-Hatab, Al-Bukahiti, M.A, U. Krupp, “Cyclic Oxidation Kinetics and Oxide Scale Morphologies Developed On IN 617 Alloy” 9th National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NanoTR-9), Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey, 24 – 28 June ,2013.
- Al-Bukhaiti, M.A, Ahmed, S.M., Farouk M.F. Badran, Emara, K. M. (December 2004): “Slurry erosion behaviour of high-chromium white cast irons”. The 8th Conf. on Production Engineering, Design and Control (PEDAC-8), Alexandria University, Egypt, December 27-29.
- Al-Bukhaiti, M.A, Ahmed, S.M., Farouk M.F. Badran, Emara, K. M. (January 2004): “Design of slurry erosion test rig”. The 8th Conference on Mechanical Design and Production (MDP-8), Cairo University, Egypt, January 4-6, pp. 161-171.
- Al-Bukahiti, M.A, Farouk M.F. Badran, Emara, K.M., Ahmed, S.M. (December 2002): “Slurry erosion parameters- A Review”. The 3rd Conference on Mechanical Engineering Advanced Technology for Industrial Production (MEATIP3), Assiut University, Egypt, December 24-26, PP.361-372.