Conclusion of the “Effective Course Management” Workshop at the Faculty of Medicine, Sana’a University
- Posted by Ahmed Almatari
- Categories News, News, News & Events
- Date June 5, 2024

The “Effective Course Management” workshop, organized over two days at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Sana’a University, concluded in Sana’a today as part of its strategic plan to achieve leadership in the field of medical and health education.
The workshop aimed to qualify Academic Staff of basic medical sciences at the Faculty of Medicine on how to implement the effective course management program according to the requirements and standards of international academic accreditation that the faculty seeks to obtain, and to introduce them to the importance of obtaining national academic program accreditation.
The workshop concluded with a number of recommendations that emphasized the need to support quality management with all requirements for the purpose of following up on the implementation of the effective course management program, and following up on policies, procedures, guides and questionnaires for performance evaluation.
It called for the need to develop a comprehensive digital library to access modern scientific sources and references, and to provide specialized training programs and workshops to develop teaching and evaluation skills and to continuously update courses to ensure obtaining qualified outputs that have the knowledge and skills that keep pace with the needs of society and are committed to professional ethics and enable them to provide quality health services and compete locally and internationally.
In conclusion, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Khaled Alkhamesy, pointed out the need to support the process of developing and updating curricula, and starting clinical training at the Faculty’s Skills Simulation Center, in line with global standards and developments.
He stressed the keenness of the university leadership and the Center for Development and Quality Assurance to establish permanent committees to review and develop curricula and courses in accordance with the requirements of national academic accreditation and international accreditation standards, and to seek to include new topics and skills related to modern trends in the fields of medicine, as well as to enhance integration between theoretical courses and practical and applied training.
In the workshop, in which the Dean of the Center for Development and Quality Assurance at Sana’a University, Dr. Hoda Al-Imad, the Vice Deans of the Faculty, and professors of medicine and health sciences at the university participated, the national expert, Dr. Saleh Bahaj, presented three scientific papers. In the first, he reviewed the specifications table and the quality scale of the test paper to ensure coverage of all topics and educational outcomes.
The second dealt with the mechanism for implementing the new description, outcomes, and modern evaluation methods based on training methods, and the third addressed teaching some scientific activities through classrooms and virtual.
The scientific papers focused on the necessity of employing information technology in university teaching and training on the use of educational presentation media and analysis skills using the statistical packages program and the possibility of designing and producing electronic courses. At the conclusion, the former Vice Dean for Quality Affairs, Dr. Mujahid Al-Shaabi, was honored with a shield and a certificate of appreciation in recognition of his efforts in preparing the Faculty’s strategic plan and his contribution to the development and quality process in the Faculty during the previous period, as well as honoring the participants with certificates of participation.
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A scientific workshop at the Faculty of Medicine at Sana'a University entitled (Effective Management of the Curriculum)
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