List of Alumni Names
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Upon successful completion of an undergraduate medical education program, the graduates will be able to:
Demonstrate sound knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for patients’ care.
Provide health care services at different levels, applying patient safety and infection control measures during practice
Work independently and/or in a team and collaborate effectively with other health care professionals
Recognize economic, social, psychological, environmental, and cultural factors that interfere with health.
Behave ethically and professionally when dealing with patients, their families and other health care professionals
Communicate effectively with patients, their families and other health care professionals
Apply diagnostic, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills necessary for proper evaluation and management of common medical conditions and emergencies.
Recognize own professional limits and seek appropriate consultation from other health care professionals when indicated.
Establish the foundations of lifelong learning and research, with commitment to continuous self-improvement
Upon successful completion of an undergraduate medical education program, the graduates will be able to:
Recognize the normal human growth and development in all stages of human development.
Recognize any alteration or abnormality in the function and structure of the human body.
Conduct different investigations and interpret the results with the Integration of the history findings and physical examination.
Recognize the principles of epidemiology, prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases.
Efficiently use the principles of appropriate and cost-effective pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies.
Recognize the psychological, social, and cultural aspects of healthcare.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of legal, medical ethics and patient’s and human rights related to medical practices.
Apply the principles of history taking and physical examination with consideration to patients’ mental status, social and cultural background.
Demonstrate an understanding of medical or health research and basic statistics.
Describe drug actions: therapeutics and pharmacokinetics; side effects and interactions, including multiple treatments, long term conditions and non-prescribed medication; and effects on the population.
Upon successful completion of an undergraduate medical education program, the graduates will be able to:
Analyze data obtained from medical history, physical examination and Para clinical investigations to reach a final diagnosis and plan the management of patients.
Implement critical thinking and evidence-based medicine in problem solving in the diagnosis and patients’ management.
Design appropriate management plans for common medical conditions and emergencies.
Select appropriate investigations, analyze, and solve problems with minimal guidance.
Appraise and prioritize serious medical conditions and common emergencies.
Recognize professional limitations and seek advice when needed.
Upon successful completion of an undergraduate medical education program, the graduates will be able to:
.Perform and record thorough mental and physical examination according to different ages and sexes.
Identify the patient problems and formulate a list of differential provisional diagnoses.
Identify serious and urgent conditions and tailor management according to expected course.
Choose the appropriate investigations relevant to differential diagnoses taking in consideration the availability and cost-effectiveness.
Construct appropriate management plans and evaluate their effectiveness and outcomes.
Provide Health education, counseling and appropriate preventive services.
Prescribe and safely administer appropriate drugs taking in consideration side effects and interactions, including multiple treatments, long-term conditions.
Perform diagnostic and interventional procedures in a competent and safe way (Annex 1 & 2)
Record and keep concise and complete medical records according to legal and administrative framework.
Apply control measures to prevent the spread of infection.
Discuss safety aspects with the patients and their families before any procedure or intervention and take informed consent.
Involve the patients and their families in making management decisions.
Provide care for patients in end-of-life situations offering support to their families
Adopt professional behavior in all aspects of practice, showing honesty, commitment, integrity, and compassion and making the care of the patient the first concern.
Adhere to the professional standards and rules of the profession.
Demonstrate respect to different cultures, religions and values and manage all patients equally regardless of their backgrounds.
Respect confidentiality and privacy of the patients.
Respect seniority, consult and refer the patient at appropriate stages.
Apply research, and statistical methods for identification, analyzing & resolution of health problems for further planning.
General learning outcomes:
The aim of the program is to provide the graduate with educational experience necessary for further training and practice in Medicine. Upon successful completion of the program, the graduates should demonstrate comprehensive knowledge, clear understanding and outstanding skills of the core information associated with the profession as follows:
Acquire a core body of basic contemporary scientific knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential for the practice of medicine.
Focusing on various areas of primary health care ailments.
Applying patient safety and infection control measures during practice.
Function independently and/or effectively on multidisciplinary teams of health care professionals whose members create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
Awareness and participation in different social and community aspects of health care.
Acquire appropriate ethical professional skills necessary for dealing with patients, their families, and colleagues.
Communicate effectively with patients, their families and other health care professionals.
Evaluate and manage common diseases and emergencies properly by applying diagnostic, analytical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills.
Identify own professional limits and seek appropriate consultation from other health care professionals when indicated.
Engage in life-long learning and an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed.
Apply effectively proper research methodologies, plan and conduct high-quality and multidisciplinary scientific research related to medical practice
Use different information technology techniques in medical field.
Manage time effectively and resources and set priorities.