Discussing and approving the strategic plan for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Sana’a University (2024-2028)

Today, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Sana’a University organized a scientific workshop to discuss, update and approve the Faculty’s strategic plan for the year (2024-2028).
At the opening, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the university, Dr. Khaled Al-Khamesy, confirmed that the faculty seeks, through its strategic plan, to achieve leadership in the field of medical and health education locally, regionally, and internationally, and to obtain international accreditation in the medical field .
He pointed out the Faculty’s keenness to prepare qualified graduates who have the knowledge and skills that keep pace with the needs of society and are committed to professional ethics that enable them to be able to work in various fields of primary health care and compete locally and internationally .
The Dean of the Faculty stated that updating and developing the strategic plan for the Faculty of Medicine (2024-2028)is one of the necessary requirements and standards required to obtain international accreditation indicating that the plan includes a vision, a mission, strategic objectives, allocation time for implementation plan, and proposed projects to ensure covering the weak points in the Faculty’s programs and turning them into strengths that enhance its position. Local, regional and international.
In turn, the Deputy Dean for Quality and Academic Accreditation Affairs, Dr. Mujahid Al-Shaabi, reviewed the steps and stages of the plan’s elements, and the strategic goals represented in “a graduate qualified cognitively, skillfully, and ethically in accordance with international standards, keeping pace with the needs of society, and providing a creative research environment that contributes to the advancement of scientific research.”
He touched on the stages of preparing the plan, the steps for updating and developing it, its strengths and weaknesses, clarifying potential opportunities and threats, discussing it, and enriching it with observations and suggestions submitted by Faculty of Medicine experts, department heads, administrators, and technicians, and coming up with a draft of an integrated strategic plan.
The workshop was attended by the director of the Development and Quality Assurance Center at Sana’a University, Dr. Hoda Al-Emad, the deputy deans of the Faculty, department heads, and the plan preparation team .